Obama: ‘Simply Locking People Up Doesn’t Make Communities Safer’

Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.
What would the crime rate be if all those people weren't locked up?

Well, my argument would be this:

Instead of people going for the "lock everyone up and we'll all be safer" kind of simplistic view, I would instead look at the real reasons for why people commit crimes and try and stop it. People are basically being born into crime, there's no hope left in certain communities. In others becoming a criminal is an actual career choice that gives far more advantages than trying to do it the legitimate way.

Why are so many more people being incarcerated in certain states than others? Well, you know that many of the states with high levels of prisoners have piss poor education, the rich don't care about the poor and do nothing to help people rise up out of the dirt.

You can see it within the US comparing different states, and you can see it comparing the US with Europe and Australia and places like that.

All it takes is people with brains. Instead people are getting all excited about someone like Trump who wants to build a damn wall, not fix education, not improve the lives of people, reduce crime and all of that, no, build a wall.
The teacher's unions run public ed so it makes much more sense to clean that mess up instead of blaming society or rich people. Liberal policies are killing the middle class so I'd clean that up instead of blaming poverty. Liberalism creates crime and the last thing we need is more liberalism to fix it.
No person can fix the lives of anyone else. .

The idea is if we can accommodate criminals enough we eliminate the crime and reduce the size of the prison population.

We can eliminate theft by convincing people to give up their possessions on demand as a legal obligation to the poor,
No person can fix the lives of anyone else. .

The idea is if we can accommodate criminals enough we eliminate the crime and reduce the size of the prison population.

We can eliminate theft by convincing people to give up their possessions on demand as a legal obligation to the poor,

There aren't enough people locked up. Our justice system is a joke, we give second chances to thugs all the time. Prison time for violent crimes needs to be increased.

They keep bringing up the fact that blacks and Latinos make up the vast majority of prison populations, but won't admit it's because they commit the vast majority of crimes.

Produce criminals, and then pay for them to be locked up, then complain about people being given free stuff. Free board and food.....
Hey! There's an idea, we should imprison the people who produce thugs, their parents.
Hussein is one of those progressive leftie pie in the sky people who think that Americans can be brainwashed or coerced by the government to behave civily. You almost gotta laugh that his adopted home town of Chicago is in virtual chaos with an expected 1000 gang related murders this year and he lectures us about safety and incarceration.
In the prison I worked at, the warden told us one day that the majority of cons in there had been arrested 8 to 10 times before being sent to the pen.
There aren't enough people locked up. Our justice system is a joke, we give second chances to thugs all the time. Prison time for violent crimes needs to be increased.

They keep bringing up the fact that blacks and Latinos make up the vast majority of prison populations, but won't admit it's because they commit the vast majority of crimes.

Produce criminals, and then pay for them to be locked up, then complain about people being given free stuff. Free board and food.....

I've never complained about thugs being locked up, or paying for it.

Try again asswipe.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.
What would the crime rate be if all those people weren't locked up?

Well, my argument would be this:

Instead of people going for the "lock everyone up and we'll all be safer" kind of simplistic view, I would instead look at the real reasons for why people commit crimes and try and stop it. People are basically being born into crime, there's no hope left in certain communities. In others becoming a criminal is an actual career choice that gives far more advantages than trying to do it the legitimate way.

Why are so many more people being incarcerated in certain states than others? Well, you know that many of the states with high levels of prisoners have piss poor education, the rich don't care about the poor and do nothing to help people rise up out of the dirt.

You can see it within the US comparing different states, and you can see it comparing the US with Europe and Australia and places like that.

All it takes is people with brains. Instead people are getting all excited about someone like Trump who wants to build a damn wall, not fix education, not improve the lives of people, reduce crime and all of that, no, build a wall.

People commit crimes because they choose to.

People are uneducated because they choose to be

If people want to "rise up from the dirt" then that's up to them
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.

Those states have more black people than other states.

Louisiana is proof of this. Private prisons run to make money, crime isn't low in Lousiana, but the incarceration rate is the highest in the country.

They shouldn't break the law and wouldn't go to prison.
We pay to keep them there

It does not keep us safer

Allowing murderers to run loose sure as hell isn't going to keep us safer.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.

Those states have more black people than other states.

Which is the reason for all of this. Black votes. Crime has nothing to do with this. The other part of the plan is to let those still in prison vote.

Louisiana is proof of this. Private prisons run to make money, crime isn't low in Lousiana, but the incarceration rate is the highest in the country.

They shouldn't break the law and wouldn't go to prison.
We pay to keep them there

It does not keep us safer

Allowing murderers to run loose sure as hell isn't going to keep us safer.

in the libtard view it does
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.
What would the crime rate be if all those people weren't locked up?

Well, my argument would be this:

Instead of people going for the "lock everyone up and we'll all be safer" kind of simplistic view, I would instead look at the real reasons for why people commit crimes and try and stop it. People are basically being born into crime, there's no hope left in certain communities. In others becoming a criminal is an actual career choice that gives far more advantages than trying to do it the legitimate way.

Why are so many more people being incarcerated in certain states than others? Well, you know that many of the states with high levels of prisoners have piss poor education, the rich don't care about the poor and do nothing to help people rise up out of the dirt.

You can see it within the US comparing different states, and you can see it comparing the US with Europe and Australia and places like that.

All it takes is people with brains. Instead people are getting all excited about someone like Trump who wants to build a damn wall, not fix education, not improve the lives of people, reduce crime and all of that, no, build a wall.

That would be a social problem that needs to be addressed in the community and by those living in that community.
You cant lift an unwilling population out of poverty and social ills.

Louisiana is proof of this. Private prisons run to make money, crime isn't low in Lousiana, but the incarceration rate is the highest in the country.

They shouldn't break the law and wouldn't go to prison.
We pay to keep them there

It does not keep us safer

Allowing murderers to run loose sure as hell isn't going to keep us safer.
We do not have 2.5 million murderers in our prison system

Most are a result of iladvised "I am tough on crime" legislation

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