obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

The Constitution mentions nothing about assault weapons.
What exactly is an "assault weapon?"

Matt does a good job maybe it will help

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luKKcYoal8Y]Assault Weapons vs Assault Rifles - YouTube[/ame]

As I've always believed, those who think up these laws know little to nothing about guns but the term "assault weapon" turns them on.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Well, there are a couple of theories.
Small-penis syndrome is one.
Scary-monsters-at-the-door-quick-hide-under-the-bed syndrome is another.

Not having met bigrednec I can't say for sure which one he might have.
He certainly has S.M.A.T.D.Q.H.U.T.B.

He looks to be a complicated case however, so maybe he has both.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Indeed - it is just paranoia, pure and simple.

It is the same kind of thinking that leads people to believe the gummint watch them from satellites, tap their phones and slip LSD into the water supply.

It's bonkers.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Why did the Founders of this country give you any rights? You do not need any of them since you think the government will take care of you.
Big deal. Romeny already signed an assault weapons ban.
Stupid let me get you up too speed.AND BITCH SLAP YOU WHILE IT'S BEING DONE

This has already been addressed
I think Romney has said
I'll paraphrase
"what worked in my state as governor will not work in other states."
But with obama what he supported in his state thinks it will work in every state.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Indeed - it is just paranoia, pure and simple.

It is the same kind of thinking that leads people to believe the gummint watch them from satellites, tap their phones and slip LSD into the water supply.

It's bonkers.

It is the same kind of thinking that leads people to believe the gummint watch them from satellites, tap their phones

Was this a slip? you do understand what the patriot act is all about?
Idiots like you are the reason I glad america thousand of miles away. You don't like guns? stay the fuck away from America,
Ill ask your deflecting ass again whats to fear when you want everybody armed?
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Well, there are a couple of theories.
Small-penis syndrome is one.
Scary-monsters-at-the-door-quick-hide-under-the-bed syndrome is another.

Not having met bigrednec I can't say for sure which one he might have.
He certainly has S.M.A.T.D.Q.H.U.T.B.

He looks to be a complicated case however, so maybe he has both.

I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Why did the Founders of this country give you any rights? You do not need any of them since you think the government will take care of you.

That is the best you got? Republicans will use the constitution for toilet paper but when it comes to Guns they treat it as the holy grail.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.
Not now, that's true. But how do you know what tomorrow might bring? Do you have any fire extinguishers in your home? If you are anti-gun and adhere to the notion that owning one is uncivilized, then you are analogous to a de-clawed cat.

Where firearms are concerned, it is better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it. Regarding the type of firearm one keeps for defensive purposes, the term "assault weapon" is a foolish consideration. Regardless of its configuration it must be capable of stopping (killing or injuring) others who intend to harm you. The important thing is you should be thoroughly familiar with its operation and be capable of storing it safely and using it effectively.

Everything else is secondary.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.
Not now, that's true. But how do you know what tomorrow might bring? Do you have any fire extinguishers in your home? If you are anti-gun and adhere to the notion that owning one is uncivilized, then you are analogous to a de-clawed cat.

Where firearms are concerned, it is better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it. Regarding the type of firearm one keeps for defensive purposes, the term "assault weapon" is a foolish consideration. Regardless of its configuration it must be capable of stopping (killing or injuring) others who intend to harm you. The important thing is you should be thoroughly familiar with its operation and be capable of storing it safely and using it effectively.

Everything else is secondary.

I am not anti-gun i own a 9mm glock. I just don't think we need assault weapons and such.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Well, there are a couple of theories.
Small-penis syndrome is one.
Scary-monsters-at-the-door-quick-hide-under-the-bed syndrome is another.

Not having met bigrednec I can't say for sure which one he might have.
He certainly has S.M.A.T.D.Q.H.U.T.B.

He looks to be a complicated case however, so maybe he has both.

I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it true.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?
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Well, there are a couple of theories.
Small-penis syndrome is one.
Scary-monsters-at-the-door-quick-hide-under-the-bed syndrome is another.

Not having met bigrednec I can't say for sure which one he might have.
He certainly has S.M.A.T.D.Q.H.U.T.B.

He looks to be a complicated case however, so maybe he has both.

I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it rue.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?[/QUOTE]

I see that you are not from around here.

