obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

Why did the Founders of this country give you any rights? You do not need any of them since you think the government will take care of you.

That is the best you got? Republicans will use the constitution for toilet paper but when it comes to Guns they treat it as the holy grail.

They have teenie weenie dicks and are skeered of most anything.

You really need to stop with your dick fetish.
I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it rue.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?[/QUOTE]

I see that you are not from around here.

We have some very loyal Repubs here in America who could care less what Mitt has said or done in the past. Only his present words count.

In Amercia we do not look at past performance as a gauge for future results.

If Mitt says he won't do this when before he said he would do that, it is not a problem.

You just have to hate Obama, be Repub and willing to believe anything Mitt says now vs. what he has said in the past.

Don't ya'll do the same thing?
I know what obama said and I don't like it.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Not too long ago in this very country we had this.
The Battle of Athens
V. From Ballots to Bullets

The election was held on 1 August. To intimidate voters, Mansfield brought in some 200 armed "deputies". GI poll-watchers were beaten almost at once. At about 3 p.m., Tom Gillespie, an African-American voter, was told by a Sheriff's deputy, "'******, you can't vote here today!!'". Despite being beaten, Gillespie persisted; the enraged deputy shot him. The gunshot drew a crowd. Rumors spread that Gillespie had been "shot in the back"; he later recovered. (C. Stephen Byrum, The Battle of Athens; Paidia Productions, Chattanooga TN, 1987; pp. 155-57).

Other deputies detained ex-GI poll-watchers in a polling place, as that made the ballot count "public". A crowd gathered. Sheriff Mansfield told his deputies to disperse the crowd. When the two ex-GIs smashed a big window and escaped, the crowd surged forward. "The deputies, with guns drawn, formed a tight half-circle around the front of the polling place. One deputy, "his gun raised high ...shouted: 'You sons-of-bitches cross this street and I'll kill you!'" (Byrum, p. 165).

Mansfield took the ballot boxes to the jail for counting. The deputies seemed to fear immediate attack, by the "people who had just liberated Europe and the South Pacific from two of the most powerful war machines in human history." (Byrum, pp. 168-69).

Short of firearms and ammunition, the GIs scoured the county to find them. By borrowing keys to the National Guard and State Guard Armories, they got three M-1 rifles, five .45 semi-automatic pistols, and 24 British Enfield rifles. The armories were nearly empty after the war's end.

By eight p.m., a group of GIs and "local boys" headed for the jail to get the ballot boxes. They occupied high ground facing the jail but left the back door unguarded to give the jail's defenders an easy way out.

Other then a great story the point of that was? :confused:
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Not too long ago in this very country we had this.
The Battle of Athens
V. From Ballots to Bullets

The election was held on 1 August. To intimidate voters, Mansfield brought in some 200 armed "deputies". GI poll-watchers were beaten almost at once. At about 3 p.m., Tom Gillespie, an African-American voter, was told by a Sheriff's deputy, "'******, you can't vote here today!!'". Despite being beaten, Gillespie persisted; the enraged deputy shot him. The gunshot drew a crowd. Rumors spread that Gillespie had been "shot in the back"; he later recovered. (C. Stephen Byrum, The Battle of Athens; Paidia Productions, Chattanooga TN, 1987; pp. 155-57).

Other deputies detained ex-GI poll-watchers in a polling place, as that made the ballot count "public". A crowd gathered. Sheriff Mansfield told his deputies to disperse the crowd. When the two ex-GIs smashed a big window and escaped, the crowd surged forward. "The deputies, with guns drawn, formed a tight half-circle around the front of the polling place. One deputy, "his gun raised high ...shouted: 'You sons-of-bitches cross this street and I'll kill you!'" (Byrum, p. 165).

Mansfield took the ballot boxes to the jail for counting. The deputies seemed to fear immediate attack, by the "people who had just liberated Europe and the South Pacific from two of the most powerful war machines in human history." (Byrum, pp. 168-69).

Short of firearms and ammunition, the GIs scoured the county to find them. By borrowing keys to the National Guard and State Guard Armories, they got three M-1 rifles, five .45 semi-automatic pistols, and 24 British Enfield rifles. The armories were nearly empty after the war's end.

