Obama saved Auto industry, a blimp on the radar...thousands of jobs saved.

The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Why is his stuff still made in Mexico?

It is cheaper and he make a profit... Wouldn't you do the same damn thing and he also had stuff made in China too...
You people are just too fuckin pathetic for words...bye and enjoy your hypocritical president...no class, kiss ass white supporting racist that you all are.
It's "blip" on the radar you stupid nigga, not BLIMP.
LOLOLO....if you race war wishing bitches do anything moving forward in life, learn a new word....Nigga is so old, and now that half your white women is suckin on em, soon there'll be some in ya family.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself

You should have helped yourself. Barack Hussein bailed out the auto industry. Handed them money. People wouldnt buy their cars so he basically seized their money and gave it to GM anyway.
Ignorant rednecks dont know whats good for them are what car they should buy...right? Tax them and give it to the car company they just rejected.
And just in case they got any smart alecy ideas about buying their kids a cheap used car he came up with "cash for clunkers" and crushed 700,000 cars poor people could have driven and did it at a cost of another 3 billion dollars.
The notion of used cars rising in value is silly even by just common sense. Burt that is what cash for clunkjers did. It removed affordable cars in the 1000 to 3500 range leaving working people and their kids to start with 7 and 8000 cars with 2000000 miles.

The largest percentage gain was in a 2000 Honda Odyssey with over 200,000 miles on it, which is on death watch. The value rose from $2,800 to $3,849,

And despite all that GM still moves jobs offshore.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Why is his stuff still made in Mexico?

It is cheaper and he make a profit... Wouldn't you do the same damn thing and he also had stuff made in China too...
You people are just too fuckin pathetic for words...bye and enjoy your hypocritical president...no class, kiss ass white supporting racist that you all are.

So you are upset that I posted the fact he is in making a profit and again I did not vote for Trump. The true racist is you seeing you only see the skin color of the individual and believe that your race is the only victim in the world.

The only person in this thread that has no class is you seeing you feel the need to spew hatred against anyone pointing out your stupidity. Maybe Rachel Maddow will sooth your feelings later tonight as long as you are female and the way you write you act like the biggest kunt on this board!
Ah yes, Grasshopper...

... but Trump saved `em...

... before he's even gotten into office yet.

No actually Pence did by giving them tax credits, if the story of them moving was true.
Tax credits that will come back as more money for the state from all the taxes coming from employee's of carrier and companies that make parts for them. Also off of sales of their products. win win.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Learn proper English
You bitches are so fukin predictable its pathetic....never want to answer shit that exposes just how flawed and fucked both Trump and his stupid supporters are, just deflect, deflect deflect and then deflect some more, so fuckin typical of a piece of shit white fuck nut
As of this very moment, bitch, your creds are at zero, which renders you a non factor....ignore is on its way. The very least I do is counter you bitches, you bitches on the other hand attack and ignore the obvious...you voted in a fuckin hypocrite...so on that note, bye bitch
The hypocrite gonna be runnin' shit soon so you'd better use up your EBT card while you still got one.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Why is his stuff still made in Mexico?

It is cheaper and he make a profit... Wouldn't you do the same damn thing and he also had stuff made in China too...
You people are just too fuckin pathetic for words...bye and enjoy your hypocritical president...no class, kiss ass white supporting racist that you all are.

So you are upset that I posted the fact he is in making a profit and again I did not vote for Trump. The true racist is you seeing you only see the skin color of the individual and believe that your race is the only victim in the world.

The only person in this thread that has no class is you seeing you feel the need to spew hatred against anyone pointing out your stupidity. Maybe Rachel Maddow will sooth your feelings later tonight as long as you are female and the way you write you act like the biggest kunt on this board!
Damn, I just gave you a shout out on the other comment thread.....(sigh)....oh and these words you red white and vomit mf's call me, damn, I'd be on a fuckin suicide watch if I gave a damn, hint hint.....Keep in mind, bitch, I'm a 10 year Navy vet, you bitches got nothing on me.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Learn proper English
You bitches are so fukin predictable its pathetic....never want to answer shit that exposes just how flawed and fucked both Trump and his stupid supporters are, just deflect, deflect deflect and then deflect some more, so fuckin typical of a piece of shit white fuck nut
As of this very moment, bitch, your creds are at zero, which renders you a non factor....ignore is on its way. The very least I do is counter you bitches, you bitches on the other hand attack and ignore the obvious...you voted in a fuckin hypocrite...so on that note, bye bitch
The hypocrite gonna be runnin' shit soon so you'd better use up your EBT card while you still got one.
Two things, I thought I put you on ignore and I thought you was dead? What happened, devil got tired of your bullshit too?
Learn proper English
You bitches are so fukin predictable its pathetic....never want to answer shit that exposes just how flawed and fucked both Trump and his stupid supporters are, just deflect, deflect deflect and then deflect some more, so fuckin typical of a piece of shit white fuck nut
As of this very moment, bitch, your creds are at zero, which renders you a non factor....ignore is on its way. The very least I do is counter you bitches, you bitches on the other hand attack and ignore the obvious...you voted in a fuckin hypocrite...so on that note, bye bitch
The hypocrite gonna be runnin' shit soon so you'd better use up your EBT card while you still got one.
Two things, I thought I put you on ignore and I thought you was dead? What happened, devil got tired of your bullshit too?
Say what, Redbone?
Learn proper English
You bitches are so fukin predictable its pathetic....never want to answer shit that exposes just how flawed and fucked both Trump and his stupid supporters are, just deflect, deflect deflect and then deflect some more, so fuckin typical of a piece of shit white fuck nut
As of this very moment, bitch, your creds are at zero, which renders you a non factor....ignore is on its way. The very least I do is counter you bitches, you bitches on the other hand attack and ignore the obvious...you voted in a fuckin hypocrite...so on that note, bye bitch
The hypocrite gonna be runnin' shit soon so you'd better use up your EBT card while you still got one.
Two things, I thought I put you on ignore and I thought you was dead? What happened, devil got tired of your bullshit too?

Gawd, you're pathetic
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
Well shit, I could have sworn that GM moved to Mexico after obummer the dumber bailed them out. Right?
I'm pretty sure Ford, Honda, Toyota, and others would have picked up pieces of Chrysler and GM on the auction block.

The auto industry wouldn't have disappeared.
It's "blip" on the radar you stupid nigga, not BLIMP.
LOLOLO....if you race war wishing bitches do anything moving forward in life, learn a new word....Nigga is so old, and now that half your white women is suckin on em, soon there'll be some in ya family.

I don't know how old you are, but you're definitely a nigga, nigga.

Don't like it, nigga? Go back to Africa.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
Bush was responsible for the auto bailout. Those Rednecks are more qualified than you monies.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...
You are a stupid monkey, stfu.

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