Obama: ‘Simply Locking People Up Doesn’t Make Communities Safer’

Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.

Those states have more black people than other states.

There are lots of things we could say about the states.

Mississippi is the most religious state, and still has high crime and high incarceration. Are we going to say that it is religion that makes people commit crimes?

Mississippi Most Religious State, Vermont Least Religious

Louisiana is the fourth most religious, Alabama, South Carolina, etc are at the top too.

At the bottom you have places like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine etc.

Maine has the lowest incarceration rates, Vermont is 5th, New Hampshire is 7th.

So it would seem that religion and incarceration go hand in hand.

Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity

As to whether blacks are there, well...

Mississippi has the most black people, and then yes, again it goes down the list of states who have high crime and high incarceration.

Then again it could have something to do with whether you have lots of Republicans or not.

Louisiana has house and senate Republican
Oklahoma has governor, house and senate Republican
Mississippi has governor, house and senate Republican
Alabama has governor, house and senate Republican
Georgia has governor, house and senate Republican
Texas has governor, house and senate Republican
Arizona has governor, house and senate Republican
Arkansas has governor, house and senate Republican
Florida has governor, house and senate Republican
New Mexico has has governor, house Republican

And then you get to Delaware which is all Democrat.

So the TOP TEN states for incarceration have at least two of three elected power bodies that are Republican, and only two of them have two, the rest have three.

Seems to be a policy of the right to incarcerate.

Did the crimes rates increase with the election of Republicans?
There's a clear correlation between crime rates and education achievement. Why do kids in Mississippi do worse than kids in Vermont? Is it because they're more stupid?

There is a clear correlation between IQ and academic achievement. There is also a clear correlation between IQ and income. There is also a clear correlation between IQ and violent crime.

And there is also a clear correlation between race and IQ. The average Afro-American has an IQ of 85. That is a whopping 15 points below average.

It is no wonder that cities like New Orleans and Detroit have a low academic achievement rates and a high violent crime rate.

I'm going to disagree with you.

You're trying to make a case that doesn't fit.

Crime rates in Africa vary enormously.

With international intentional homicides the continent with the highest rate is the Americas. Then Africa.

Madagascar has 0.6 murder rate, Burkina Faso 0.7, Ghana 1.7, Malawi 1.8, Sierra Leone 1.8, these are all much lower than the USA.

So, if there were a correlation between IQ to academic achievement to violent crime, then surely countries in Africa would be lower based on your statement about them, and they'd then have lower academic achievement and then higher crime.
There aren't enough people locked up. Our justice system is a joke, we give second chances to thugs all the time. Prison time for violent crimes needs to be increased.

They keep bringing up the fact that blacks and Latinos make up the vast majority of prison populations, but won't admit it's because they commit the vast majority of crimes.

Produce criminals, and then pay for them to be locked up, then complain about people being given free stuff. Free board and food.....

I've never complained about thugs being locked up, or paying for it.

Try again asswipe.

Wow, insults.....

You are the one that insinuated that I am somehow responsible for "producing" criminals, as well as complain about paying to lock them up.

You're full of shit and all you can do is try to cover your own lying ass, hence you're an asswipe.

Ah, insults.....
No, you can't. But a lot of the people who need help, are people who do want help.

Either kids who need a decent education, good opportunities, a safe and decent community to grow up in, good parents and so on.

But then you're attitude is always going to be defeatist. You seem to want to see people fail, to see society fall apart, to see it all go bad. I have no idea why, maybe you could tell me why.

I am a realist.

Almost any town or city has a free library. If someone wants to educate themselves they can.

And if they really want help they will start by helping themselves not by mugging an old lady

A realist would say that education helps kids. That people have things like hope and when they lose this hope then they don't try anymore. That's real. it happens all the time.

A realist sees that many of the failures in society are failures because they don't get the education when they're kids that they need. A realist sees that education at a young level is extremely important.

All kids have to go to school. The education they get is really up to them.

Sooner or later people have to make a choice. Some choose wisely some don't. It's always been that way it will always be that way.

Oh, it's up to a 10 year old what kind of education they get. Do you know ANYTHING about 10 year olds?

