Obama says GOP incitement on Syria refugees 'needs to stop'

In my local newspaper, there are only about 20 jobs in the ENTIRE help wanted section.

Maybe you need to upskill or change careers. I've had to do so on a couple of occasions. Nobody owes you a living and blaming immigrants is an easy task. The only thing I will say is, and this is a familiar theme, is that when it comes to working visas, they should only be granted to areas where there is a skills shortage.
Our country was built on immigration years ago when we weren't so populated. WE are a country of 320,000,000 people and counting. Resources and money are NOT infinite. I don't really care what you do in Australia, TBH. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I AM concerned what happens in MY country though. I don't want to take in these refugees. IT is too risky and just ONE American life lost to them would be ONE too many.

I read in the Guinness Book of Records that if every human being had one square meter we'd all fit into the island of Skye off the coast of Scotland. Somebody once said to me the same but used Texas as the example. I don't know which example is true (I'm betting it's the GBoR, but the Isle of Skye is minute compared to Texas, so the Texas example sounds more reasonable. Go get a map of the world, spread it out and look at Texas. Then tell me you don't have more room.

India has huge masses of space and is one third the size of the US, yet has four times the population. You have 35 people per square kilometre - that is 180th in the world - in other words 179 of the 220+ countries in the world have denser populations than you. You have plenty of room.

One American life lost in any circumstances is one too many. What about the millions and million of immigrants over the past few centuries who haven't taken any Americans lives? Why should they be punished. Your view is very short0-sighted...

We aren't talking about square miles here, bud. We are talking about resources and money, both of which are required to take on asylum seekers.
In my local newspaper, there are only about 20 jobs in the ENTIRE help wanted section.

Maybe you need to upskill or change careers. I've had to do so on a couple of occasions. Nobody owes you a living and blaming immigrants is an easy task. The only thing I will say is, and this is a familiar theme, is that when it comes to working visas, they should only be granted to areas where there is a skills shortage.

I am certified to work in the medical field, doing a variety of jobs on the administrative side of the medical field.
In my local newspaper, there are only about 20 jobs in the ENTIRE help wanted section.

Maybe you need to upskill or change careers. I've had to do so on a couple of occasions. Nobody owes you a living and blaming immigrants is an easy task. The only thing I will say is, and this is a familiar theme, is that when it comes to working visas, they should only be granted to areas where there is a skills shortage.

I live here, I've looked for a job recently (to supplement my income), and I am telling you how it is.
Our country was built on immigration years ago when we weren't so populated. WE are a country of 320,000,000 people and counting. Resources and money are NOT infinite. I don't really care what you do in Australia, TBH. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I AM concerned what happens in MY country though. I don't want to take in these refugees. IT is too risky and just ONE American life lost to them would be ONE too many.

I read in the Guinness Book of Records that if every human being had one square meter we'd all fit into the island of Skye off the coast of Scotland. Somebody once said to me the same but used Texas as the example. I don't know which example is true (I'm betting it's the GBoR, but the Isle of Skye is minute compared to Texas, so the Texas example sounds more reasonable. Go get a map of the world, spread it out and look at Texas. Then tell me you don't have more room.

India has huge masses of space and is one third the size of the US, yet has four times the population. You have 35 people per square kilometre - that is 180th in the world - in other words 179 of the 220+ countries in the world have denser populations than you. You have plenty of room.

One American life lost in any circumstances is one too many. What about the millions and million of immigrants over the past few centuries who haven't taken any Americans lives? Why should they be punished. Your view is very short0-sighted...

We aren't talking about square miles here, bud. We are talking about resources and money, both of which are required to take on asylum seekers.

Yup. The European citizens are already complaining about the cost of taking care of these refugees.

No country has infinite resources to spend on non citizens.

Its a bad deal for all countries who take them in and it won't be long before they all realize it.
Our country was built on immigration years ago when we weren't so populated. WE are a country of 320,000,000 people and counting. Resources and money are NOT infinite. I don't really care what you do in Australia, TBH. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I AM concerned what happens in MY country though. I don't want to take in these refugees. IT is too risky and just ONE American life lost to them would be ONE too many.