By eight p.m., a group of GIs and "local boys" headed for the jail to get the ballot boxes. They occupied high ground facing the jail but left the back door unguarded to give the jail's defenders an easy way out.

Other then a great story the point of that was? :confused:

Pull your head out of your ass and I'll explain it, but first pull it out.
I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it true.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?
Yes it does make it true.
States fucking right dumb ass how many god damn times do I have too fucking say it?
How many fucking times? And Romney does not support a federal fucking assault weapons ban,
Get it through you god damn thick foreign fuck skull
Romney: what worked in his state will not work in other states.
obama wants an assault weapons ban and more
Yes he does, look up your own country's history.
How come I know this from the other side of the world and you don't?
Answer - because you can't see past the free Romney poster that came in the NRA magazine above your bed and the "Obama is a stinker" that you've written in the steam on your mirror.
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What is the fascination with guns in America? Our values as a nation are bizarre. We have the highest murder rate of advanced nations. Many seem to worship the gun but would shat their pants if forced to use one in a crime situation. You'd think guns created something good. Americans argue guns while real issues go untouched.

Chart of the day: the price of inequality

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Saying it doesn't make it rue.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?[/QUOTE]

I see that you are not from around here.

We have some very loyal Repubs here in America who could care less what Mitt has said or done in the past. Only his present words count.

In Amercia we do not look at past performance as a gauge for future results.

If Mitt says he won't do this when before he said he would do that, it is not a problem.

You just have to hate Obama, be Repub and willing to believe anything Mitt says now vs. what he has said in the past.

Don't ya'll do the same thing?

No, we don't have the hate thing going on.
Our parties are really only degrees of what you guys would regard as Liberal.
Our Tory party have just announced a fairly aggressive building program of State Housing.

To be honest, no politician could get away with the blatant lies and flip-flops performed by the Republican candidate.
It amazes me that he is allowed to keep talking let alone remain a serious contender.

In saying that - I love observing American politics, it's the greatest soap opera around.
You couldn't make this stuff up!

You need to understand that our politics are not based on facts. We here in this country are willing to believe anything as long as it is presented as Dems vs. Repubs.

We are all about the "vision" of America. We have some weird notion that if only it was 1950 again, all would be well.

We are able to suspend logical thought processes at election time to make the "vision" real.

Just like this gun nut with this thread. Obama has made no attempt to bring about an assault weapons ban. Mostly because there is no movement in the Congress to make that happen. YET we have many many many people that are sure that Obama is going to take their assault weapons. They ignore the power of the NRA.

And they do this to be able to present this great false outrage. All the while ignoring or even denying the real issues we face. It's kinda like as long as they have automatic weapons, it's all good.

You sure you all don't do this? It's really cool, doesn't require logical thought processes and allows for the growth of hate and anger at your fellow citizens.

Try it sometime. It might make your country as fuked up as this one is becoming.
His last sentence says it all....Most of the violence in our country comes from our inner cities and the gang atmosphere. The weapons used are not assault weapons, generally speaking. An assault weapon ban would do nothing to alleviate this problem.

I disagree with Obama on this.
Gun ban is what obama wants. Most gun owners knew this was going to come. Play with fire and you will get burnt sooner or later. Time too tell this idiot good bye.

NObody wants to take away your binky, guy.
Not too long ago in this very country we had this.
The Battle of Athens
V. From Ballots to Bullets

The election was held on 1 August. To intimidate voters, Mansfield brought in some 200 armed "deputies". GI poll-watchers were beaten almost at once. At about 3 p.m., Tom Gillespie, an African-American voter, was told by a Sheriff's deputy, "'******, you can't vote here today!!'". Despite being beaten, Gillespie persisted; the enraged deputy shot him. The gunshot drew a crowd. Rumors spread that Gillespie had been "shot in the back"; he later recovered. (C. Stephen Byrum, The Battle of Athens; Paidia Productions, Chattanooga TN, 1987; pp. 155-57).

