Obama/Reagan On Jobs, Growth & Investing

Some of you may have not picked up on this yet, but it isn't about the quantity of jobs, it's a combination of quantity and quality. Simple. What good are part time jobs when the "part time" runs out? Saying Obama created jobs is only half correct, he created part time jobs. They are no good for people who need to support a family. So how did he do better than Reagan?
It's quite refreshing to see righties finally showing empathy for part time workers since you didn't give a shit about them while Bush was president. Under Obama, there have been 1.366 million part time jobs added; or 20,388 per month on average. But under Bush, there were 2.954 million part time jobs added; or 30,771 per month on average. Despite both presidents added just over 4 million jobs in total.

1/2001: 23,423,000
1/2009: 26,377,000
8/2014: 27,743,000

Employed, Usually Work Part Time

Even though the issue of part time employment increased far more under Bush, righties never once complained about it. Yet it's all y'all can talk about now.

Even still, there are people who want permanent jobs, not part time jobs? In 2013 alone, 1 permanent job was created for every 4 part time jobs. Obamacare was solely to blame, as in 2012 there were 6 permanent jobs to 1 part time job. That is a colossal flip. Moreover, that's 27 million people working subpar jobs this year instead of having a full time job available to them why? Obamacare. And you wonder why so many people struggle to get by? What has Obama done to drop that number? The fact is, it still increased under his presidency, by 1,366,000 as you pointed out. So in all, Obama is just as responsible for this as Bush was. You can't just absolve Obama of any responsibility for this. You missed the bigger picture by a mile. Missing the forest for the trees. There needs to be more permanent jobs created than part time regardless of who is president or what party is presiding. No wonder we can't get more people to work, we have politicians who don't give a crap either way. It's Democrats as much as Republicans.
No, actually what I wonder is where you get this nonsense from? Where did you hear that there were 4 part time jobs for every permanent job in 2013?

You can't lie, the numbers are right here ...

full time employment, 2013: +1,543,000
part time employment, 2013: -188,000

Do you see that? The entire premise of your post is complete bullshit. Not only is your claim of a 4 to 1 ratio of part time jobs vs permanent jobs a complete fabrication ... but the number of part time jobs during 2013 actually fell.

And again I note, not a peep from you righties when Bush added 3 million part time jobs out of little more than 4 million jobs total.

Bush ....... 8 years, 1.6 million permanent jobs
Obama ... 5½ years, 2.8 million permanent jobs (and that's starting with the Great Recession Bush handed him)

Righties bitch and moan about Obama but never said a word about Bush.

Is it starting to sink in why so few take you guys seriously?

Really now? Why is it now that you're bitching about it? Do you actually care or are you whining for sake of argument? Do you realize how little this has to do with this thread? That 'great recession' lasted for almost nearly three more years while Obama floundered and Democrats failed to pass any jobs legislation. Part time numbers regularly rise and fall, but in all during his presidency they have gone up.

Does it sink in that you still missed the point yet? From 2001 to 2004, Bush only created 75,000 jobs. But from 2004 to 2008, four years mind you, he created 4,025,000 net jobs. In January 2001 when Bush took office, there were a total of 130,747,000 nonfarm laborers in the workforce, by December 2008, there were 134,774,000 people in the workforce. Bush created 4,102,000 net jobs until the recession hit. You must understand that from September 2001 to December 2002, the US economy was in a recession, understandably a result of the 9/11 attacks. But from 2003 to 2006 the economy sprang back to life, creating 5,590,000 jobs. In Obama's economic recovery from 2010 to 2012 after the meltdown in October 2008, 3,510,000 jobs were created. So, tell me, who was wrong here? That's a 2,080,000 jobs difference. Obama's recovery is (or was) a lot weaker, noticeably because of the implementation of Obamacare.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just apologize for trying to bullshit the forum about 4 times as many part time jobs than full time jobs in 2013?

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