Obama’s “kill list”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Where did it originate from. Bush/Cheney and the Radical Reich Wing Extremist who voted for Bush/Cheney’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama would not have a “kill list” if Bush had not ignored the 911 warning and declared war on terrorism and killing them where ever they were and OBL was no the top of the list when he declared he wanted him “dead or alive.” And when he could not get him he claimed it was not important anymore and all the while OBL making plan for another attack. Thanks to Obama he will not be making any kind of plans. How many innocent Iraqis and Afghanistan’s have been murdered by Bush/Cheney policies? How many American troops? Who murdered Saddam by turning him over to the Iraqis?

We have a long history of murdering people and calling it war. This country was built on genocide.

How many innocent lives have been saved by Obama’s policies when he brought our troops home from Iraq ending the Bush/Cheney killing spree? Now they want to accuse Obama or murder? Bush/Cheney gave Obama the “kill list.”

Who opened Gitmo and left it to Obama? There would be no Gitmo to close and combatants to bring to trial if not for Bush/Cheney policies.
When the hell are we going to stop blaming Obama for Bush/Cheney blunders?
Bush tax cuts for the rich that Obama was blackmailed and held hostage to continue got us in to the worse recession since the great depression and Obama is trying to get us out of it and Radical Reich Wing Extremist keep putting up road blocks because they want him out of office at any cost to the American people. Who said top priority is to getting Obama out of office from day one?

Most of us know what Obama has accomplished in the past three years and what he inherited. So unemployment is not below 8%, Obama is still the best man to get the job done. Remember Tobacco Road and the Poor Farms? That’s what we will get with Romney.

Poor farms were county or town-run residences where paupers (mainly elderly and disabled people) were supported at public expense.
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I think he gets off on it.

His god complex"

Whats funny is that the left wing are so now pro army. It kills me :lol: too freaking funny. Let's kill people. YAY left wingers.

Mr. Nobel Peace prize wants to fucking kill people and probably does dream about it in bed because Michelle wont give him a hand job before he goes to work.
I think he gets off on it.

His god complex"

Whats funny is that the left wing are so now pro army. It kills me :lol: too freaking funny. Let's kill people. YAY left wingers.

Mr. Nobel Peace prize wants to fucking kill people and probably does dream about it in bed because Michelle wont give him a hand job before he goes to work.

Will he give back the award to avoid being a hypocrite?
Um, I don't think you guys are discussing what Little Old Lady was expecting you to discuss.

The point of the article is clear. It's Bush's fault.
Um, I don't think you guys are discussing what Little Old Lady was expecting you to discuss.

The point of the article is clear. It's Bush's fault.
Well, Obama can't kill Bush either....it isn't within his power to kill American's without due process and a legal code to do so.
Having been a serious lefty in the 60's I look at these asswipes out of Chicago as punks with no mission. It's funny what they are attempting to do now.

What does disturb me is all the left wingers who just wanted to suck this useless piece of shit cock to give him accolades that merit nothing.

What a waste of space. But you will still have morons who will adore the "one".

As I put in another thread, he can't be the anti Christ. Lucifer would never pick someone this freaking stupid.

And Obama is that stupid Even Lucifer wouldn't take his resume.

Now thats freaking sad. :lol:
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Where did it originate from. Bush/Cheney and the Radical Reich Wing Extremist who voted for Bush/Cheney’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Obama would not have a “kill list” if Bush had not ignored the 911 warning and declared war on terrorism and killing them where ever they were and OBL was no the top of the list when he declared he wanted him “dead or alive.” And when he could not get him he claimed it was not important anymore and all the while OBL making plan for another attack. Thanks to Obama he will not be making any kind of plans. How many innocent Iraqis and Afghanistan’s have been murdered by Bush/Cheney policies? How many American troops? Who murdered Saddam by turning him over to the Iraqis?

We have a long history of murdering people and calling it war. This country was built on genocide.

How many innocent lives have been saved by Obama’s policies when he brought our troops home from Iraq ending the Bush/Cheney killing spree? Now they want to accuse Obama or murder? Bush/Cheney gave Obama the “kill list.”

Who opened Gitmo and left it to Obama? There would be no Gitmo to close and combatants to bring to trial if not for Bush/Cheney policies.
When the hell are we going to stop blaming Obama for Bush/Cheney blunders?
Bush tax cuts for the rich that Obama was blackmailed and held hostage to continue got us in to the worse recession since the great depression and Obama is trying to get us out of it and Radical Reich Wing Extremist keep putting up road blocks because they want him out of office at any cost to the American people. Who said top priority is to getting Obama out of office from day one?

Most of us know what Obama has accomplished in the past three years and what he inherited. So unemployment is not below 8%, Obama is still the best man to get the job done. Remember Tobacco Road and the Poor Farms? That’s what we will get with Romney.

Poor farms were county or town-run residences where paupers (mainly elderly and disabled people) were supported at public expense.
Poorhouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are insane. That's a biggie for us. :lol: Please keep posting. I spread your spew every where on every conservative board.

You make my day. You are the sunshine of my life. Please keep posting so I can make sure that those who thought Obama invincible will read your posts and go...............

"Holy shit all I have to do is vote."

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