Obama....'recess appointments'...and GOP tactics


Look at it this way.....

If you're taking applications for a job and you see someone qualified , you give them an interview.

If you see a dud, you don't waste the time. You just throw it in the trash.

Tell Obama to send them someone qualified instead of trying to spend taxpayers money on wasting time.

You mean like Loretta Lynch???? hardly a dud...
Well, I guess she is better qualified to be AG than obama is to be POTUS. Not only is she black, she is a woman.

Yup! That makes her more qualified than anyone except maybe Mia Love.
"In the history of the United States,168 presidential nominees have been filibustered, 82 blocked under President Obama, 86blocked under all the other presidents."


Harry Reid says 82 presidential nominees have been blocked under President Barack Obama 86 blocked under all other presidents PolitiFact

I would say that is unprecidented obstruction.

Love it Hutch

Shows republicans block Obama at all costs
That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
The voters would love for Congress to undo the damage done in the last 6 years, but we'll settle for stopping further damage for now.
"In the history of the United States,168 presidential nominees have been filibustered, 82 blocked under President Obama, 86blocked under all the other presidents."


Harry Reid says 82 presidential nominees have been blocked under President Barack Obama 86 blocked under all other presidents PolitiFact

I would say that is unprecidented obstruction.

Love it Hutch

Shows republicans block Obama at all costs
Yes at all costs. That's why they were elected.
Translation: "I hate you Righties because you I am so damned brilliant you should all just bow down and suckle at my breast"

Sorry kid Lefty's like you are a dime a dozen......and you are all the same, shocked when we don't just marvel at your presence.
Naw, I only marvel at their ignorance.
But Congress is not approving appointments which hurts the operation of the government..
That is because they are not a rubber stamp. They have to give advice and consent. That does not mean they have to agree with the nominee. This goes for both parties.
That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
The voters would love for Congress to undo the damage done in the last 6 years, but we'll settle for stopping further damage for now.

Republicans have been waiting eight years to control Congress

Once you take it, all you expect is stop Obama?

pretty sad don't you think?
"In the history of the United States,168 presidential nominees have been filibustered, 82 blocked under President Obama, 86blocked under all the other presidents."


Harry Reid says 82 presidential nominees have been blocked under President Barack Obama 86 blocked under all other presidents PolitiFact

I would say that is unprecidented obstruction.

Love it Hutch

Shows republicans block Obama at all costs
Yes at all costs. That's why they were elected.

You don't expect to pass a Republican agenda....only block Obama
"In the history of the United States,168 presidential nominees have been filibustered, 82 blocked under President Obama, 86blocked under all the other presidents."


Harry Reid says 82 presidential nominees have been blocked under President Barack Obama 86 blocked under all other presidents PolitiFact

I would say that is unprecidented obstruction.

Love it Hutch

Shows republicans block Obama at all costs
Yes at all costs. That's why they were elected.

You don't expect to pass a Republican agenda....only block Obama
We can't pass a Republican agenda with Asshat in the big chair.
But Congress is not approving appointments which hurts the operation of the government..
That is because they are not a rubber stamp. They have to give advice and consent. That does not mean they have to agree with the nominee. This goes for both parties.

They don't have to agree at all. Just vote!
They can vote no all day long. That wouldn't achieve their goal though , so they don't.
Congress should have thirty days to approve or disapprove an appointment. After thirty days the appointment becomes official without Congress whether they are in session or not

You mean Republicans should have 30 days, you were silent when the Dems blocked Bush's nominations:

"When Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin played the race card Wednesday against Republicans blocking Loretta Lynch’s attorney general nomination, he must have forgotten all of the times he opposed Republican minority nominees.

In one of those instances of obstinance, Durbin’s Senate staff submitted a memo in 2001 asserting that George W. Bush U.S. Appeals Court’s nominee Miguel Estrada was an “especially dangerous” prospect because “he is Latino.

Here's the whole article:
Durbin Sought To Block Bush s Latino Court Nominee The Daily Caller

Here's more:

Miguel Estrada - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I don't give a shit which party

President makes an appointment....you have 30 days yes or no

Too bad for you that isn't the rule. Now go cry in the corner.
That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
How would confirming Lynch help Republicans?
Keep talking instead of reading, you're just proving how ignorant you really are. Your dear leaders recess appointments of union cronies to the NLRB was done because they would have never gotten senate confirmation.

You don't like the nominations???? Then have the balls to VOTE THEM DOWN......Instead, senate republicans HIDE behind their cronies at the SC.
Look, idjut! The GOP has a majority in the Senate. What's the point of bringing obumbler's nominees up for a vote? They will not be confirmed.
Hell! if the Asshat in Chief doesn't learn to play ball with an opposition Congress, he won't be able to pass gas, let alone any meaningful legislation or appointments.

Do it Senate

Don't like it ..vote no

Your delusions of grandeur are duly noted. The Senate doesn't take orders from you, numskull.
That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
How would confirming Lynch help Republicans?

Does it need to?
How would it help America is probably the better question.
I thought you all wanted Holder gone?

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