I read in the Guinness Book of Records that if every human being had one square meter we'd all fit into the island of Skye off the coast of Scotland. Somebody once said to me the same but used Texas as the example. I don't know which example is true (I'm betting it's the GBoR, but the Isle of Skye is minute compared to Texas, so the Texas example sounds more reasonable. Go get a map of the world, spread it out and look at Texas. Then tell me you don't have more room.

India has huge masses of space and is one third the size of the US, yet has four times the population. You have 35 people per square kilometre - that is 180th in the world - in other words 179 of the 220+ countries in the world have denser populations than you. You have plenty of room.

One American life lost in any circumstances is one too many. What about the millions and million of immigrants over the past few centuries who haven't taken any Americans lives? Why should they be punished. Your view is very short0-sighted...

We aren't talking about square miles here, bud. We are talking about resources and money, both of which are required to take on asylum seekers.

Yup. The European citizens are already complaining about the cost of taking care of these refugees.

No country has infinite resources to spend on non citizens.

Its a bad deal for all countries who take them in and it won't be long before they all realize it.

I really see this as a problem more for the Arabs to deal with. It really has nothing to do with us and should remain that way. We should not "meddle" in other countries' affairs anymore, especially if there is nothing in it for us.
I really don't want anything to do with that part of the world at all. I don't want to aid them, I don't want any of their immigrants, and I don't want us to meddle in their affairs anymore. I say we just wash our hands of that entire part of the world. I think that would be in OUR best interest.

We aren't talking about square miles here, bud. We are talking about resources and money, both of which are required to take on asylum seekers.

Most refugees within one generation become productive members of society. You have plenty of resources. You are the richest country in the world with a $17.5 trillion economy....

I really see this as a problem more for the Arabs to deal with. It really has nothing to do with us and should remain that way. We should not "meddle" in other countries' affairs anymore, especially if there is nothing in it for us.

I agree with this aspect. The Western world (not just the US, but Europe too) need to start drawing a line in the sand with some of these ME dictatorships. Mind you that was tried in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Egypt. How well has that worked out? The ME is a mess....

I really see this as a problem more for the Arabs to deal with. It really has nothing to do with us and should remain that way. We should not "meddle" in other countries' affairs anymore, especially if there is nothing in it for us.

I agree with this aspect. The Western world (not just the US, but Europe too) need to start drawing a line in the sand with some of these ME dictatorships. Mind you that was tried in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Egypt. How well has that worked out? The ME is a mess....

I don't even want to draw lines. I want us to completely wash our hands of that part of the world. It is much more trouble than it's worth, IMO. WE don't even get the majority of our oil from the ME. We get most of our oil from Canada and South America, so America doesn't REALLY need the Middle East. What have they done for us? Anything?

We aren't talking about square miles here, bud. We are talking about resources and money, both of which are required to take on asylum seekers.

Most refugees within one generation become productive members of society. You have plenty of resources. You are the richest country in the world with a $17.5 trillion economy....

Those resources are for our people who need them. What happens when these asylum seekers come into our country? Who pays to "set them up?" WE do. I don't want to and I'm a citizen and my government works for me.
Someone in a different thread said it perfectly - "having compassion for others is all good, but self preservation trumps goodwill every time".
We all KNOW...not think, not imagine, not believe - we KNOW - that ISIS is filtering combatants in with the refugees.
It is irresponsible, reckless, foolish and just plain dumbassery to take them in KNOWING you are also allowing in terrorist.

You're full of shit, there have been muslim savages for 1400 years and there will continue to be unless we extinguish them. 13% of the refugees have a favorable view of ISIS. History has shown, that if not first generation becoming radicals, a large portion of subsequent generations will. Why the hell would we want to knowingly import more trouble?

They're not all savages, just as all white male Americans aren't dumbfucks.

13 percent? Great, that means 87 per cent don't. Show me your data from a reliable source.

It was posted in another thread, look it up. BTW how many is 13% of more than 4 million? And anyone who adheres to a religion that says you should kill anyone who doesn't believe like you, are savages.
Wow. I am not sure what your dumb point is. The dumbest white fucks are the ones that are left wing moronic obama voters who believe in man made global warming, push the racial tension as pushed by obama community organizers, and hate everything American.

Is that you? I think it may very well be.

Back to your dumb point. 19 unarmed sandNIGGERS killed over 3000 Americans WITH OUT A GUN. 7 or so sandNIGGERS just killed over 100 French people.

