Obama`s Boy Leaving The U.S.A.?

I gotta admit, this guy deserves some respect. We've criticized Leftists for decades for enjoying the benefits of being an American while despising the very country that gives it to them. We tell them if they hate America so much, then go somewhere else. Well, this guy is actually taking the offer. I hope he starts a movement of Leftists leaving America and going to various socialist paradises all over the world. That's certainly respectable.

I gotta admit, this guy deserves some respect. We've criticized Leftists for decades for enjoying the benefits of being an American while despising the very country that gives it to them. We tell them if they hate America so much, then go somewhere else. Well, this guy is actually taking the offer. I hope he starts a movement of Leftists leaving America and going to various socialist paradises all over the world. That's certainly respectable.
But then they would have to work.
typical liberscum to inject RACE, muslimes are NOT a race, they are radical queeran infidel hating head-chopper-offers, i hope his next bomb blows off his worthless fucking head. :up:
^ racist

Since when is Muslim a race you dumb piece of shit.
To the mind of a dumb fucking retard conservative, brown = trouble. Even if it's a skinny kid who's been proven to not be trouble. As evidenced by you and other retards on this thread.

To a dumb son of a bitch like you, Muslim is a race.
typical liberscum to inject RACE, muslimes are NOT a race, they are radical queeran infidel hating head-chopper-offers, i hope his next bomb blows off his worthless fucking head. :up:
^ racist

Since when is Muslim a race you dumb piece of shit.
To the mind of a dumb fucking retard conservative, brown = trouble. Even if it's a skinny kid who's been proven to not be trouble. As evidenced by you and other retards on this thread.

Proven to not be trouble. By his own words, he was suspended for several weeks in the 6th grade. Discipline files are confidential but by some indicate it was thick.
Oh so you have nothing you dumb fucking retard.

He already shoved it back up your ass.

But, you've had so much there already you didn't even know it.
Yo, I guess it`s easier to build a time bomb in Qatar? I think we will see his face in the news in the near future!

Texas teen arrested for homemade clock to move to Qatar

Oct. 20, 2015 10:50 PM EDT

DALLAS (AP) — A 14-year-old Muslim boy who was arrested after a homemade clock he brought to school was mistaken for a possible bomb will be moving with his family to the Middle East so he can attend school there, his family said Tuesday.

Ahmed Mohamed's family released a statement saying they had accepted a foundation's offer to pay for his high school and college in Doha, Qatar. He recently visited the country as part of a whirlwind month that included a Monday stop at the White House and an appearance Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol.

"We are going to move to a place where my kids can study and learn, and all of them being accepted by that country," Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told The Dallas Morning News before boarding an airplane from Washington back home to Texas on Tuesday.

The statement said the family has been "overwhelmed by the many offers of support" since Ahmed's arrest on Sept. 14 at his school in Irving, a Dallas suburb. The family said it accepted an offer from the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development to join its Young Innovators Program.

Texas teen arrested for homemade clock to move to Qatar

View attachment 52984

I guess if you make people feel unwelcome, they'll leave. It's the first rule of bullying. But if you bully everyone away, you'll need to find someone else to pick on.

Since when is Muslim a race you dumb piece of shit.
To the mind of a dumb fucking retard conservative, brown = trouble. Even if it's a skinny kid who's been proven to not be trouble. As evidenced by you and other retards on this thread.

To a dumb son of a bitch like you, Muslim is a race.

Since when is Muslim a race you dumb piece of shit.
To the mind of a dumb fucking retard conservative, brown = trouble. Even if it's a skinny kid who's been proven to not be trouble. As evidenced by you and other retards on this thread.

Proven to not be trouble. By his own words, he was suspended for several weeks in the 6th grade. Discipline files are confidential but by some indicate it was thick.
Oh so you have nothing you dumb fucking retard.

He already shoved it back up your ass.

But, you've had so much there already you didn't even know it.
Yo, I guess it`s easier to build a time bomb in Qatar? I think we will see his face in the news in the near future!

Texas teen arrested for homemade clock to move to Qatar

Oct. 20, 2015 10:50 PM EDT

DALLAS (AP) — A 14-year-old Muslim boy who was arrested after a homemade clock he brought to school was mistaken for a possible bomb will be moving with his family to the Middle East so he can attend school there, his family said Tuesday.

Ahmed Mohamed's family released a statement saying they had accepted a foundation's offer to pay for his high school and college in Doha, Qatar. He recently visited the country as part of a whirlwind month that included a Monday stop at the White House and an appearance Tuesday at the U.S. Capitol.

"We are going to move to a place where my kids can study and learn, and all of them being accepted by that country," Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, told The Dallas Morning News before boarding an airplane from Washington back home to Texas on Tuesday.

The statement said the family has been "overwhelmed by the many offers of support" since Ahmed's arrest on Sept. 14 at his school in Irving, a Dallas suburb. The family said it accepted an offer from the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development to join its Young Innovators Program.

Texas teen arrested for homemade clock to move to Qatar

View attachment 52984

I guess if you make people feel unwelcome, they'll leave. It's the first rule of bullying. But if you bully everyone away, you'll need to find someone else to pick on.

Yo, do me a favor? No, do the Country a Favor? Hand your paycheck over to Obama every week? Then let`s see where you end up? FOOL!!!

131025114405-14-sarah-palin-1025-horizontal-large-gallery (1) (1).jpg
I gotta admit, this guy deserves some respect. We've criticized Leftists for decades for enjoying the benefits of being an American while despising the very country that gives it to them. We tell them if they hate America so much, then go somewhere else. Well, this guy is actually taking the offer. I hope he starts a movement of Leftists leaving America and going to various socialist paradises all over the world. That's certainly respectable.
Leftists will get my respect too. I hope they do it.
Teabaggers and islamaphobes are such slimy assholes. Who will be the next bogeyman to scare the shit out of them? Will it be a 12 year old?
Obama probably slid the kid some contact information for the Muslim Brotherhood since they support the Qatar Foundation.

When the kid becomes the next one in black cutting off ears and heads on video the leftist will nominate the him for an Oscar

The DHS and the CIA are going to know whenever the rag head budding terrorist takes a leak. (You can buy a spy in Qatar for the price of a lamb kabob. You can buy a whole family for the price of five gallons of cooking oil.)
The sand monkey 'boy genius' to the LIBs is going to disappear from school and end up in a ISIL camp. There he will be exploited until his usefulness as a political tool against the West runs out then he'll be butt fucked until he can see his flip flops through his asshole then he'll be shot in the head and dropped into a ISIL cease pool.
All Good things.
Obama probably slid the kid some contact information for the Muslim Brotherhood since they support the Qatar Foundation.

When the kid becomes the next one in black cutting off ears and heads on video the leftist will nominate the him for an Oscar


No doubt. You can tell the character of a man by who his heroes are and Bucky's hero was a Muslim terrorist.
Clock boy is an example of how muslims indoctrinate their own kids to become terrorists. His parents should be in prison (and so should his sister).
The DHS and the CIA are going to know whenever the rag head budding terrorist takes a leak. (You can buy a spy in Qatar for the price of a lamb kabob. You can buy a whole family for the price of five gallons of cooking oil.)
The sand monkey 'boy genius' to the LIBs is going to disappear from school and end up in a ISIL camp. There he will be exploited until his usefulness as a political tool against the West runs out then he'll be butt fucked until he can see his flip flops through his asshole then he'll be shot in the head and dropped into a ISIL cease pool.
All Good things.
He will become one of their "Dancing Boys". Watch the Vice News expose about it. Those Muslims are pedophiles like Mohammed was.

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