Seriously, most 10 year olds, given the chance, will take the easy route. However many of them will also do well when they're told to do their work. Kids aren't just born to be able to do it all themselves.

Also, many kids end up with the wrong type of education, the one size fits all education has made many intelligent kids feel stupid simply because they're studying what doesn't interest them. Also, the skills they need they'll only get from being taught many of these skills, if they don't, then they miss out.

The problem is, and I'll say it again and again, is your attitude towards education and all of this stuff is negative, and causes many problems for people. There's a reason why states like Mississippi and Arkansas have poor educational records, and why other states have good educational records. It's the difference between having voters and politicians with your attitude, and having voters and politicians with a can do attitude.

10 year olds don't get thrown in jail. And no one is 10 years old forever.

Nothing I do today has anything to do with when I was 10 years old

You'd be surprised how much what you did at 10 has an impact on what you do today.

A lot of how you react to things is based on you as a child. What food you like, how you react to smells, how you feel in certain situations, a lot of it is based on how you were as a 10 year old.

A lot of it is how we process memories. If you're 4 years old, your experience is of the previous 3 years, and you'll react based on this experience. Then when you're five, you'll react to what you knew when you were 4, and when you're 6 you;ll react to what you knew when you were 5 and so on and on and on.

Things do change, but the most important years are when you are young.

Imagine learning to read at school, for example.

You learn to read phonetically at school. You learn to like reading. You read quite a bit and you learn a lot of stuff and you do well in your studies and you're enthusiastic about learning and you do well academically and you go to college and then you leave college and you get a job that pays a lot of money, makes you feel fulfilled, you meet someone who is similar and you have a good life.
Imagine you didn't learn to read. You didn't pick up a lot of knowledge, except from those around you, and it was a different type of knowledge. You weren't enthusiastic about studying, you never made it to college, you bummed around a bit, got a job you didn't like, you start drinking and you have a shit life.

Surely how you were taught at school at a young age could potentially have a massive impact on you.

When you're a child the way you feel you are will probably stay with you forever. If you've been told you're stupid, you might lack the hope for the future. If you're told you're amazing, then you'll believe it too.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.

Those states have more black people than other states.

There are lots of things we could say about the states.

Mississippi is the most religious state, and still has high crime and high incarceration. Are we going to say that it is religion that makes people commit crimes?

Mississippi Most Religious State, Vermont Least Religious

Louisiana is the fourth most religious, Alabama, South Carolina, etc are at the top too.

At the bottom you have places like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine etc.

Maine has the lowest incarceration rates, Vermont is 5th, New Hampshire is 7th.

So it would seem that religion and incarceration go hand in hand.

Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity

As to whether blacks are there, well...

Mississippi has the most black people, and then yes, again it goes down the list of states who have high crime and high incarceration.

Then again it could have something to do with whether you have lots of Republicans or not.

Louisiana has house and senate Republican
Oklahoma has governor, house and senate Republican
Mississippi has governor, house and senate Republican
Alabama has governor, house and senate Republican
Georgia has governor, house and senate Republican
Texas has governor, house and senate Republican
Arizona has governor, house and senate Republican
Arkansas has governor, house and senate Republican
Florida has governor, house and senate Republican
New Mexico has has governor, house Republican

And then you get to Delaware which is all Democrat.

So the TOP TEN states for incarceration have at least two of three elected power bodies that are Republican, and only two of them have two, the rest have three.

Seems to be a policy of the right to incarcerate.

Did the crimes rates increase with the election of Republicans?

You're not thinking about this properly are you?

Crime rates don't happen just because a Republican, or Republicans are there in charge. Just as Obama didn't cause the massive recession simply because he was in office.
These are the impact of years and years of policies. But Republican policies are more likely to be as we're seeing on this forum now. The negative "everyone can make it in the USA" (so we'll leave them alone and not give them good education and basically not bother doing much at all) sort of attitude.
you know what makes communities safer Barry? getting black mothers off welfare. Keeping black fathers at home and working and out of drugs, crime and gangs. Raising their kids- stop sleeping around. Keeping the kids in school, getting a job and education. Stop depending on big gubmint.
I guess your eyes just can''t bring themselves to read table 55A. Who is committing most ofgthe crime in Metro counties? It sure isn't Black people. You look stupid trying to ignore the FBI data I put right in front of you!
Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.
What would the crime rate be if all those people weren't locked up?

