Obama saved Auto industry, a blimp on the radar...thousands of jobs saved.

It's "blip" on the radar you stupid nigga, not BLIMP.
LOLOLO....if you race war wishing bitches do anything moving forward in life, learn a new word....Nigga is so old, and now that half your white women is suckin on em, soon there'll be some in ya family.

I've noticed the rise in miscegenation lately. And I've noticed the type female that does it. If this keeps up all the unmarried fat, trashy white women with three kids by three men will be bred out of the white race.

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yeah, Detroit is awesome
Actually, GM cost us 11B$$$
Since the bailout, GM alone has invested $450 million in a new plant in Argentina, over $1 billion in a new plant in Wuhan, China, $500 million for two new plants in Brazil, $200 million for an engine plant in Thailand, $540 million for an engine plant in Mexico, another $420 million for new vehicle production in Mexico, and $150 million for a new plant in Indonesia. Additionally, GM has promised another $1 billion for new production in Russia, it has signed over millions in battery and other electric car technology to Chinese partners in exchange for a joint development center in China (PATAC), and has increased annual global sourcing of India-made parts from $500 million to $1 billion.
BTW dummy, a bailout for failure isn't the same as keeping jobs that are going out of country. Apples and oranges

Yup and he used our tax dollars to do it. Our dollars that were used to fix the mismanaged pension funds of the Unions. Its money they still haven't paid back.

They took our tax dollars and still went bankrupt. They could have just gone bankrupt but they need out tax dollars to fix those pension funds.

The only auto maker out there that didn't take our tax dollars was Ford.

Douchebag needed to pay back the Unions for supporting him and he used our hard earned tax dollars to do it. What a POS
yeah, Detroit is awesome
Actually, GM cost us 11B$$$
Since the bailout, GM alone has invested $450 million in a new plant in Argentina, over $1 billion in a new plant in Wuhan, China, $500 million for two new plants in Brazil, $200 million for an engine plant in Thailand, $540 million for an engine plant in Mexico, another $420 million for new vehicle production in Mexico, and $150 million for a new plant in Indonesia. Additionally, GM has promised another $1 billion for new production in Russia, it has signed over millions in battery and other electric car technology to Chinese partners in exchange for a joint development center in China (PATAC), and has increased annual global sourcing of India-made parts from $500 million to $1 billion.
BTW dummy, a bailout for failure isn't the same as keeping jobs that are going out of country. Apples and oranges

Yup and he used our tax dollars to do it. Our dollars that were used to fix the mismanaged pension funds of the Unions. Its money they still haven't paid back.

They took our tax dollars and still went bankrupt. They could have just gone bankrupt but they need out tax dollars to fix those pension funds.

The only auto maker out there that didn't take our tax dollars was Ford.

Douchebag needed to pay back the Unions for supporting him and he used our hard earned tax dollars to do it. What a POS
Ford got money. But theirs wasn't necessarily a "bail out" like GM. They offered them money to work on eco friendly vehicles so they didn't get caught in the same position as GM.
yeah, Detroit is awesome
Actually, GM cost us 11B$$$
Since the bailout, GM alone has invested $450 million in a new plant in Argentina, over $1 billion in a new plant in Wuhan, China, $500 million for two new plants in Brazil, $200 million for an engine plant in Thailand, $540 million for an engine plant in Mexico, another $420 million for new vehicle production in Mexico, and $150 million for a new plant in Indonesia. Additionally, GM has promised another $1 billion for new production in Russia, it has signed over millions in battery and other electric car technology to Chinese partners in exchange for a joint development center in China (PATAC), and has increased annual global sourcing of India-made parts from $500 million to $1 billion.
BTW dummy, a bailout for failure isn't the same as keeping jobs that are going out of country. Apples and oranges

Yup and he used our tax dollars to do it. Our dollars that were used to fix the mismanaged pension funds of the Unions. Its money they still haven't paid back.

They took our tax dollars and still went bankrupt. They could have just gone bankrupt but they need out tax dollars to fix those pension funds.

The only auto maker out there that didn't take our tax dollars was Ford.

Douchebag needed to pay back the Unions for supporting him and he used our hard earned tax dollars to do it. What a POS
Ford got money. But theirs wasn't necessarily a "bail out" like GM. They offered them money to work on eco friendly vehicles so they didn't get caught in the same position as GM.

