Obama Rejects Intel, Won't Read It...Terrorist Groups NOT Terrorists 'Because They Have A Gripe'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Texas Senator Brings Attention to Journalist’s ‘Utterly Frightening’ Claim Allegedly From Inside Obama Administration
LINK: Texas Senator Brings Attention to Journalist’s ‘Utterly Frightening’ Claim Allegedly From Inside Obama Administration

"You’re telling me, that you’ve talked to people in his inner circle, or the administration, that are telling you that even though there are groups that might be on our terror list…Obama, in his mind, doesn’t consider them to be terrorists because what — they have a gripe?” host Steve Malzberg pressed.

“I don’t know the reasoning for it,” Attkisson replied. “I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn’t want it…or he won’t read it in some instances.”


Sounds About Right. After the Benghazi attack that resulted in the death of 4 Americans - to include the 1st Ambassador murdered in over 30 years, 'Mr. U.S. Apology Tour' did not express anger / outrage over the murder of 4 Americans. He did not vow to bring those responsible to justice then quickly act to do so. He and Hillary blamed a film maker for creating a video about Mohammed and - despite this nation's freedom of Speech - vowed to bring the FILM MAKER to justice. He then spoke to the world in a speech before the UN. Again, he did blame those truly responsible for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens and the murders of 3 other Americans. INSTEAD, Obama again blamed a film maker and his video which he falsely claimed resulted in a protest (that never happened).

Almost APOLOGETICALLY Obama declared to the Muslims and Islamic Extremists in the world, "THE FUTURE MUST NOT BE LEFT TO THOSE WHO SLANDER THE PROPHET OF ISLAM."

...the Obama administration had the film maker arrested within a week of the attack on Benghazi. It took him a year to 'find' the 'mastermind of Benghazi' (who was publicly giving interviews) and to arrest him....

"You’re telling me, that you’ve talked to people in his inner circle, or the administration, that are telling you that even though there are groups that might be on our terror list…Obama, in his mind, doesn’t consider them to be terrorists..."

This has already been PROVEN. The Muslim Brotherhood has been identified as a terrorist organization, but President Obama refuses to do so. He brought Muslim Brotherhood Members who were on our 'DO NOT FLY' List to the United States and allowed them to attend his Cabinet Meetings. He has associated members of this terrorist organization in his Cabinet as 'Advisors' and has placed them in other positions throughout or government.
Lol. Some people will believe anything
Yeah, like Obama believes:

- The ACA won't cost a dime
- The ACA will pay for itself
- If you like your plan you can keep your plan
- Benghazi was a protest over a video
- Fort hood was a case of 'workplace violence'
- It's ok to hire an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador
- It's ok to take 16 members of a US Ambassador's security detail away amidst threats
- ISIS is a 'JV Team'
- The murder of 150+ people and the wounding of as many is a 'Setback'
- There is no leguit8imate threat posed by Syrian Refugees - Americans are stupid and are afraid of widows and orphans....


Ya know, for a guy who allowed terrorists to successfully kill Americans during the Ft. Hood attack, to successfully bomb Americans in Boston, successfully kill several military members at the naval Recruiting station, to successfully stab Americans, and successfully assassinate the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years - with that FAILED record of protecting the US from terrorists, I would recommend he take terrorist threats, providing for our national security, and defending Americans more seriously if I were him.
Lol. Some people will believe anything
Yeah, like Obama believes:

- The ACA won't cost a dime
- The ACA will pay for itself
- If you like your plan you can keep your plan
- Benghazi was a protest over a video
- Fort hood was a case of 'workplace violence'
- It's ok to hire an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador
- It's ok to take 16 members of a US Ambassador's security detail away amidst threats
- ISIS is a 'JV Team'
- The murder of 150+ people and the wounding of as many is a 'Setback'
- There is no leguit8imate threat posed by Syrian Refugees - Americans are stupid and are afraid of widows and orphans....


Ya know, for a guy who allowed terrorists to successfully kill Americans during the Ft. Hood attack, to successfully bomb Americans in Boston, successfully kill several military members at the naval Recruiting station, to successfully stab Americans, and successfully assassinate the 1st US ambassador in over 30 years - with that FAILED record of protecting the US from terrorists, I would recommend he take terrorist threats, providing for our national security, and defending Americans more seriously if I were him.

Benghazi was just a "bump in the road".

How the F+%# does a reporter know about anything about what Obama does.

Sharyl Attkisson is bitter because she was fired from CBS and will talk to anyone who will listen to her and of coarse
that is Ted Cruz who is on a mission to slam Obama anyway he can.

Failed Spam
You DO know there is a WH Press pool, right?
...and you do know PEOPLE DO TALK, right?
Lol. Some people will believe anything

To what are you referring OG?
I'm referring to a "reporter" relaying supposed inside information from unnamed sources that just so happens to be exactly what the host and audience want to believe.

Let's also remeber that she is the same "reporter" that without evidence claimed the justice department was spying on her. So my question is what is she trying to sell? Does she have a book or blog or show or something?
I'm referring to a "reporter" relaying supposed inside information from unnamed sources that just so happens to be exactly what the host and audience want to believe.

Let's also remeber that she is the same "reporter" that without evidence claimed the justice department was spying on her. So my question is what is she trying to sell? Does she have a book or blog or show or something?

Yeah, there has NEVER BEEN a leak of valid information...

The government has been spying on EVERYONE!
Lol. Some people will believe anything

To what are you referring OG?

I'm referring to a "reporter" relaying supposed inside information from unnamed sources that just so happens to be exactly what the host and audience want to believe.

Let's also remeber that she is the same "reporter" that without evidence claimed the justice department was spying on her. So my question is what is she trying to sell? Does she have a book or blog or show or something?

Yeah, there has NEVER BEEN a leak of valid information...

The government has been spying on EVERYONE!
This is what I'm referring to

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