Obama/Reagan On Jobs, Growth & Investing

Reagan sold out main street America to corporate interest and closed US military bases...I have yet to see Obama do that..
It is difficult to compare presidents, but this is a slam dunk. Obama's failures across the board contrast with Reagan's successes so starkly that it can be more than self-flagellation for the former's supporters.

That ship has sailed.
It is difficult to compare presidents, but this is a slam dunk. Obama's failures across the board contrast with Reagan's successes so starkly that it can be more than self-flagellation for the former's supporters.

That ship has sailed.

The blind worship of St Reagan who could do no wrong continues unabated.

The fact that he grew the government payroll and added trillions to the national debt never seem to bother the Reagan worshipers. They ignore that he cut & ran from the Middle East after 241 marines were murdered in cold blood by terrorists never bothers them. Reagan even negotiated with terrorists but much worse than that he funded the start up of Al Queda. He supported the Apartheid regime, he had one of the most corrupt administrations on record, he raised taxes, voodoo Reagonomics and "trickle down" harmed hardworking Americans, he let family farms collapse, he signed the S&L disaster into law and ignored the AIDS epidemic.

But none of that matters to those who believe that St Reagan walked on water.
It is difficult to compare presidents, but this is a slam dunk. Obama's failures across the board contrast with Reagan's successes so starkly that it can be more than self-flagellation for the former's supporters.

That ship has sailed.

The blind worship of St Reagan who could do no wrong continues unabated.

The fact that he grew the government payroll and added trillions to the national debt never seem to bother the Reagan worshipers. They ignore that he cut & ran from the Middle East after 241 marines were murdered in cold blood by terrorists never bothers them. Reagan even negotiated with terrorists but much worse than that he funded the start up of Al Queda. He supported the Apartheid regime, he had one of the most corrupt administrations on record, he raised taxes, voodoo Reagonomics and "trickle down" harmed hardworking Americans, he let family farms collapse, he signed the S&L disaster into law and ignored the AIDS epidemic.

But none of that matters to those who believe that St Reagan walked on water.

Stop trying to justify failure with feeble hackneyed whining. Obama's failure is not Reagan's fault. Hell, It's not even Bush's.
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
The chart tells the tale. The Far Right just can't handle the truth from a Conservative source.

Reagan was solely responsible for ending the Soviet Union. Obama donates to Syrian rebels and Hamas. He pulls troops out of Iraq and is solely responsible for the barbarity occurring in Iraq and Syria. Christians are being slaughtered and he plays golf. Reagan's foreign policy far surpassed Obama's. Reagan toppled an entire country without firing a shot, Obama can't even topple a radical Islamist terror cell consisting of roughly 100,000 fighters. So spam your charts and take your victory lap, Reagan was far better than Obama will ever be. He had the courage Obama lacks.

Reagan was not the sole reason for the fall of the USSR which did not occur until 1991...

Even then?

The Soviet Union broke up on America's dime.

It cost billions to prop up their economy.

And now? They are trying to reconstitute.

Some investment, eh?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
That's just awful.

So. What's doing better? The pencils or the apples you are selling?
It is difficult to compare presidents, but this is a slam dunk. Obama's failures across the board contrast with Reagan's successes so starkly that it can be more than self-flagellation for the former's supporters.

That ship has sailed.

The blind worship of St Reagan who could do no wrong continues unabated.

The fact that he grew the government payroll and added trillions to the national debt never seem to bother the Reagan worshipers. They ignore that he cut & ran from the Middle East after 241 marines were murdered in cold blood by terrorists never bothers them. Reagan even negotiated with terrorists but much worse than that he funded the start up of Al Queda. He supported the Apartheid regime, he had one of the most corrupt administrations on record, he raised taxes, voodoo Reagonomics and "trickle down" harmed hardworking Americans, he let family farms collapse, he signed the S&L disaster into law and ignored the AIDS epidemic.

But none of that matters to those who believe that St Reagan walked on water.