Well, my argument would be this:

Instead of people going for the "lock everyone up and we'll all be safer" kind of simplistic view, I would instead look at the real reasons for why people commit crimes and try and stop it. People are basically being born into crime, there's no hope left in certain communities. In others becoming a criminal is an actual career choice that gives far more advantages than trying to do it the legitimate way.

Why are so many more people being incarcerated in certain states than others? Well, you know that many of the states with high levels of prisoners have piss poor education, the rich don't care about the poor and do nothing to help people rise up out of the dirt.

You can see it within the US comparing different states, and you can see it comparing the US with Europe and Australia and places like that.

All it takes is people with brains. Instead people are getting all excited about someone like Trump who wants to build a damn wall, not fix education, not improve the lives of people, reduce crime and all of that, no, build a wall.

People commit crimes because they choose to.

People are uneducated because they choose to be

If people want to "rise up from the dirt" then that's up to them

And here are some of the reasons why things are going bad, because people like you always say stuff like this, and it's been PROVEN to not help matters.

People who are actually pro-active in making positive change will generally get positive change. Those who always make these excuses will always end up with a society where you end up locking people up for long periods and have a lot of crime.

It's a choice. It does seem rather silly to want to have lots of criminals.

You cannot help people who don't want to be helped.
People who choose to victimize others do not want to be helped

That is exactly what I wish Obama and Bush would have told the "too big to fail Banks". and the perpetrators of the subprime mortgage scandal.

Our President is correct

We have almost 2.5 million Americans in jail

It is not making us safer
Well, no, it isn't making YOU safer because most of those locked up are Blacks. You are still plagued by Whie on White viokence and crime, especially in metro counties where Whites commit most of the crime by far:
Metro counties arrests.png
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.
No dummy. Simply locking criminals up only teaches them to be better criminals after they have all that time to compare notes.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.
No dummy. Simply locking criminals up only teaches them to be better criminals after they have all that time to compare notes.

Its called "selective breeding"...

Prisons usually have higher % of creating super criminals, than correcting them...
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.
No dummy. Simply locking criminals up only teaches them to be better criminals after they have all that time to compare notes.

Don't tell me that you are one of those crazies that think if we just hug them more, they'll give up there criminal ways. What pray tell would you have us do with the heroin dealers and the armed robbers, and the murders and rapists? Maybe we can build them a safe room...........
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.
No dummy. Simply locking criminals up only teaches them to be better criminals after they have all that time to compare notes.

Don't tell me that you are one of those crazies that think if we just hug them more, they'll give up there criminal ways. What pray tell would you have us do with the heroin dealers and the armed robbers, and the murders and rapists? Maybe we can build them a safe room...........
Dont deflect and try to move the goal posts to a subset of criminals. The murderers and rapists should be shot and killed if there is no doubt they did the deed. For the non violent offenders we could have them build themselves a safe room, teach them some skills and dont make it harder for them to get a job when they get out.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.
No dummy. Simply locking criminals up only teaches them to be better criminals after they have all that time to compare notes.

Don't tell me that you are one of those crazies that think if we just hug them more, they'll give up there criminal ways. What pray tell would you have us do with the heroin dealers and the armed robbers, and the murders and rapists? Maybe we can build them a safe room...........

No, but you can start offering them free college, so they can get a better future, and not turn out to be criminals.

Just an idea....
I am a realist.

Almost any town or city has a free library. If someone wants to educate themselves they can.

And if they really want help they will start by helping themselves not by mugging an old lady

A realist would say that education helps kids. That people have things like hope and when they lose this hope then they don't try anymore. That's real. it happens all the time.

A realist sees that many of the failures in society are failures because they don't get the education when they're kids that they need. A realist sees that education at a young level is extremely important.

All kids have to go to school. The education they get is really up to them.

Sooner or later people have to make a choice. Some choose wisely some don't. It's always been that way it will always be that way.