They also took out a loan of their own.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...

Learn proper English
You bitches are so fukin predictable its pathetic....never want to answer shit that exposes just how flawed and fucked both Trump and his stupid supporters are, just deflect, deflect deflect and then deflect some more, so fuckin typical of a piece of shit white fuck nut
As of this very moment, bitch, your creds are at zero, which renders you a non factor....ignore is on its way. The very least I do is counter you bitches, you bitches on the other hand attack and ignore the obvious...you voted in a fuckin hypocrite...so on that note, bye bitch
you voted in a fuckin hypocrite
so trump is not much different than all the others in office....what else you got?.....
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
Couldn't help yourself...? Clearly. Do yourself a favor, and learn to speak English for fucks sake. It's "blip"! Blip on the radar. I know you groids are dumb as a bag of hammers but; even your fellow pavement apes cringe when you try to post, in the only language you're familiar with, and still fuck it up. You know just enough grammar, and colloquialisms to illustrate just how ignorant you are. And for that... I thank you. You are the living embodiment for nearly every racial realists disdain toward your kind.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself

Actually the auto deal saved around 1.5 million jobs.

Trumps deal saved about 1,000 jobs.
Ah yes, Grasshopper...

... but Trump saved `em...

... before he's even gotten into office yet.
Oh, that's right, he didn't have a financial market melt down, a housing crisis, gas prices soaring above 4. bucks a gallon, thousands of jobs leaving the country almost monthly and of course 2 wars in progress, so I guess saving 100 redneck jobs before taking office, wasn't so much a priority, eh? Damn lazy nigga, worrying about shit that mattered.
When Obama got in office has was just over $2.00 a gallon. Try again.
Yeah, day one, next fuckin day, gas was inching to 4....listen don't fuckin try rewriting history with me, I'm not some stupid white mf
No, your a stupid negro, fact was gas was just over $2.00 a gallon when he took office. Obama was a failure, he makes Carter proud.

Hmmm didn't President Obama come into office in 2008?
Fact #915: March 7, 2016 Average Historical Annual Gasoline Pump Price, 1929-2015 | Department of Energy
2005 2.30 2.74
2006 2.59 3.00
2007 2.80 3.16
2008 3.27 3.61
2009 2.35 2.58
2010 2.79 3.02
2011 3.53 3.75
2012 3.64 3.80
2013 3.53 3.62
2014 3.37 3.40
2015 2.45 2.45
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself

Actually the auto deal saved around 1.5 million jobs.

Trumps deal saved about 1,000 jobs.
And....he got nothing but pure hell for it from the right....and tax payers got paid back....Trump on the other hand has offered nothing to tax payers but 1000 blue collar rednecks now have a job for a few years...cause these companies always in the end leave...that is fact. He also made it possible for people that live in these small towns, to lose resources because these companies don't pay anything in taxes, but take up those resources which eventually is footed by the very people it saved. I'm not hating, I just think its slimey that he himself refuses to bring his own damned companies back to America in lew of profits, but wants others to do it at tax payer expense
Ah yes, Grasshopper...

... but Trump saved `em...

... before he's even gotten into office yet.
Oh, that's right, he didn't have a financial market melt down, a housing crisis, gas prices soaring above 4. bucks a gallon, thousands of jobs leaving the country almost monthly and of course 2 wars in progress, so I guess saving 100 redneck jobs before taking office, wasn't so much a priority, eh? Damn lazy nigga, worrying about shit that mattered.
When Obama got in office has was just over $2.00 a gallon. Try again.
Yeah, day one, next fuckin day, gas was inching to 4....listen don't fuckin try rewriting history with me, I'm not some stupid white mf
No, your a stupid negro, fact was gas was just over $2.00 a gallon when he took office. Obama was a failure, he makes Carter proud.

