Obama redefines the term "combatant"


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
It is also because Mr. Obama embraced a disputed method for counting civilian casualties that did little to box him in. It in effect counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent.

Counterterrorism officials insist this approach is one of simple logic: people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good. “Al Qaeda is an insular, paranoid organization — innocent neighbors don’t hitchhike rides in the back of trucks headed for the border with guns and bombs,” said one official, who requested anonymity to speak about what is still a classified program.

This counting method may partly explain the official claims of extraordinarily low collateral deaths. In a speech last year Mr. Brennan, Mr. Obama’s trusted adviser, said that not a single noncombatant had been killed in a year of strikes. And in a recent interview, a senior administration official said that the number of civilians killed in drone strikes in Pakistan under Mr. Obama was in the “single digits” — and that independent counts of scores or hundreds of civilian deaths unwittingly draw on false propaganda claims by militants.

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will - NYTimes.com

So these people are essentially deemed guilty until proven innocent, and even if proven innocent they're still dead. This is how the Obama Administration keeps their "Official" account of civilians killed by their drone program so low: Anybody killed by a drone is automatically defined as a combatant.

Glenn Greenwald sums it up nicely.

Just to underscore the level of right-wing extremism which Obama has normalized, consider his deceitful re-definition of the term “militant” to encompass ”all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants,” which I wrote about earlier today. In 2006, the pro-Israel activist Alan Dershowitz created a serious scandal when he argued – mostly in order to justify Israeli aggression — that “civilian causalties” are a “gray area” because many people in close proximity to Terrorists — even if not Terrorists themselves — are less than innocent (“A new phrase should be introduced into the reporting and analysis of current events in the Middle East: ‘the continuum of civilianality’ . . . . Every civilian death is a tragedy, but some are more tragic than others”).

Even more repellent was John Podhoretz’s argument in 2006 that “the tactical mistake” which “we made in Iraq was that we didn’t kill enough Sunnis in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything,” specifically that the real error was that the U.S. permitted “the survival of Sunni men between the ages of 15 and 35.” In other words, “all military-age males” in Sunni areas should have been deemed “combatants” and thus killed. Podhoretz’s argument created all sorts of outrage in progressive circles: John Podhoretz is advocating genocide!

But this is precisely the premise that President Obama himself has now adopted in order to justify civilian deaths and re-classify them as “militants.” Here is the rationale of Obama officials as described by the NYT: “people in an area of known terrorist activity, or found with a top Qaeda operative, are probably up to no good.” Probably up to no good. That’s a direct replica of Dershowitz’s argument, and is closely related to Podhoretz’s. They count someone as a “militant” — worthy of death — based purely on the happenstance of where they are and the proximity they’re in to someone else they suspect is a Bad Person. If such a person is killed by a U.S. missile, then, by definition, they are “militants,” not “civilians” — even if we don’t know the first thing about them, including their name.

That’s official Obama policy. It won’t even be reported on most MSNBC shows, and won’t even be acknowledged, let alone denounced, by the vast majority of Democrats, including progressives. That’s the Obama legacy.

Obama the Warrior - Salon.com
TAPPER: So are you disputing The New York Times story or the Dan Klaidman excerpt in The Daily Beast today that there have been civilian casualties?

CARNEY: I’m not — I don’t have the assessments of civilian casualties. I’m certainly not saying that we live in a world where the effort in a fight against al-Qaida, against people who would, without compunction, murder tens of thousands if not millions of innocents –

TAPPER: I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about the innocent people that the United States kills.

CARNEY: No, no, no. No, but let me — that we don’t live in a world where it is possible to achieve, you know, no civilian casualties. What I’m saying is that we are able to — this administration is able to, this — our military and our broader national security team is able to pursue al-Qaida in a way that significantly reduces the potential for and the fact of civilian casualties.

TAPPER: Right, with the assumption — I mean, this is the question — with the assumption that if you are with a terrorist when a terrorist gets killed, the presumption is that you are a terrorist as well and — even if we don’t even know who you are, right? Isn’t that part of the reason you’re able to make these assertions?

CARNEY: I don’t have — I am not going to get into the specifics of the process by which, you know, these decisions are made. What you know is that there are — the care taken here is significant, and the tools that are at our disposal are unique and effective in terms of limiting civilian casualties. But beyond that, I can’t really go into great detail.

Why Libya and Not Syria, And Drones Killing Innocents — Today’s Qs for O’s WH — 5/29/12 - ABC News

Why can't Carney "go into great detail" about this since Obama obviously allowed this information to be given to the press in the first place?
gee, I wonder why no liberal/progressive is coming in here and condemning Obama for making Chenney look like a moderate.
gee, I wonder why no liberal/progressive is coming in here and condemning Obama for making Chenney look like a moderate.


No kidding! Obama using AQ baseball cards to see who is going to live or die makes Bush/Cheney and Rumsfeld line up with Cindy Sheehan.

Barack Obama has insisted on personally approving a 'kill list' of Al Qaeda terrorists who should be hunted down and executed, according to reports.

The U.S. president requests that his advisers draw up 'baseball cards' with pictures and biographies that he pores over to see who should live and who should die.

As part of the bizarre ‘nomination’ process he then retires for personal reflection to work out whether or not to order a drone strike to take them out.

I think he gets his rocks off on it.

Barack Obama's 'kill list': Terror targets that the president wants to wipe out revealed | Mail Online
The media now knows that "militant" is a term of official propaganda, yet still use it for America's drone victims

Earlier this week, The New York Times reported that the Obama administration, in order to conceal civilian deaths caused by their drone attacks, “counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants.” Although I wrote at length about the NYT‘s various revelations, I wrote separately about that specific disclosure, in order to emphasize the implications for media outlets reporting on American drone attacks:

"What kind of self-respecting media outlet would be party to this practice? Here’s the New York Times documenting that this is what the term “militant” means when used by government officials. Any media outlet that continues using it while knowing this is explicitly choosing to be an instrument for state propaganda."

Early this morning, the U.S. fired a missile from a drone in northwest Pakistan — its first since the NYT story – and killed two people.

Deliberate media propaganda - Salon.com

So the media now knows that the term "militant" means absolutely nothing, but still continues to use it unquestioningly. I know, we're all shocked.
gee, I wonder why no liberal/progressive is coming in here and condemning Obama for making Chenney look like a moderate.

He doesn't make Cheney look moderate, and I remain disgusted by this.

Obama went to all the governors he could get to, 2008, and told them public healthcare was off the table, so he signed 2700 pages of private insurer debacle, Obamacare. The Democrats lost the House, 2010, tried to pass CO2 biomass research, which lost, 2012.

But Obama did kill more people with drones and bust more pot clubs, in four years, than GW Bush did, in eight years. Obama did bail the banks, but he didn't fix how Bill Clinton signed deregulation of courts, energy, and banks, to leave us eating shit.
I'm tellin' ya', either Obama or Romney is gonna' use this in US Airspace, and on US Citizens.

I'm not sure it will happen absent some kind of uprising here, I don't think the populous is quite ready to accept something like that yet. There would need to be a catalyst first. But the precedence is definitely set, and that's pretty worrisome.

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