Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done

They are videos of him lying, provably lying
no they arent you fucking MORON
you are just another IDIOT that believe the lying fucking media

:lol: The "lying fucking media" includes Rush. Unless Rush is all of a sudden not part of the media? :lol:

I admit, they do have videos of him making false statements, smears, and making false claims. If any Liberal on this board did such a thing, you'd whin and yell hypocrite until the cows come home Dive.
no, they dont
they lie and CLAIM it was meant in a way it wasnt
they take them completely out of context, but YOU wont ever understand because you are as FUCKED up as they ware
In other words:

"I know what's best for you. You should only read, listen to and say what I want you to read listen to and say. that's how you be a bipartisan in my administration"

no, in other words Rush is an idiot who only spouts bile that is worthless and in the end damaging to this country. There are other conservative talk radio programs that are not as disgusting as Rush. Rush is in a league all his own.

so you think yer presidente should tell folks what to listen to??? doya?
Limbaugh is a comedian, why the fuck would anyone take a comedian seriously? I mean, wouldn't that sort of signify an epic fail on behalf of the comedan?

Okay, maybe Lenny Bruce should have been taken seriously sometimes, but I think he was a philosopher-comedian.

Limbaugh is just an ordinary comedian, he's there to make people laugh.


The fact that our supposedly intelligent fearless leader thinks that a radio buffoon like Limbaugh has the power to sway the entirety of the repudlican congressional contingent does not bode well for the country.

Epic fail, because Obama actually makes a good point.

'Stand with Rush,' Republican leader asks voters: The Swamp


Rep. Eric Cantor, a conservative Republican from Virginia, wants to know. He's circulating a petition asking voters to sign: "I stand with Rush Limbaugh against liberal attacks.''

Limbaugh is the one who spoke of phony soldiers on his radio show last week, as he spoke of people calling for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. Democrats are demanding an apology. A liberal committee, MoveOn.org., coined "General Betray Us'' in its ad last month about Gen. David Petraeus, commander of forces in Iraq. The Republicans demanded an apology.

So now Cantor,deputy minority whip in the House, is recruiting forces for the Republicans, asking them to "Stand with Rush:''

Thanks but no thanks...don't want your moonbat media matters bible quotes...as if.

Funny little lefties don't want folks brainwashed, unless they can do it apparently...

They are videos of him lying, provably lying
no they arent you fucking MORON
you are just another IDIOT that believe the lying fucking media

DC, do you have that in a quickword text file? to type the media lie hit F4
no, they dont
they lie and CLAIM it was meant in a way it wasnt
they take them completely out of context, but YOU wont ever understand because you are as FUCKED up as they ware

Oh really now, who is "they" and care to prove them wrong?

Some of Rush's moments, These I fuckin love :lol::

LIMBAUGH: "There's no such thing as an implied contract." (Radio show, quoted in FRQ, Spring/93)

REALITY: Every first-year law student knows there is.

LIMBAUGH: "It has not been proven that nicotine is addictive, the same with cigarettes causing emphysema [and other diseases]." (Radio show, 4/29/94)

REALITY: Nicotine's addictiveness has been reported in medical literature since the turn of the century. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop's 1988 report on nicotine addiction left no doubts on the subject; "Today the scientific base linking smoking to a number of chronic diseases is overwhelming, with a total of 50,000 studies from dozens of countries," states Encyclopedia Britannica's 1987 "Medical and Health Annual

LIMBAUGH: Praising Strom Thurmond for calling a gay soldier "not normal": "He's not encumbered by being politically correct.... If you want to know what America used to be--and a lot of people wish it still were--then you listen to Strom Thurmond." (TV show, 9/1/93)

REALITY: In the America that "used to be," Strom Thurmond was one of the country's strongest voices for racism, running for president in 1948 on the slogan, "Segregation Forever."