Hmmm didn't President Obama come into office in 2008?
Fact #915: March 7, 2016 Average Historical Annual Gasoline Pump Price, 1929-2015 | Department of Energy
2005 2.30 2.74
2006 2.59 3.00
2007 2.80 3.16
2008 3.27 3.61
2009 2.35 2.58
2010 2.79 3.02
2011 3.53 3.75
2012 3.64 3.80
2013 3.53 3.62
2014 3.37 3.40
2015 2.45 2.45
Listen, if your gonna harp on gas prices during his reign than go for it....the man had a whole of shit to deal with, he handled it and has handed over a good economy to TRump. You white fucks just ain't use to low wage jobs, you think Trump is gonna change it for you, good fuckin luck. LIke I said before, I'm not gonna keep going back n forth with you people over a guy that is nothing more than a con man, ie your white hope, Trump. Unlike you stupid white people, the rest of us chose to live in the 21st century.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
Couldn't help yourself...? Clearly. Do yourself a favor, and learn to speak English for fucks sake. It's "blip"! Blip on the radar. I know you groids are dumb as a bag of hammers but; even your fellow pavement apes cringe when you try to post, in the only language you're familiar with, and still fuck it up. You know just enough grammar, and colloquialisms to illustrate just how ignorant you are. And for that... I thank you. You are the living embodiment for nearly every racial realists disdain toward your kind.
We're the dumb ones? And you can say that with a straight face after voting for Trump? LOLOLOL Listen, white people have lost so much creds, even raping your women gets a motherfucker a few days in jail....nobody gives a fuck about your race, not even your race...so get the fuck outta here, hillbilly lice ball. Cause no race is more of a laughing stock these days, from Brexit to Trump...you people reeeeeekkkkkk of stupid!!
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
obama bought those auto jobs with our taxpayer money. He saved nothing with his bogus stimulus.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself

Actually the auto deal saved around 1.5 million jobs.

Trumps deal saved about 1,000 jobs.
And....he got nothing but pure hell for it from the right....and tax payers got paid back....Trump on the other hand has offered nothing to tax payers but 1000 blue collar rednecks now have a job for a few years...cause these companies always in the end leave...that is fact. He also made it possible for people that live in these small towns, to lose resources because these companies don't pay anything in taxes, but take up those resources which eventually is footed by the very people it saved. I'm not hating, I just think its slimey that he himself refuses to bring his own damned companies back to America in lew of profits, but wants others to do it at tax payer expense

And....he got nothing but pure hell for it from the right....and tax payers got paid back

No, the taxpayers did not get paid back for all the auto bailout money.
Bailing out a failing company and retaining jobs in the US by making business friendly deals are two completely different things. Liberals are to stupid to realize this.
Obama saved thousands of jobs with the Auto bailout, Trump saves a 100 good ol over paid rednecks jobs and he's now king....only in America...sorry guys, couldn't help myself
Please. Chrysler Corp is no longer an American Auto Mfgr.
GM cannot compete with Ford, Honda Hyundai or Toyota.
That bailout was about one thing. Payback to the unions which were blindly loyal to the democrat party.
Ironically, save for Illinois, rust belt states were taken by Trump. Union heavy rust belt states.
Ah yes, Grasshopper...

... but Trump saved `em...

... before he's even gotten into office yet.
Oh, that's right, he didn't have a financial market melt down, a housing crisis, gas prices soaring above 4. bucks a gallon, thousands of jobs leaving the country almost monthly and of course 2 wars in progress, so I guess saving 100 redneck jobs before taking office, wasn't so much a priority, eh? Damn lazy nigga, worrying about shit that mattered.
First, Obama WANTED $4 gas. Secondly, Obama could not have card less about the US Economy. In fact his solution is and always has been to look to government .
Obama did nothing to stem the tide of business taking jobs to other nations. He could have gone to Congress and asked them to draft legislation to reduce the Corp tax rate. Asked for the repatriation of cash and jobs. He could have done so much for the American people. All he ever suggested was "those jobs are not coming back" and "we will set up training programs"....Bupkis.
The American taxpayer saved the auto industry....then got screwed for doing it.
LOLOL, wait til the tax payers incentive shit runs out...Mexico here we come....if TRump is so gotdamned gung ho about keeping jobs in America, stupid ass, why is his shit, STILL BEING MADE IN MEXICO? That's a least a good thousand jobs that could be filled here....I'll tell you why, cause he don't want to pay mf' decent wages, just as Carrier has learned...
What shit? Define "decent wages"

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