obama said he would sign an assault weapons ban

Assault weapons should be banned for civilian ownership - including high-capacity clips/magazines. Period.


You should not have a right too free speech. so shut the fuck up.
Don't get me wrong, we have our nutters too, but they generally don't get too much airtime.

Guns isn't a major issue, everyone seems generally satisfied with the laws as they stand.
Maybe it's a difference in culture.

The most divisive issue for us is probably race relations.
The nearest equivalent to your Constitution is probably our Treaty of Waitangi.
This was an 1840 treaty signed between The British Crown and the indigenous Maori guaranteeing them certain rights and possessions for accepting the protection (and government) of The Crown.

The true meaning and intention of this document has been discussed and disputed ever since.
There are hardened attitudes on both sides (indigenous and 'settler') and every now and then someone from one side or another will make a comment that stirs up the other side and sets the bloggers and pundits aflutter.
Things like possession of radio waves or water are examples that have been raised and caused a lot of upset and concern for the future.

A process of restitution has been churning away for the last couple of decades to address greivances brought by Maori tribes over beaches of The Treaty and have resulted in large payouts, handing over of Government-owned properties, granting of exclusive rights and apologies from the Government for past wrongs.

This is all pretty boring compared to the US political scene I'm afraid - which is why I find it so fascinating, and eye-opening.
anti gunners are the biggest nutters of all. That would be people like you. Dumb ass.

I own guns. Dumb arse.
Dumb ass that's what I will call people who say this. What in the hell did obama say? He wants an assault weapons ban.

He probably wants a lot of things, but really, it's not like he's working for one.

Frankly, you don't need an assault weapon. You want an assault weapon, probably to make up for your other "shortcomings". (Oh, I am saying you have a tiny penis, since subtley is probably lost on you.)

No good reason why civilians should have these weapons.

No good reason why you should have a right too free speech

Words don't have the potential to mow down a theatre full of people.

Argument fail.
Still worrying about something that isn't gonna happen. Great.

I can see why the gun nutters love this shit. It's like a big circle jerk.
He probably wants a lot of things, but really, it's not like he's working for one.

Frankly, you don't need an assault weapon. You want an assault weapon, probably to make up for your other "shortcomings". (Oh, I am saying you have a tiny penis, since subtley is probably lost on you.)

No good reason why civilians should have these weapons.

No good reason why you should have a right too free speech

Words don't have the potential to mow down a theatre full of people.

Argument fail.

Really? on obama's word he can have you indefinitely detained by the military, you just got kicked in the nuts.
Still worrying about something that isn't gonna happen. Great.

I can see why the gun nutters love this shit. It's like a big circle jerk.

Has their ever been and assault weapons ban in America?
Have firearms be confiscated from law abiding citizens in America?
Has firearms been used to bring down a corrupted politician in America in the 20th century?
Has obama said he wants an assault weapons ban?

All answers will be yes.
Assault weapons should be banned for civilian ownership - including high-capacity clips/magazines. Period.


You should not have a right too free speech. so shut the fuck up.

Actually it wouldn't........

And don't pull out its unconstitutional bullshit Republicans/GOP never cares about that till it comes to guns.
Still worrying about something that isn't gonna happen. Great.

I can see why the gun nutters love this shit. It's like a big circle jerk.

Has their ever been and assault weapons ban in America?
Have firearms be confiscated from law abiding citizens in America?
Has firearms been used to bring down a corrupted politician in America in the 20th century?
Has obama said he wants an assault weapons ban?

All answers will be yes.

The first two and the last were done by your man Mitt.
Three out of four is pretty good.
Still worrying about something that isn't gonna happen. Great.

I can see why the gun nutters love this shit. It's like a big circle jerk.

Has their ever been and assault weapons ban in America?
Have firearms be confiscated from law abiding citizens in America?
Has firearms been used to bring down a corrupted politician in America in the 20th century?
Has obama said he wants an assault weapons ban?