LIMBAUGH: "Now I got something for you that's true--1972, Tufts University, Boston. This is 24 years ago--or 22 years ago. Three year study of 5000 co-eds, and they used a benchmark of a bra size of 34C. They found that the--now wait. It's true. The larger the bra-size, the smaller the IQ." (TV show, 5/13/94)

REALITY: Dr. Burton Hallowell, president of Tufts in the '60s and '70s, had "absolutely no recollection" of such a study, according to Tufts' communications office. "I surely would have remembered that!" he exclaimed. Limbaugh's staff was unable to produce any such study. A search of the Nexis database--while revealing no evidence of a Tufts study--did produce a number of women theorizing that the presence of large breasts caused a lowering of IQ in some males.

And I got lots more then from just the 90's. ;)
Incredibly stupid for Obama to raise Rush to his level by speaking about him.

didn't Rush make a shitload pot of money when Harry Stupid Reid went after him? Like selling a letter on Ebay or sumpin??? :lol::lol::lol:
no, they dont
they lie and CLAIM it was meant in a way it wasnt
they take them completely out of context, but YOU wont ever understand because you are as FUCKED up as they ware

Oh really now, who is "they" and care to prove them wrong?

Some of Rush's moments, These I fuckin love :lol::

LIMBAUGH: "There's no such thing as an implied contract." (Radio show, quoted in FRQ, Spring/93)

REALITY: Every first-year law student knows there is.

LIMBAUGH: Praising Strom Thurmond for calling a gay soldier "not normal": "He's not encumbered by being politically correct.... If you want to know what America used to be--and a lot of people wish it still were--then you listen to Strom Thurmond." (TV show, 9/1/93)

REALITY: In the America that "used to be," Strom Thurmond was one of the country's strongest voices for racism, running for president in 1948 on the slogan, "Segregation Forever."

LIMBAUGH: "Now I got something for you that's true--1972, Tufts University, Boston. This is 24 years ago--or 22 years ago. Three year study of 5000 co-eds, and they used a benchmark of a bra size of 34C. They found that the--now wait. It's true. The larger the bra-size, the smaller the IQ." (TV show, 5/13/94)

REALITY: Dr. Burton Hallowell, president of Tufts in the '60s and '70s, had "absolutely no recollection" of such a study, according to Tufts' communications office. "I surely would have remembered that!" he exclaimed. Limbaugh's staff was unable to produce any such study. A search of the Nexis database--while revealing no evidence of a Tufts study--did produce a number of women theorizing that the presence of large breasts caused a lowering of IQ in some males.

And I got lots more then from just the 90's. ;)
fuck off asshole
you are as much a liar as mediamatter and the rest

btw asshole, Rush uses satire, you and the rest MISS that
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no, they dont
they lie and CLAIM it was meant in a way it wasnt
they take them completely out of context, but YOU wont ever understand because you are as FUCKED up as they ware

Oh really now, who is "they" and care to prove them wrong?

Some of Rush's moments, These I fuckin love :lol::

LIMBAUGH: "Now I got something for you that's true--1972, Tufts University, Boston. This is 24 years ago--or 22 years ago. Three year study of 5000 co-eds, and they used a benchmark of a bra size of 34C. They found that the--now wait. It's true. The larger the bra-size, the smaller the IQ." (TV show, 5/13/94)

REALITY: Dr. Burton Hallowell, president of Tufts in the '60s and '70s, had "absolutely no recollection" of such a study, according to Tufts' communications office. "I surely would have remembered that!" he exclaimed. Limbaugh's staff was unable to produce any such study. A search of the Nexis database--while revealing no evidence of a Tufts study--did produce a number of women theorizing that the presence of large breasts caused a lowering of IQ in some males.

And I got lots more then from just the 90's. ;)
fuck off asshole
you are as much a liar as mediamatter and the rest

btw asshole, Rush uses satire, you and the rest MISS that

I'm a liar? How about refuting what I actually said?

It's hilarious how you move to baseless character attacks when you cannot refute my true points.

