Obama/Reagan On Jobs, Growth & Investing

If Obama were as good as Reagan, he would have won 56 states in his 2012 reeelction
Wow, the brain dead lefties here claim Reagan was a terrible aweful president and then compare Obama to him. They are truly idiots.

oh man isn't that the truth
liberalism is proven it's a mental disorder
Spits the idiot who claimed Obama has a 70% disapproval rating yet can't produce even a single poll with that number. :dunno:

Your ODS is showing.

By the way, the average among some of the latest polls has his disapproval rating at 53.2%, with the highest being 56%. High? Yes. But nowhere near 70%.

If you want to see what a 70% disapproval rating actually looks like, go back and look at some of Bush's JARs. His disapproval peaked at a record high of 77%
Over half the people disapprove of Obama's performance despite the media still fawining on him. Success!
Wow, the brain dead lefties here claim Reagan was a terrible aweful president and then compare Obama to him. They are truly idiots.

Reagan is the conservative gold standard.

There really isn't much of a comparison. Even as far as conservative Presidents go. Reagan was high on rhetoric and low on performance.
Of course Reagan is their gold standard -- he's the only Republican president to leave office with the unemployment rate lower than when he started. In stark contrast, no Democrat left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started.
Only two Democrats have left office in the last 46 years, and Carter was about even. He did much worse on the misery index, reaching a record 19.72% after which Reagan left office with 9.72%:

Misery index economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BLS statistics go back much further than just 46 years. And in all those years, the unemployment rate was never higher following a Democrats' presidency. On the flip side, Reagan remains the only Republican who accomplished that. Your attempt to cherry pick years and diverting to measurements other than the unemployment rate is noted. Worthless, but noted.
From 1981 to 1986 the job participation rate grew from 63.6% to 65%
From 2009 To 2014 the job participation rate shrank from 65.7% to 63%

Deitrick – “President Reagan has long been considered the best modern economic President. So we compared his performance dealing with the oil-induced recession of the 1980s with that of President Obama and his performance during this ‘Great Recession.’
So they are comparing recessions. I think I’ll pass. But I will say that Reagan approved austerity from the Federal Reserve during his recession while recovering from Carter’s mess. Whereas the Fed has been printing trillions of dollars during Obama’s six “Summers of Recovery.”

Bill McBride who writes the Calculated Risk blog put this out this morning:

all of this off :
Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Only two Democrats have left office in the last 46 years, and Carter was about even. He did much worse on the misery index, reaching a record 19.72% after which Reagan left office with 9.72%:

Misery index economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BLS statistics go back much further than just 46 years. And in all those years, the unemployment rate was never higher following a Democrats' presidency. On the flip side, Reagan remains the only Republican who accomplished that. Your attempt to cherry pick years and diverting to measurements other than the unemployment rate is noted. Worthless, but noted.
You're a bit of a bottom feeder in accusing others of cherry picking while you obviously cherry picked yourself.

Cherry pick the misery index while you're at it.
Stat that peak was caused by Carter, just as unemployment peaked in Obama's first year in office in 2009. Quite stupid to blame a sitting president for the failures of the previous administration. Yes, I said that out loud.
ran across this on another site:

They haven't skewed Labor Force participation yet. It puts the lie to the spin.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over


Many of Reagan's jobs were solid, middle-class jobs representative of a true economic expansion. Most of O's jobs are low paying, under full time jobs for the working poor -a servitude class. The jobs indicate economic repression and decline.

Obama Outperforms Reagan on Jobs Growth and Investing
Indeed, America is in a downward spiral and Obama's name will be ever tied to the crumbling of a giant.

And yet, the reality is that Obama has done more for the country than Reagan ever did. More jobs, economic growth, more on social issues and on and on.

Just goes to show you, if you say it often enough, people will believe its fact.

Well, if you call spending 5 trillion bucks in 6 years doing more for our country.
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
That's just awful.

So. What's doing better? The pencils or the apples you are selling?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
I sure would like to see you post a link to the BLS showing that almost half the jobs created under Obama are part time.....

yes, that could be interesting...

You're welcome...

Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July

WASHINGTON — The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse.

A disproportionate number of the added jobs were part-time or low-paying – or both.

Part-time work accounted for more than 65 percent of the positions employers added in July. Low-paying retailers, restaurants and bars supplied more than half July's job gain.

Part-time work has made up 77 percent of the job growth so far this year. The government defines part-time work as being less than 35 hours a week.

Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July

I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
That's just awful.

So. What's doing better? The pencils or the apples you are selling?
The Pencils...

Just think what 'll happen to our economy if Obama gets his carbon tax, or restricts energy exploration by restricting fracking which is a main reason our economy isn't in worse shape.
Sadly for Obama ass sniffers , Obama will never be the "liberal Reagan". He is this generations " jimmy Carter. A weak, feckless, failure

No amount of statistical massaging will remove the stink off his legacy. He's a giant pile of crap and only delusional shitnozzles believe otherwise........

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only two Democrats have left office in the last 46 years, and Carter was about even. He did much worse on the misery index, reaching a record 19.72% after which Reagan left office with 9.72%:

Misery index economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BLS statistics go back much further than just 46 years. And in all those years, the unemployment rate was never higher following a Democrats' presidency. On the flip side, Reagan remains the only Republican who accomplished that. Your attempt to cherry pick years and diverting to measurements other than the unemployment rate is noted. Worthless, but noted.
You're a bit of a bottom feeder in accusing others of cherry picking while you obviously cherry picked yourself.

Cherry pick the misery index while you're at it.
I'm not cherry picking, meathead. I'm including every president going back as far as BLS data goes.
If Obama were as good as Reagan, he would have won 56 states in his 2012 reeelction
When are rightards going to learn? Obama never said there are 57 states. :eusa_naughty:
A liar to boot:

I knew there would be an idiot to take that bait. :mm:

Obama said there were 60 states. He never said there were 57 states. Did you even bother to listen to the video you posted? Or did you just not understand what he said?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
That's just awful.

So. What's doing better? The pencils or the apples you are selling?
I gotta go to work Unlike some of you people, but any idiot who thinks this economy is doijng well is seriously delusional. incomes are not rising, almost half the jobs created are part time jobs and Obamacare isn't even fully implemented yet, which will make things worst. The black unemployment rate is almost 12%. There is no comparison to the boom of the Reagan economy none..... The very "rich" are doing quite well under Obama. they like the artificially propped up stock market, they make lots of money
I sure would like to see you post a link to the BLS showing that almost half the jobs created under Obama are part time.....

yes, that could be interesting...

You're welcome...

Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July

WASHINGTON — The 162,000 jobs the economy added in July were a disappointment. The quality of the jobs was even worse.

A disproportionate number of the added jobs were part-time or low-paying – or both.

Part-time work accounted for more than 65 percent of the positions employers added in July. Low-paying retailers, restaurants and bars supplied more than half July's job gain.

Part-time work has made up 77 percent of the job growth so far this year. The government defines part-time work as being less than 35 hours a week.

Part-Time Work Made Up More Than 65 Percent Of New Jobs Created In July

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That was just one month. You're seriously trying to gauge part time employment under Obama based on one month?? Talk about rightarded. :eusa_doh:

The vast majority of jobs created during Obama's presidency have been full time jobs. Your earlier post that almost half were part time jobs was stupid enough, but this post of yours is sheer insanity.

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