We have some very loyal Repubs here in America who could care less what Mitt has said or done in the past. Only his present words count.

In Amercia we do not look at past performance as a gauge for future results.

If Mitt says he won't do this when before he said he would do that, it is not a problem.

You just have to hate Obama, be Repub and willing to believe anything Mitt says now vs. what he has said in the past.

Don't ya'll do the same thing?
I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it rue.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?[/QUOTE]

I see that you are not from around here.

We have some very loyal Repubs here in America who could care less what Mitt has said or done in the past. Only his present words count.

In Amercia we do not look at past performance as a gauge for future results.

If Mitt says he won't do this when before he said he would do that, it is not a problem.

You just have to hate Obama, be Repub and willing to believe anything Mitt says now vs. what he has said in the past.

Don't ya'll do the same thing?

No, we don't have the hate thing going on.
Our parties are really only degrees of what you guys would regard as Liberal.
Our Tory party have just announced a fairly aggressive building program of State Housing.

To be honest, no politician could get away with the blatant lies and flip-flops performed by the Republican candidate.
It amazes me that he is allowed to keep talking let alone remain a serious contender.

In saying that - I love observing American politics, it's the greatest soap opera around.
You couldn't make this stuff up!
Well, there are a couple of theories.
Small-penis syndrome is one.
Scary-monsters-at-the-door-quick-hide-under-the-bed syndrome is another.

Not having met bigrednec I can't say for sure which one he might have.
He certainly has S.M.A.T.D.Q.H.U.T.B.

He looks to be a complicated case however, so maybe he has both.

I've beat you up so much on this you talking stupid.

Saying it doesn't make it true.
You should know, since so little of what you say is true.

Please explain again how you can trust the only candidate that has put an assault weapon ban in place, and has supported a federal ban on the same weapons, when he says that he opposes such a ban?
Yes it does make it true.
States fucking right dumb ass how many god damn times do I have too fucking say it?
How many fucking times? And Romney does not support a federal fucking assault weapons ban,
Get it through you god damn thick foreign fuck skull
Romney: what worked in his state will not work in other states.
obama wants an assault weapons ban and more
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Not too long ago in this very country we had this.
The Battle of Athens
V. From Ballots to Bullets

The election was held on 1 August. To intimidate voters, Mansfield brought in some 200 armed "deputies". GI poll-watchers were beaten almost at once. At about 3 p.m., Tom Gillespie, an African-American voter, was told by a Sheriff's deputy, "'******, you can't vote here today!!'". Despite being beaten, Gillespie persisted; the enraged deputy shot him. The gunshot drew a crowd. Rumors spread that Gillespie had been "shot in the back"; he later recovered. (C. Stephen Byrum, The Battle of Athens; Paidia Productions, Chattanooga TN, 1987; pp. 155-57).

Other deputies detained ex-GI poll-watchers in a polling place, as that made the ballot count "public". A crowd gathered. Sheriff Mansfield told his deputies to disperse the crowd. When the two ex-GIs smashed a big window and escaped, the crowd surged forward. "The deputies, with guns drawn, formed a tight half-circle around the front of the polling place. One deputy, "his gun raised high ...shouted: 'You sons-of-bitches cross this street and I'll kill you!'" (Byrum, p. 165).

Mansfield took the ballot boxes to the jail for counting. The deputies seemed to fear immediate attack, by the "people who had just liberated Europe and the South Pacific from two of the most powerful war machines in human history." (Byrum, pp. 168-69).

Short of firearms and ammunition, the GIs scoured the county to find them. By borrowing keys to the National Guard and State Guard Armories, they got three M-1 rifles, five .45 semi-automatic pistols, and 24 British Enfield rifles. The armories were nearly empty after the war's end.

By eight p.m., a group of GIs and "local boys" headed for the jail to get the ballot boxes. They occupied high ground facing the jail but left the back door unguarded to give the jail's defenders an easy way out.
Why do non-Police/Army/Military need assault weapons anyways? I realize we have a lot of gun happy people but in this day and age no civilian truly NEEDS a assault weapon.

Why did the Founders of this country give you any rights? You do not need any of them since you think the government will take care of you.

That is the best you got? Republicans will use the constitution for toilet paper but when it comes to Guns they treat it as the holy grail.

They have teenie weenie dicks and are skeered of most anything.

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