Obama Skips Past Congress Again With Health Mandate Delay - See more at: http://cdn.r


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
President Barack Obama’s latest legal end run around Congress — delaying enforcement of the employer health mandate — has sparked more questions about whether he’s abusing his executive discretion under the Constitution. The move announced late Tuesday was the latest in a string of decisions where the president, facing a divided Congress unable to get much done beyond keeping the government running, has taken matters into his own hands.

Where a previous president might have asked for a legislative fix if a mandate was proving too onerous for business, the Obama administration put out a couple of blog posts saying that, in listening to the business community, it decided not to enforce a key part of the 3-year-old health law for another year.

Obama Skips Past Congress Again With Health Mandate Delay : Roll Call News

Emperor Obama.
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He is worried about the 2014, elections. he knows what a catastrophic inpact it will have. After the elections, he won't give a shit. This man is motivated by pure political strategy, and tactics - damn the constitution.
Obama thinks he's above the law. While I don't give a rats arse for Obamacare, IT'S THE LAW NOW. Unless it is specifically changed or delayed by Congress, then it shouldn't be delayed. Obama is NOT A KING, but sure thinks he is, and he's getting away with it.

What happened to the IRS scandal? Seems the diversion tactics are working.

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