Other deputies detained ex-GI poll-watchers in a polling place, as that made the ballot count "public". A crowd gathered. Sheriff Mansfield told his deputies to disperse the crowd. When the two ex-GIs smashed a big window and escaped, the crowd surged forward. "The deputies, with guns drawn, formed a tight half-circle around the front of the polling place. One deputy, "his gun raised high ...shouted: 'You sons-of-bitches cross this street and I'll kill you!'" (Byrum, p. 165).

Mansfield took the ballot boxes to the jail for counting. The deputies seemed to fear immediate attack, by the "people who had just liberated Europe and the South Pacific from two of the most powerful war machines in human history." (Byrum, pp. 168-69).

Short of firearms and ammunition, the GIs scoured the county to find them. By borrowing keys to the National Guard and State Guard Armories, they got three M-1 rifles, five .45 semi-automatic pistols, and 24 British Enfield rifles. The armories were nearly empty after the war's end.

By eight p.m., a group of GIs and "local boys" headed for the jail to get the ballot boxes. They occupied high ground facing the jail but left the back door unguarded to give the jail's defenders an easy way out.

Other then a great story the point of that was? :confused:

Pull your head out of your ass and I'll explain it, but first pull it out.

Please explain and i might understand :clap2::clap2:
His last sentence says it all....Most of the violence in our country comes from our inner cities and the gang atmosphere. The weapons used are not assault weapons, generally speaking. An assault weapon ban would do nothing to alleviate this problem.

I disagree with Obama on this.
Gun ban is what obama wants. Most gun owners knew this was going to come. Play with fire and you will get burnt sooner or later. Time too tell this idiot good bye.

NObody wants to take away your binky, guy.

Dumb ass that's what I will call people who say this. What in the hell did obama say? He wants an assault weapons ban.
What is the fascination with guns in America? Our values as a nation are bizarre. We have the highest murder rate of advanced nations. Many seem to worship the gun but would shat their pants if forced to use one in a crime situation. You'd think guns created something good. Americans argue guns while real issues go untouched.

Chart of the day: the price of inequality


Dumb ass.
Saying it doesn't make it true.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?
Yes it does make it true.
States fucking right dumb ass how many god damn times do I have too fucking say it?
How many fucking times? And Romney does not support a federal fucking assault weapons ban,
Get it through you god damn thick foreign fuck skull
Romney: what worked in his state will not work in other states.
obama wants an assault weapons ban and more
Yes he does, look up your own country's history.
How come I know this from the other side of the world and you don't?
Answer - because you can't see past the free Romney poster that came in the NRA magazine above your bed and the "Obama is a stinker" that you've written in the steam on your mirror.

As a candidate in 2008, Obama campaigned on permanent reinstatement of the expired assault weapons ban, and Attorney General Eric Holder in 2009 indicated that the administration would lobby for a bill. But that never materialized and the White House has largely avoided talking about it.
Gun ban is what obama wants. Most gun owners knew this was going to come. Play with fire and you will get burnt sooner or later. Time too tell this idiot good bye.

NObody wants to take away your binky, guy.

Dumb ass that's what I will call people who say this. What in the hell did obama say? He wants an assault weapons ban.

He probably wants a lot of things, but really, it's not like he's working for one.

Frankly, you don't need an assault weapon. You want an assault weapon, probably to make up for your other "shortcomings". (Oh, I am saying you have a tiny penis, since subtley is probably lost on you.)

No good reason why civilians should have these weapons.
No, we don't have the hate thing going on.
Our parties are really only degrees of what you guys would regard as Liberal.
Our Tory party have just announced a fairly aggressive building program of State Housing.

To be honest, no politician could get away with the blatant lies and flip-flops performed by the Republican candidate.
It amazes me that he is allowed to keep talking let alone remain a serious contender.

In saying that - I love observing American politics, it's the greatest soap opera around.
You couldn't make this stuff up!

You need to understand that our politics are not based on facts. We here in this country are willing to believe anything as long as it is presented as Dems vs. Repubs.

We are all about the "vision" of America. We have some weird notion that if only it was 1950 again, all would be well.

We are able to suspend logical thought processes at election time to make the "vision" real.