Oh, it's up to a 10 year old what kind of education they get. Do you know ANYTHING about 10 year olds?

Seriously, most 10 year olds, given the chance, will take the easy route. However many of them will also do well when they're told to do their work. Kids aren't just born to be able to do it all themselves.

Also, many kids end up with the wrong type of education, the one size fits all education has made many intelligent kids feel stupid simply because they're studying what doesn't interest them. Also, the skills they need they'll only get from being taught many of these skills, if they don't, then they miss out.

The problem is, and I'll say it again and again, is your attitude towards education and all of this stuff is negative, and causes many problems for people. There's a reason why states like Mississippi and Arkansas have poor educational records, and why other states have good educational records. It's the difference between having voters and politicians with your attitude, and having voters and politicians with a can do attitude.

10 year olds don't get thrown in jail. And no one is 10 years old forever.

Nothing I do today has anything to do with when I was 10 years old

You'd be surprised how much what you did at 10 has an impact on what you do today.

A lot of how you react to things is based on you as a child. What food you like, how you react to smells, how you feel in certain situations, a lot of it is based on how you were as a 10 year old.

A lot of it is how we process memories. If you're 4 years old, your experience is of the previous 3 years, and you'll react based on this experience. Then when you're five, you'll react to what you knew when you were 4, and when you're 6 you;ll react to what you knew when you were 5 and so on and on and on.

Things do change, but the most important years are when you are young.

Imagine learning to read at school, for example.

You learn to read phonetically at school. You learn to like reading. You read quite a bit and you learn a lot of stuff and you do well in your studies and you're enthusiastic about learning and you do well academically and you go to college and then you leave college and you get a job that pays a lot of money, makes you feel fulfilled, you meet someone who is similar and you have a good life.
Imagine you didn't learn to read. You didn't pick up a lot of knowledge, except from those around you, and it was a different type of knowledge. You weren't enthusiastic about studying, you never made it to college, you bummed around a bit, got a job you didn't like, you start drinking and you have a shit life.

Surely how you were taught at school at a young age could potentially have a massive impact on you.

When you're a child the way you feel you are will probably stay with you forever. If you've been told you're stupid, you might lack the hope for the future. If you're told you're amazing, then you'll believe it too.

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.

The problem is you people do not put away childish things
There is no need to say it in a new way. You Trump supporters are stupid and probably retarded.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly/repeat
No, but you can start offering them free college, so they can get a better future, and not turn out to be criminals.

Just an idea....

Who pays for the free college? You? no.
A realist would say that education helps kids. That people have things like hope and when they lose this hope then they don't try anymore. That's real. it happens all the time.

A realist sees that many of the failures in society are failures because they don't get the education when they're kids that they need. A realist sees that education at a young level is extremely important.

All kids have to go to school. The education they get is really up to them.

Sooner or later people have to make a choice. Some choose wisely some don't. It's always been that way it will always be that way.

Oh, it's up to a 10 year old what kind of education they get. Do you know ANYTHING about 10 year olds?

Seriously, most 10 year olds, given the chance, will take the easy route. However many of them will also do well when they're told to do their work. Kids aren't just born to be able to do it all themselves.

Also, many kids end up with the wrong type of education, the one size fits all education has made many intelligent kids feel stupid simply because they're studying what doesn't interest them. Also, the skills they need they'll only get from being taught many of these skills, if they don't, then they miss out.

The problem is, and I'll say it again and again, is your attitude towards education and all of this stuff is negative, and causes many problems for people. There's a reason why states like Mississippi and Arkansas have poor educational records, and why other states have good educational records. It's the difference between having voters and politicians with your attitude, and having voters and politicians with a can do attitude.

10 year olds don't get thrown in jail. And no one is 10 years old forever.

Nothing I do today has anything to do with when I was 10 years old

You'd be surprised how much what you did at 10 has an impact on what you do today.

A lot of how you react to things is based on you as a child. What food you like, how you react to smells, how you feel in certain situations, a lot of it is based on how you were as a 10 year old.

