Obama says GOP incitement on Syria refugees 'needs to stop'


You're full of shit, there have been muslim savages for 1400 years and there will continue to be unless we extinguish them. 13% of the refugees have a favorable view of ISIS. History has shown, that if not first generation becoming radicals, a large portion of subsequent generations will. Why the hell would we want to knowingly import more trouble?

They're not all savages, just as all white male Americans are dumbfucks.

13 percent? Great, that means 87 per cent don't. Show me your data from a reliable source.

Wow. I am not sure what your dumb point is. The dumbest white fucks are the ones that are left wing moronic obama voters who believe in man made global warming, push the racial tension as pushed by obama community organizers, and hate everything American.

Is that you? I think it may very well be.

Back to your dumb point. 19 unarmed sandNIGGERS killed over 3000 Americans WITH OUT A GUN. 7 or so sandNIGGERS just killed over 100 French people.

If 10,000 stink sandNIGGERS come here and only 1% of them are intent on killing Americans in mass numbers, tell me how many that is. Go ahead you fucking genius. Let me know how many that is.

While you are pondering that, tell us what 1% of 100,000 is. Oh right. Cause the democrats really mean there will only be 10,000 and no more. Meanwhile your pathetic kuuuunt running for president said 65. Get that? She didn't say 65,000, she said 65. I wonder how many of her dumb mindless voters thinks she meant SIXTY FIVE and not 65,000.

Hey man, what is 1% of 65,000. Use the same calculator you have been using. Remember what damage only a handful of them have done. Especially in gun free zones where they know they are gun free zones. Research the sandNIGGER that murdered our soldiers at Fort Hood.

Fucking liberals folks. They think they are smart too.

You're full of shit, there have been muslim savages for 1400 years and there will continue to be unless we extinguish them. 13% of the refugees have a favorable view of ISIS. History has shown, that if not first generation becoming radicals, a large portion of subsequent generations will. Why the hell would we want to knowingly import more trouble?

They're not all savages, just as all white male Americans are dumbfucks.

13 percent? Great, that means 87 per cent don't. Show me your data from a reliable source.

Wow. I am not sure what your dumb point is. The dumbest white fucks are the ones that are left wing moronic obama voters who believe in man made global warming, push the racial tension as pushed by obama community organizers, and hate everything American.

Is that you? I think it may very well be.

Back to your dumb point. 19 unarmed sandNIGGERS killed over 3000 Americans WITH OUT A GUN. 7 or so sandNIGGERS just killed over 100 French people.

If 10,000 stink sandNIGGERS come here and only 1% of them are intent on killing Americans in mass numbers, tell me how many that is. Go ahead you fucking genius. Let me know how many that is.

While you are pondering that, tell us what 1% of 100,000 is. Oh right. Cause the democrats really mean there will only be 10,000 and no more. Meanwhile your pathetic kuuuunt running for president said 65. Get that? She didn't say 65,000, she said 65. I wonder how many of her dumb mindless voters thinks she meant SIXTY FIVE and not 65,000.

Hey man, what is 1% of 65,000. Use the same calculator you have been using. Remember what damage only a handful of them have done. Especially in gun free zones where they know they are gun free zones. Research the sandNIGGER that murdered our soldiers at Fort Hood.

Fucking liberals folks. They think they are smart too.

Yup. It only takes one.

You're full of shit, there have been muslim savages for 1400 years and there will continue to be unless we extinguish them. 13% of the refugees have a favorable view of ISIS. History has shown, that if not first generation becoming radicals, a large portion of subsequent generations will. Why the hell would we want to knowingly import more trouble?

They're not all savages, just as all white male Americans are dumbfucks.

13 percent? Great, that means 87 per cent don't. Show me your data from a reliable source.
If you want to do your fair share, take them in personally. How many should be send YOU?

We're taking 12,000...

You personally in your house?

No. Not in his house. Don't hold your breath for that to happen.

After all. He might get the one that is the terrorist.

I already knew that but, in typical bleeding heart Liberal fashion, he will count his support of something as if he did it himself. They work the same way with social welfare. They support programs and think supporting the government forcing someone else to fund it is the same as if they did it themselves.
Wow. I am not sure what your dumb point is. The dumbest white fucks are the ones that are left wing moronic obama voters who believe in man made global warming, push the racial tension as pushed by obama community organizers, and hate everything American.

Is that you? I think it may very well be.

Back to your dumb point. 19 unarmed sandNIGGERS killed over 3000 Americans WITH OUT A GUN. 7 or so sandNIGGERS just killed over 100 French people.

If 10,000 stink sandNIGGERS come here and only 1% of them are intent on killing Americans in mass numbers, tell me how many that is. Go ahead you fucking genius. Let me know how many that is.