Stop trying to justify failure with feeble hackneyed whining. Obama's failure is not Reagan's fault. Hell, It's not even Bush's.

Drowning in denial about St Reagan doesn't alter the facts that he wasn't the "success" that you delude yourself about.
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever
Drinking again? Which poll shows Obama with a 70% disapproval rating?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
That's just awful.

So. What's doing better? The pencils or the apples you are selling?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
I sure would like to see you post a link to the BLS showing that almost half the jobs created under Obama are part time.....
oh good grief, that Obama, he is so much better than anyone else that's why he has a 70% disapproval rating from the people in the country

Obama might DREAM of being like Reagan. but there is no way in hell... Reagan won with 49 of the 50 states something the dear one Obama dream of doing. and Reagan was very popular and admired .Obama people don't care for thugs.

whoever wrote that article in forbes must be high on acid or something. You can't build up Obama into someone he is not. He'll never be like Reagan. ever
Drinking again? Which poll shows Obama with a 70% disapproval rating?

She's thinking of the Tea Party Congress.

Which by the way has something like 13% approval rating, compared to Obama who is at around 43%.

Not good, but he's beating George W. Bush at the same time and considering the 24 hour FOX/Infowars/Daily Caller/Washington Times/Briebart propaganda assault and the mainstream media coddling of conservative memes (Chuck Todd just famously said Obama's disapproval is "not far" from congress).

It's not that bad either.
Drowning in denial about St Reagan doesn't alter the facts that he wasn't the "success" that you delude yourself about.
Your bitterness is noted and if I were whinging liberal I suppose I would be too. Regardless,it cannot and will not change history, nor will it rehabilitate Obama.

Our next President will be a Democrat.

And there are more registered Democrats in America than Republicans.

Republicans only stranglehold on the government is through Gerrymandering. And Democrats are slowly winning local races too.
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Indeed, America is in a downward spiral and Obama's name will be ever tied to the crumbling of a giant.

And yet, the reality is that Obama has done more for the country than Reagan ever did. More jobs, economic growth, more on social issues and on and on.

Just goes to show you, if you say it often enough, people will believe its fact.

you're in that rabid 30% that's for sure. because 70% doesn't seem to agree with you worship of him..

and the last thing on the Majority of the people's minds is "social issues"
Millions are out looking work, and millions more are hoping to keep their jobs. now another wave on top of the 6MILLION people that have already lost their insurance policies, millions more are going to lose theirs because of Obama, (if you like you can keep plan) firkken LIAR.....AND taxes his raised them on anything that walk's and those that don't...and lets not even get into the 1000'S of new regulations they've strangled businesses with.
People are worried about the sky high grocery prices that have skyrocket under Obama just like their electric bills he promised they would go up so guess what goes with it? everything

Please he's done nothing but brought misery and stirred up chaos every damn week it's something else to us and the middle east omg that's head shaking what he done over there
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Indeed, America is in a downward spiral and Obama's name will be ever tied to the crumbling of a giant.

And yet, the reality is that Obama has done more for the country than Reagan ever did. More jobs, economic growth, more on social issues and on and on.

Just goes to show you, if you say it often enough, people will believe its fact.

you're in that rabid 30% that's for sure. because 70% doesn't seem to agree with you worship of him..

and the last thing on the Majority of the people's minds is "social issues"
Millions are out looking work, and millions more are hoping to keep their jobs. now another wave on top of the 6MILLION people that have already lost their insurance policies, millions more are going to lose theirs because of Obama, (if you like you can keep plan) firkken LIAR.....AND taxes his raised them on anything that walk's and those that don't...and lets not even get into the 1000'S of new regulations they've strangled businesses with.
People are worried about the sky high grocery prices that have skyrocket under Obama just like their electric bills he promised they would go up so guess what goes with it? everything

Please he's done nothing but brought misery and stirred up chaos every damn week it's something else to us and the middle east omg that's head shaking what he done over there

None..of..this, is even remotely true.

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