All answers will be yes.

The first two and the last were done by your man Mitt.
Three out of four is pretty good.

How did Romney do it on a Federal level? Fucking Liar
Assault weapons should be banned for civilian ownership - including high-capacity clips/magazines. Period.


You should not have a right too free speech. so shut the fuck up.

Actually it wouldn't........

And don't pull out its unconstitutional bullshit Republicans/GOP never cares about that till it comes to guns.

U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939). This is the only case in which the Supreme Court has had the opportunity to apply the Second Amendment to a federal firearms statute. The Court, however, carefully avoided making an unconditional decision regarding the statute's constitutionality; it instead devised a test by which to measure the constitutionality of statutes relating to firearms and remanded the case to the trial court for an evidentiary hearing (the trial court had held that Section 11 of the National Firearms Act was unconstitutional). The Court remanded to the case because it had concluded that:

In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument. Certainly it is not within judicial notice that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment or that its use could contribute to the common defense.
Thus, for the keeping and bearing of a firearm to be constitutionally protected, the firearm should be a militia-type arm.

The case also made clear that the militia consisted of "all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense" and that "when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time." In setting forth this definition of the militia, the Court implicitly rejected the view that the Second Amendment guarantees a right only to those individuals who are members of the militia. Had the Court viewed the Second Amendment as guaranteeing the right to keep and bear arms only to "all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense," it would certainly have discussed whether, on remand, there should also be evidence that the defendants met the qualifications for inclusion in the militia, much as it did with regard to the militia use of a short-barrelled shotgun.

Lewis v. United States, 445 U.S. 95 (1980). Lewis recognized -- in summarizing the holding of Miller, supra, as "the Second Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have 'some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia'" (emphasis added) -- that Miller had focused upon the type of firearm. Further, Lewis was concerned only with whether the provision of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 which prohibits the possession of firearms by convicted felons (codified in 18 U.S.C. 922(g) in 1986) violated the Second Amendment. Thus, since convicted felons historically were and are subject to the loss of numerous fundamental rights of citizenship -- including the right to vote, hold office, and serve on juries -- it was not erroneous for the Court to have concluded that laws prohibiting the possession of firearms by a convicted felon "are neither based upon constitutionally suspect criteria, nor do they trench upon any constitutionally protected liberties."
Has their ever been and assault weapons ban in America?
Have firearms be confiscated from law abiding citizens in America?
Has firearms been used to bring down a corrupted politician in America in the 20th century?
Has obama said he wants an assault weapons ban?

All answers will be yes.

The first two and the last were done by your man Mitt.
Three out of four is pretty good.

How did Romney do it on a Federal level? Fucking Liar

Well you stupid fuk. When has Romney held a position in the Federal Guvmint to do what he has proposed at the state level? Admit it man, you have no idea what Romney would propose. And since when are Mormons real big on having semi automatic weapons available to the masses? Hell Mitt wouldn't even go to Viet Nam to shoot brown people.
Words don't have the potential to mow down a theatre full of people.

Argument fail.

Really? on obama's word he can have you indefinitely detained by the military, you just got kicked in the nuts.

Right. Damn, how paranoid are you, anyway?

Dumb ass read NDAA 2012 section
A judge block the perversion that would allow it
Judge Rules Against Law on Indefinite Detention

But it was over turn by an appeals court
Obama wins right to indefinitely detain Americans under NDAA — RT
The first two and the last were done by your man Mitt.
Three out of four is pretty good.

How did Romney do it on a Federal level? Fucking Liar

Well you stupid fuk. When has Romney held a position in the Federal Guvmint to do what he has proposed at the state level? Admit it man, you have no idea what Romney would propose. And since when are Mormons real big on having semi automatic weapons available to the masses? Hell Mitt wouldn't even go to Viet Nam to shoot brown people.
Dumb ass he said Romney did it I want to know how did he do it on a federal level?

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