Obama....'recess appointments'...and GOP tactics

That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
How would confirming Lynch help Republicans?

Does it need to?
How would it help America is probably the better question.
I thought you all wanted Holder gone?

Lynch would be worse. She hates whitey with a purple passion.

Obama violates the constitution and the court rules against him 9 -0 (that's right it was UNANIMOUS) and you try and blame it on republicans. Partisan hack - there is no other way to describe that kind of ashattery.

They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

How many nominations of judicial nominees did Democrats throw in the trash? Is there any natural limit to they hypocrisy of libturds?

They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

First of all business is not congress. This IS one of their responsibilities. They indeed cannot just "throw" a presidential nominee in the trash. There cannot be an appointment without their vote.
Secondly the bulk of these happened when they weren't in control.

The OP is speaking to their unprecedented
behavior toward this president's nominees.
Your lack of understanding in this matter is astounding.

They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

How many nominations of judicial nominees did Democrats throw in the trash? Is there any natural limit to they hypocrisy of libturds?

Throw in the trash? What does that mean?
I provided links that show you that this is UNPRECIDENTED. That means no congress has done this to this extreme. Where is the hypocrisy moron?

Say the majority happened when the Democrats and Harry Reid were in control?

No wonder he's getting out of town!

They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

First of all business is not congress. This IS one of their responsibilities. They indeed cannot just "throw" a presidential nominee in the trash. There cannot be an appointment without their vote.
Secondly the bulk of these happened when they weren't in control.

The OP is speaking to their unprecedented
behavior toward this president's nominees.
Your lack of understanding in this matter is astounding.
That's not required by the Constitution. That sucks for you and Obama, doesn't it?

Senate republicans are NOT required to do their jobs????
Yeah, in your sick, hate-filled world, that sounds just about right.
Their "job" is to do what they were elected to do, namely stop obama from further damaging the nation. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

That's it?

Republicans don't expect the Congress they elected to do anything to help Republicans.........just stop Obama?
How would confirming Lynch help Republicans?

Does it need to?
How would it help America is probably the better question.
I thought you all wanted Holder gone?
Replacing one asshat with another is not what we're going for Hey! You aren't related to FakeSmarmy, are you?

You approach his level of irrelevance.

They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

First of all business is not congress. This IS one of their responsibilities. They indeed cannot just "throw" a presidential nominee in the trash.
Yes they can. The result of throwing it in the can is the same as if they had voted "NO"
There cannot be an appointment without their vote.
Secondly the bulk of these happened when they weren't in control.

The OP is speaking to their unprecedented
behavior toward this president's nominees.
Your lack of understanding in this matter is astounding.
Your lack of intellectual honesty is unprecedented.

Opposition Congresses are elected to stop a Presidents agenda, appointments and diplomacy. The current congress is doing exactly what it was elected to do.
The fact that the GOP led Congress is rejecting an unprecedented number of this President's appointees speaks more towards the quality of the appointees than lack of action by Congress.

Give us someone we can get behind, like a AG with qualifications other than skin color and plumbing, and you'll get a vote.

He's not only intellectually dishonest, he ain't too bright. Read the last part of his last post you have up again (first 2 lines).
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They did vote.

They voted not to vote...

That is just straight up retarded dude.
So's the assertion they can't just throw somebody's application in the trash if they want to. The Republicans are the majority, you know.

Businesses do it all the time when they get an application from some Bozo they won't hire.

How many nominations of judicial nominees did Democrats throw in the trash? Is there any natural limit to they hypocrisy of libturds?

Throw in the trash? What does that mean?
I provided links that show you that this is UNPRECIDENTED. That means no congress has done this to this extreme. Where is the hypocrisy moron?

Every Democrat offence against decency and the Constitution is "unprecedented." Why get upset about that all of a sudden?
Lynch would be worse. She hates whitey with a purple passion.

No, actually she (and a whole bunch of others) hate YOUR kind of ":whiteness:.....you know, the bigoted kind of white,

I'm not a bigot at all. Why should i like someone who so obviously hates me? What you libturds fail to understand is that white people are tired of being called bigots when they have never done a thing to any black person.

Holder went out of his way to accuse every white person of being a bigot. We've had our fill of that crap.

The race card isn't working anymore, asshole.
Bottom line: Under right wing and tea party control, it seems that congress is in PERPETUAL RECESS......they've done NOTHING,
confusing doing nothing as their "duty."

One would think that these idiot republicans have taken one oath and one oath only.......Just show up to work and say NO to everything Obama may propose......Republicans have shown that they have NO agenda to govern; NO proposal for job growth, NO idea of what a compromise may entail.......They just sit back and hope to raise money for their next re-election and hope that other idiots (like many on this thread) will reward them with their vote precisely because they've shown no ethics, no balls, no incentive to govern.......
Holder went out of his way to accuse every white person of being a bigot. We've had our fill of that crap.

The race card isn't working anymore, asshole.

......and THEN, this idiot has the stupidity to begin his post with "I'm not a bigot".......(I just play one on this forum).....LOL
Bottom line: Under right wing and tea party control, it seems that congress is in PERPETUAL RECESS......they've done NOTHING,
confusing doing nothing as their "duty."

One would think that these idiot republicans have taken one oath and one oath only.......Just show up to work and say NO to everything Obama may propose......Republicans have shown that they have NO agenda to govern; NO proposal for job growth, NO idea of what a compromise may entail.......They just sit back and hope to raise money for their next re-election and hope that other idiots (like many on this thread) will reward them with their vote precisely because they've shown no ethics, no balls, no incentive to govern.......
That is entirely irrelevant in relation to the OP. What you and other democrats seem unable to grasp is that no matter how asinine or how little the congress accomplishes it does not give the president the ability to simply circumvent the constitution. I don't give a damn how much you hate the fact that we have separate powers in government - that is the system that is set up in this nation.

When you don't get your way you don't wipe your ass with the constitution. The fact that the court ruled unanimously in this matter would make thing CRYSTAL CLEAR - not only did the 'constitutional scholar' break the constitution but he did so blatantly on something that he should have clearly understood. Congress was NOT in recess.

Now, if the government is broken, the president does NOT have the right to simply fix it by fiat. That is a responsibility and power that lies in our hands - the voters. We have the ability to vote these people in office. If you don't like the fact that voters are willing to place people that do nothing but block the president then tough shit. It is how separation of powers work. It was never designed to work 100 percent of the time.

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