Just like this gun nut with this thread. Obama has made no attempt to bring about an assault weapons ban. Mostly because there is no movement in the Congress to make that happen. YET we have many many many people that are sure that Obama is going to take their assault weapons. They ignore the power of the NRA.

And they do this to be able to present this great false outrage. All the while ignoring or even denying the real issues we face. It's kinda like as long as they have automatic weapons, it's all good.

You sure you all don't do this? It's really cool, doesn't require logical thought processes and allows for the growth of hate and anger at your fellow citizens.

Try it sometime. It might make your country as fuked up as this one is becoming.

Don't get me wrong, we have our nutters too, but they generally don't get too much airtime.

Guns isn't a major issue, everyone seems generally satisfied with the laws as they stand.
Maybe it's a difference in culture.

The most divisive issue for us is probably race relations.
The nearest equivalent to your Constitution is probably our Treaty of Waitangi.
This was an 1840 treaty signed between The British Crown and the indigenous Maori guaranteeing them certain rights and possessions for accepting the protection (and government) of The Crown.

The true meaning and intention of this document has been discussed and disputed ever since.
There are hardened attitudes on both sides (indigenous and 'settler') and every now and then someone from one side or another will make a comment that stirs up the other side and sets the bloggers and pundits aflutter.
Things like possession of radio waves or water are examples that have been raised and caused a lot of upset and concern for the future.

A process of restitution has been churning away for the last couple of decades to address greivances brought by Maori tribes over beaches of The Treaty and have resulted in large payouts, handing over of Government-owned properties, granting of exclusive rights and apologies from the Government for past wrongs.

This is all pretty boring compared to the US political scene I'm afraid - which is why I find it so fascinating, and eye-opening.
You need to understand that our politics are not based on facts. We here in this country are willing to believe anything as long as it is presented as Dems vs. Repubs.

We are all about the "vision" of America. We have some weird notion that if only it was 1950 again, all would be well.

We are able to suspend logical thought processes at election time to make the "vision" real.

Just like this gun nut with this thread. Obama has made no attempt to bring about an assault weapons ban. Mostly because there is no movement in the Congress to make that happen. YET we have many many many people that are sure that Obama is going to take their assault weapons. They ignore the power of the NRA.

And they do this to be able to present this great false outrage. All the while ignoring or even denying the real issues we face. It's kinda like as long as they have automatic weapons, it's all good.

You sure you all don't do this? It's really cool, doesn't require logical thought processes and allows for the growth of hate and anger at your fellow citizens.

Try it sometime. It might make your country as fuked up as this one is becoming.

Don't get me wrong, we have our nutters too, but they generally don't get too much airtime.

Guns isn't a major issue, everyone seems generally satisfied with the laws as they stand.
Maybe it's a difference in culture.

The most divisive issue for us is probably race relations.
The nearest equivalent to your Constitution is probably our Treaty of Waitangi.
This was an 1840 treaty signed between The British Crown and the indigenous Maori guaranteeing them certain rights and possessions for accepting the protection (and government) of The Crown.

The true meaning and intention of this document has been discussed and disputed ever since.
There are hardened attitudes on both sides (indigenous and 'settler') and every now and then someone from one side or another will make a comment that stirs up the other side and sets the bloggers and pundits aflutter.
Things like possession of radio waves or water are examples that have been raised and caused a lot of upset and concern for the future.

A process of restitution has been churning away for the last couple of decades to address greivances brought by Maori tribes over beaches of The Treaty and have resulted in large payouts, handing over of Government-owned properties, granting of exclusive rights and apologies from the Government for past wrongs.

This is all pretty boring compared to the US political scene I'm afraid - which is why I find it so fascinating, and eye-opening.
anti gunners are the biggest nutters of all. That would be people like you. Dumb ass.
NObody wants to take away your binky, guy.

Dumb ass that's what I will call people who say this. What in the hell did obama say? He wants an assault weapons ban.

He probably wants a lot of things, but really, it's not like he's working for one.

Frankly, you don't need an assault weapon. You want an assault weapon, probably to make up for your other "shortcomings". (Oh, I am saying you have a tiny penis, since subtley is probably lost on you.)

No good reason why civilians should have these weapons.

No good reason why you should have a right too free speech

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