Obama Secretary of Magic lays out plans for unicorn farts

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Unsubsidized EVs competing with gas cars in 10 years, new batteries that are 3 times as efficient with the ability to replace individual cells, and reducing or eliminating the need for rare earth elements. Does he not understand the difference between science and engineering?

How the frack did a man this stupid get a PhD?

Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants the U.S. to become a global leader of affordable electric vehicles, starting with a five-passenger plug-in hybrid where the extra cost is paid back within five years.
The goal is to produce and sell unsubsidized plug-in electric vehicles within 10 years that are comparable in cost with conventional vehicles.
By 2015, there will be the capacity to build 500,000 batteries a year in the U.S. Reducing battery cost is key to shortening the two- to six-year payback period for more expensive hybrids and electric vehicles, according to the EV Everywhere white paper.
Chu wants to see better lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles -- he thinks they can improve their efficiency as much as threefold -- and the ability to replace individual bad cells in a battery.
But he also wants exploration of alternatives such as lithium sulfur batteries and the ability to recharge zinc-air batteries used in hearing aids. Non-invasive testing of batteries before they ship to customers would also reduce recalls and improve warranties, which automakers would appreciate.

Energy secretary.: U.S. must make affordable electric cars

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