A lot of it is how we process memories. If you're 4 years old, your experience is of the previous 3 years, and you'll react based on this experience. Then when you're five, you'll react to what you knew when you were 4, and when you're 6 you;ll react to what you knew when you were 5 and so on and on and on.

Things do change, but the most important years are when you are young.

Imagine learning to read at school, for example.

You learn to read phonetically at school. You learn to like reading. You read quite a bit and you learn a lot of stuff and you do well in your studies and you're enthusiastic about learning and you do well academically and you go to college and then you leave college and you get a job that pays a lot of money, makes you feel fulfilled, you meet someone who is similar and you have a good life.
Imagine you didn't learn to read. You didn't pick up a lot of knowledge, except from those around you, and it was a different type of knowledge. You weren't enthusiastic about studying, you never made it to college, you bummed around a bit, got a job you didn't like, you start drinking and you have a shit life.

Surely how you were taught at school at a young age could potentially have a massive impact on you.

When you're a child the way you feel you are will probably stay with you forever. If you've been told you're stupid, you might lack the hope for the future. If you're told you're amazing, then you'll believe it too.

When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.

The problem is you people do not put away childish things

But then when you were a child did you learn to reason properly?

I'm not about to insult, I'm not going to make a comment on whether you do or you don't, the point I'm making is that I feel that a lot of people don't get taught the right skills that they need in order to see things properly.

You can see on this board loads of people who are interested in politics, but like to do politics lite, politics simple, and don't connect all the dots, and I mean on both sides of the political spectrum.

These are skills that are developed and very few people actually develop such skills naturally.

It isn't a case that when people become adults they suddenly stop being the child that they were. What you learn as a child is often what stays with you the longest. You learn the right skills as a child, you'll progress through adulthood with those skills. Don't learn them, and you won't.
Locking up criminals absolutely makes the community safer. Obama wants to give all of his homies a get out of jail free card. Nothing more, nothing less. If the majority of felons in prison were white, he'd let them rot.

Does it?

The states with the highest homicide rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Mississippi, 3) Missouri, 4) South Carolina, 5) Maryland

The states with the highest incarceration rates are 1) Louisiana, 2) Oklahoma, 3) Mississippi, 4) Alabama, 5) Georgia

So, number one and two for murder and numbers one and three for incarceration. Missouri is 14th, South Carolina 19th.

Does this look like more incarceration leads to less crime? Doesn't to me.

Those states have more black people than other states.

There are lots of things we could say about the states.

Mississippi is the most religious state, and still has high crime and high incarceration. Are we going to say that it is religion that makes people commit crimes?

Mississippi Most Religious State, Vermont Least Religious

Louisiana is the fourth most religious, Alabama, South Carolina, etc are at the top too.

At the bottom you have places like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine etc.

Maine has the lowest incarceration rates, Vermont is 5th, New Hampshire is 7th.

So it would seem that religion and incarceration go hand in hand.

Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity

As to whether blacks are there, well...

Mississippi has the most black people, and then yes, again it goes down the list of states who have high crime and high incarceration.

Then again it could have something to do with whether you have lots of Republicans or not.

Louisiana has house and senate Republican
Oklahoma has governor, house and senate Republican
Mississippi has governor, house and senate Republican
Alabama has governor, house and senate Republican
Georgia has governor, house and senate Republican
Texas has governor, house and senate Republican
Arizona has governor, house and senate Republican
Arkansas has governor, house and senate Republican
Florida has governor, house and senate Republican
New Mexico has has governor, house Republican

And then you get to Delaware which is all Democrat.

So the TOP TEN states for incarceration have at least two of three elected power bodies that are Republican, and only two of them have two, the rest have three.

Seems to be a policy of the right to incarcerate.

Did the crimes rates increase with the election of Republicans?

You're not thinking about this properly are you?

Crime rates don't happen just because a Republican, or Republicans are there in charge. Just as Obama didn't cause the massive recession simply because he was in office.
These are the impact of years and years of policies. But Republican policies are more likely to be as we're seeing on this forum now. The negative "everyone can make it in the USA" (so we'll leave them alone and not give them good education and basically not bother doing much at all) sort of attitude.

You're the one that brought up Republican majority state governments.

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