While you are pondering that, tell us what 1% of 100,000 is. Oh right. Cause the democrats really mean there will only be 10,000 and no more. Meanwhile your pathetic kuuuunt running for president said 65. Get that? She didn't say 65,000, she said 65. I wonder how many of her dumb mindless voters thinks she meant SIXTY FIVE and not 65,000.

Hey man, what is 1% of 65,000. Use the same calculator you have been using. Remember what damage only a handful of them have done. Especially in gun free zones where they know they are gun free zones. Research the sandNIGGER that murdered our soldiers at Fort Hood.

Fucking liberals folks. They think they are smart too.

Are you trying for the dumbest post of the year.

How come so many neocon conservative whackjobs are so fucking dumb. The wind my dog just passed makes more sense than you.

You are nothing but a sensationalist chicken little who has been brainwashed by the limp dicks on Fox.

American has one of the highest murder rates in the western world. It doesn't need any help from refugees.
Yup. It only takes one.

Yup, it only take one kid with Aspergers and his mother's gun collection to blow away 20+ preschoolers at Sandy Hook. And not a refugee in sight.

You people are beyond dumb. Alarmist dumbfucks who have pathetic little white trash lives and like to belittle other people and their cultures to make themselves feel better about their own redundant existence...
No. Not in his house. Don't hold your breath for that to happen.

After all. He might get the one that is the terrorist.

Exhibit number one of neocon dumbfuckery. Yeah, like I was talking about my house...

Exhibit number one of a fool. A fool who trusts all Muslims.

A fool who considers those who are wary of Muslims a neocon dumbfuck.

Speaking of dumbfucks. That you bucko.

A dumbfuck and a fool you truly are.
You personally in your house?

no, our country

Holy shit.

Holy shit is right. He won't be taking anyone into his house. My Word. He might get the terrorist that would blow him away.

Its better if some other poor sap gets killed.

You kidding. He would not take any of them within 10 miles of his gated community guarded by armed guards. Let alone into his house.

They are all pathetic, and there is no exception. They are all hypocrites. They are all pawns. They are all too stupid to see it. They are all unappreciative morons who think socialism is a utopia, even though they have never lived in those pure conditions and cannot answer why so many try to escape those utopias to get here.

They are all losers who deserve zero respect. They sure as hell do not and will not get any of the points we make, regardless if they are backed up with endless facts. They do not care. They deserve to get shit smeared in their faces. All of them.
Yup. It only takes one.

Yup, it only take one kid with Aspergers and his mother's gun collection to blow away 20+ preschoolers at Sandy Hook. And not a refugee in sight.

You people are beyond dumb. Alarmist dumbfucks who have pathetic little white trash lives and like to belittle other people and their cultures to make themselves feel better about their own redundant existence...

You are beyond dumb. What does Muslim terrorists have to do with kids and guns or Sandy Point.

Oh wait. Its deflection time. You have no answer so deflection it is. A deflection so you can feel better about yourself. Never mind.

A fool you truly are.
Yup. It only takes one.

Yup, it only take one kid with Aspergers and his mother's gun collection to blow away 20+ preschoolers at Sandy Hook. And not a refugee in sight.

You people are beyond dumb. Alarmist dumbfucks who have pathetic little white trash lives and like to belittle other people and their cultures to make themselves feel better about their own redundant existence...

That was an American citizen. Not a refugee. Why should we take in any of these people and risk American lives? For what reason? Why do you think the neighboring Arab countries will not take them?
Exhibit number one of a fool. A fool who trusts all Muslims.

A fool who considers those who are wary of Muslims a neocon dumbfuck.

Speaking of dumbfucks. That you bucko.

A dumbfuck and a fool you truly are.

Who says I trust all Muslims? I don't trust a lot of people. Politicians being high on the list.

Don't get me wrong I have no time for any religion, and I find certain ones - fundamental Islam and Scientology off the top of my head - to be insidious. But to put every person in a religion into the same boat is just dumb.

Your type of thinking is archaic.

Let's change a word out of one of your sentences and see who looks like the dumbfuck.

1) A fool who considers those who are wary of Jews a neocon dumbfuck.
2) A fool who considers those who are wary of Blacks a neocon dumbfuck.
3) A fool who considers those who are wary of Women a neocon dumbfuck.
Yup. It only takes one.

Yup, it only take one kid with Aspergers and his mother's gun collection to blow away 20+ preschoolers at Sandy Hook. And not a refugee in sight.

You people are beyond dumb. Alarmist dumbfucks who have pathetic little white trash lives and like to belittle other people and their cultures to make themselves feel better about their own redundant existence...

I think the worry and concern is completely justifiable given the circumstances, the fact that a lot of these "refugees" are going to be impossible to check out very closely, the fact that terrorists in fact do come from that particular area (and lots of them), and there have been threats against us from the "people" in that part of the world. Nobody is afraid of their "culture." It's their terrorism and Sharia laws that are concerning. Their customary practice of child sexual abuse is worrisome as well.

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