If 10,000 stink sandNIGGERS come here and only 1% of them are intent on killing Americans in mass numbers, tell me how many that is. Go ahead you fucking genius. Let me know how many that is.

While you are pondering that, tell us what 1% of 100,000 is. Oh right. Cause the democrats really mean there will only be 10,000 and no more. Meanwhile your pathetic kuuuunt running for president said 65. Get that? She didn't say 65,000, she said 65. I wonder how many of her dumb mindless voters thinks she meant SIXTY FIVE and not 65,000.

Hey man, what is 1% of 65,000. Use the same calculator you have been using. Remember what damage only a handful of them have done. Especially in gun free zones where they know they are gun free zones. Research the sandNIGGER that murdered our soldiers at Fort Hood.

Fucking liberals folks. They think they are smart too.

Are you trying for the dumbest post of the year.

How come so many neocon conservative whackjobs are so fucking dumb. The wind my dog just passed makes more sense than you.

You are nothing but a sensationalist chicken little who has been brainwashed by the limp dicks on Fox.

American has one of the highest murder rates in the western world. It doesn't need any help from refugees.

Exactly we don't need to import any more, maybe you should do some research and see how many high value deportees your dear leader put back on American streets last year, many convicted of murder, kidnapping and sexual assault. Aren't they the ones your dear leader lied about, saying they were first on the deportation list?
Our country was built on immigration years ago when we weren't so populated. WE are a country of 320,000,000 people and counting. Resources and money are NOT infinite. I don't really care what you do in Australia, TBH. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. I AM concerned what happens in MY country though. I don't want to take in these refugees. IT is too risky and just ONE American life lost to them would be ONE too many.

I read in the Guinness Book of Records that if every human being on the planet had one square meter we'd all fit into the island of Skye off the coast of Scotland. Somebody once said to me the same but used Texas as the example. I don't know which example is true (I'm betting it's the GBoR, but the Isle of Skye is minute compared to Texas, so the Texas example sounds more reasonable). Go get a map of the world, spread it out and look at Texas. Then tell me you don't have more room.

India has huge masses of space and is one third the size of the US, yet has four times the population. You have 35 people per square kilometre - that is 180th in the world - in other words 179 of the 220+ countries in the world have denser populations than you. You have plenty of room.

One American life lost in any circumstances is one too many. What about the millions and millions of immigrants over the past few centuries who haven't taken any Americans lives? Why should they be punished. Your view is very short-sighted...

I really don't think we need advice from someone who lives in a country were the citizens allowed their government to disarm them because of a couple of crazies.
I really don't think we need advice from someone who lives in a country were the citizens allowed their government to disarm them because of a couple of crazies.

The rate the neocons are going in your country, you need all the advice you can get. Not that you'll listen. You never do. That is why you had Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. All American-led disasters. Gee, I wonder why that is...

As for being unarmed, you will note that all civilisations evolve. The US falls under the umbrella of a First World country. It is the only First World country that still obsesses over peashooters. Every other normal country has moved on.
I really don't think we need advice from someone who lives in a country were the citizens allowed their government to disarm them because of a couple of crazies.

The rate the neocons are going in your country, you need all the advice you can get. Not that you'll listen. You never do. That is why you had Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. All American-led disasters. Gee, I wonder why that is...

As for being unarmed, you will note that all civilisations evolve. The US falls under the umbrella of a First World country. It is the only First World country that still obsesses over peashooters. Every other normal country has moved on.

Well being the good little followers you are, if memory serves, your little island was involved in all 3, so what exactly does that say about you?

Also you speak of evolution like it's always a good thing, WRONG. You can't continue to import a bunch of 4th world creatures who refuse to adopt your culture and assimilate into your society and maintain your country.

Then you pieces of crap get on your soap box and presume to lecture us because we don't want our country to make the same mistakes. What you're seeing in Europe is just the beginning of their self-induced destruction, so just slip on those knee pads and worship your leftist masters, give up your freedom for a lack of security and enjoy, I'll pass, thank you.
Like I keep saying. Obama, Kerry, Clinton, and all the other pro refugee, high muck a mucks need to lead by example. First, they should take in a few hundred refugees in their neigborhoods first. Obama could put some in camp david and in the white house too maybe.

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