And Rush uses satire huh? I didn't know supporting racists and saying smoking doesn't kill you was satire. Did I miss the memo on this?
I wonder now if obamalamadingdong signed that letter of censorship??
Please continue to attack Rush -----it's so damn fun to watch y'all go ballistic over a talk show entertainer. :lol:
Please continue to attack Rush -----it's so damn fun to watch y'all go ballistic over a talk show entertainer. :lol:

Better minds see same opportunity:


JANUARY 23, 2009
HEY, MAYBE HE CAN GET AN AIR AMERICA GIG IF THIS PRESIDENT THING DOESN’T WORK OUT: Obama Zings Rush Limbaugh. It’s good news for Limbaugh, anyway. If he can get Obama to do this a few more times, he’s set for the four years . . . .

UPDATE: A reader emails: “Glenn, if Rush can bait Obama into mentioning him a few more times, the revival of the Fairness Doctrine will be impossible, as it will seem petty and reminiscent of Nixon’s enemies list.” We may already be there.

Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 11:00 pm
I'm a liar? How about refuting what I actually said?

It's hilarious how you move to baseless character attacks when you cannot refute my true points.

And Rush uses satire huh? I didn't know supporting racists and saying smoking doesn't kill you was satire. Did I miss the memo on this?

no, fucking moron, you take those you got from mediamatters or some other lying site and then think you have something
you dont even know the CONTEXT of what was being said
you are a fucking idiot
Some more wonderful Rush quotes:

LIMBAUGH: "There are more American Indians alive today than there were when Columbus arrived or at any other time in history. Does this sound like a record of genocide?" (Told You So, p. 68)

REALITY: According to Carl Shaw of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, estimates of the pre-Columbus population of what later became the United States range from 5 million to 15 million. Native populations in the late 19th century fell to 250,000, due in part to genocidal policies. Today the U.S.'s Native American population is about 2 million.

LIMBAUGH: "Women were doing quite well in this country before feminism came along." (Radio show, quoted in FRQ, Summer/93)

REALITY: Before feminism, women couldn't even vote.

LIMBAUGH: "You know the Clintons send Chelsea to the Sidwell Friends private school.... A recent eighth grade class assignment required students to write a paper on 'Why I Feel Guilty Being White". '... My source for this story is CBS News. I am not making it up." (Radio show, quoted in the Chicago Sun-Times, 1/16/94.)

REALITY: When Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times called CBS, the network denied running such a story. Ellis Turner, the director of external affairs for Sidwell Friends, told Roeper: "There is no legitimacy to the story that has been circulating.... We're anxious to let people know that this story is not true." The essay topic would be particularly difficult for the 28 percent of the school's student body that is not white.

LIMBAUGH: "You better pay attention to the 1993 budget deal because there is an increase in beer and alcohol taxes." (Radio show, 7/9/93)

REALITY: There were no increases in beer and alcohol taxes in the 1993 budget.

LIMBAUGH: "And it was only 4,000 votes that--had they gone another way in Chicago--Richard Nixon would have been elected in 1960." (TV show, 4/28/94)

REALITY: Kennedy won the 1960 election with 303 electoral votes to 219 for Nixon. Without Illinois' 27 electoral votes, Kennedy would still have won, 276-246.

LIMBAUGH: In an attack on Spike Lee, director of Malcolm X, for being fast and loose with the facts, Limbaugh introduced a video clip of Malcolm X's "daughter named Betty Shabazz." (TV show, 11/17/92)

REALITY: Betty Shabazz is Malcolm X's widow.

LIMBAUGH: On Iran-Contra special prosecutor Lawrence Walsh: "This Walsh story basically is, we just spent seven years and $40 million looking for any criminal activity on the part of anybody in the Reagan administration, and guess what? We couldn't find any. These guys didn't do anything, but we wish they had so that we could nail them. So instead,we're just going to say, 'Gosh, these are rotten guys.' They have absolutely no evidence. There is not one indictment. There is not one charge." (TV show, 1/19/94)

REALITY: Walsh won indictments against 14 people in connection with the Iran-Contra scandal including leading Reagan administration officials like former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and former national security advisers Robert McFarlane and John Poindexter. Of the 14, 11 were convicted or pleaded guilty. (Two convictions were later overturned on technicalities--including that of occasional Limbaugh substitute Oliver North.)

Rush Limbaugh: Lying since the start :eusa_whistle:

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