Obama spending binge never happened

Yes we do. Were you stupid enough to believe that the bills being run up by the prior administration would never become due? This is the high point of intellectual dishonesty. You want to blame Obama for the fact that he's required under law, to pay debt when it's due.

Have there been ANY bills 'run up' by the CURRENT administration?

why won't you answer this post, you little lying bitch?

Hey Dickless, you Holocaust Denying freak... gonna answer?

Have there been ANY bills 'run up' by the CURRENT administration?
Another right wing lie debunked.

Obama spending binge never happened
Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s

Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree.

As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.”

Almost everyone believes that Obama has presided over a massive increase in federal spending, an “inferno” of spending that threatens our jobs, our businesses and our children’s future. Even Democrats seem to think it’s true.

But it didn’t happen. Although there was a big stimulus bill under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.

Here you go DICK ..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqMulqWEgvA&feature=g-all-u-a384-11e1-827e-002128049ad6]Obama is the Worst Spender Ever! And Rex Nutting is Absurd - YouTube[/ame]

That's a funny one.

No metrics..instead of assigning spending to Bush..he merges Bush/Obama into one person.

Love it.

I wouldn't go that far. But the fact remains that he expanded government less than than any post WWII President.

So signing into law amassive healthcare overhaul is his effort in not creating and expanding the government? Who the hell do you think is going to run that thing? Civilians? HAHAH!!! that is the most massive expansion of government since Bush created the Department of homeland security and you're really gonna sit there and act like it isn't?

The "Massive" health care law overall was offset by cuts in Medicare.

Gosh..you guys are funny.

Less than half is covered by cuts to medicare. The rest is tax increases.
I'm just telling you the facts. Obama expanded our federal government at a rate slower than any post WWII President. The OP article laid out the case, and Politifact found the numbers to be correct.

The healthcare law...when it kicks in...it will be bigger than the DOHS, which means he expanded government further than Bush. Because it has not kicked in yet, you can manipulate it and say as of today he has not...but that does not excuse him from the fact that he expanded it even further than Bush when he signed the healthcare law into law. You're entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.

Bush's Part B was a scam from the beginning. Refusing to negotiate with drug companies for prices was a stone stupid give away. It gave Pharma carte blanch to soak us for as much as they wanted.

CBO analysis still claims that Health Insurance reform will result in a net saving to the health insurance consumer, and the government in general.

But this thread is still about Mitt Romney's lie, and the fact that Obama expanded the federal government at a rate slower than any post WWII President.

Can you name any government program that stayed the same or below projected costs? Nobody can, because nothing ever has stayed at or below the projected costs. social security, medicare,medicaid and on and on. They all cost double what they where projected to cost. Let me guess...you still think the new healthcare is going to be free right?
Here you go DICK ..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqMulqWEgvA&feature=g-all-u-a384-11e1-827e-002128049ad6]Obama is the Worst Spender Ever! And Rex Nutting is Absurd - YouTube[/ame]

logic and common sense are lost on the Dickless Holocaust Denier.

Hey pissant. You're a complete liar and a loser. I never denied the Holocaust. Perhaps that's why I hate little brownshirsts like yourself. Now be a good little girl, and go fuck yourself with a broken bottle.
Another right wing lie debunked.

Obama spending binge never happened
Commentary: Government outlays rising at slowest pace since 1950s

Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree.

As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.”

Almost everyone believes that Obama has presided over a massive increase in federal spending, an “inferno” of spending that threatens our jobs, our businesses and our children’s future. Even Democrats seem to think it’s true.

But it didn’t happen. Although there was a big stimulus bill under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.

Here you go DICK ..
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqMulqWEgvA&feature=g-all-u-a384-11e1-827e-002128049ad6]Obama is the Worst Spender Ever! And Rex Nutting is Absurd - YouTube[/ame]

Your little Youtube jerk is a liar. He claims that the stimulus was not attributed to Obama. That's a lie. The article clearly does attribute that 2009 spending to Obama. Were you too lazy to read the article and think for yourself?
Why do House republicans pass a budget they know will never leave the Senate?

WHY does Orangina Boehner not compromise with the Senate on a budget since 2011?

You realize the republicans are playing games with people's lives for partisan bullsqueeze...as are YOU?

WHY doesn't Harry Reid even bring it up for a vote?

WHY is he shirking his duty to come up with a budget?

It's been over three years.

I say it time and time again; Know your damn topic.

"Senate rejects Ryan budget By Alexander Bolton- 05/25/11 07:22 PM ET"

"The Senate on Wednesday resoundingly rejected a budget sponsored by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that calls for significant cuts to future Medicare benefits...The 40-57 vote came one day after Republicans suffered an upset defeat in a special election in upstate New York where Democrats made Medicare cuts the primary issue."

So that was a year ago, there are other bills and budgets that the House has passed and Reid was worried about some of them passing and shelved them. Why doesn't the Senate submit and come up with their own budget proposal?

They aren't even discussing a budget.

logic and common sense are lost on the Dickless Holocaust Denier.

Hey pissant. You're a complete liar and a loser. I never denied the Holocaust. Perhaps that's why I hate little brownshirsts like yourself. Now be a good little girl, and go fuck yourself with a broken bottle.

I already posted the proof, asshat. You can't deny your denial.
The healthcare law...when it kicks in...it will be bigger than the DOHS, which means he expanded government further than Bush. Because it has not kicked in yet, you can manipulate it and say as of today he has not...but that does not excuse him from the fact that he expanded it even further than Bush when he signed the healthcare law into law. You're entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.

Bush's Part B was a scam from the beginning. Refusing to negotiate with drug companies for prices was a stone stupid give away. It gave Pharma carte blanch to soak us for as much as they wanted.

CBO analysis still claims that Health Insurance reform will result in a net saving to the health insurance consumer, and the government in general.

But this thread is still about Mitt Romney's lie, and the fact that Obama expanded the federal government at a rate slower than any post WWII President.

Can you name any government program that stayed the same or below projected costs? Nobody can, because nothing ever has stayed at or below the projected costs. social security, medicare,medicaid and on and on. They all cost double what they where projected to cost. Let me guess...you still think the new healthcare is going to be free right?
Actually I think BUsh's expansion of Medicare for prescription drugs has cost less than projected. The exception that proves the rule.
WHY doesn't Harry Reid even bring it up for a vote?

WHY is he shirking his duty to come up with a budget?

It's been over three years.

I say it time and time again; Know your damn topic.

"Senate rejects Ryan budget By Alexander Bolton- 05/25/11 07:22 PM ET"

"The Senate on Wednesday resoundingly rejected a budget sponsored by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that calls for significant cuts to future Medicare benefits...The 40-57 vote came one day after Republicans suffered an upset defeat in a special election in upstate New York where Democrats made Medicare cuts the primary issue."

So that was a year ago, there are other bills and budgets that the House has passed and Reid was worried about some of them passing and shelved them. Why doesn't the Senate submit and come up with their own budget proposal?

They aren't even discussing a budget.

If they submitted a budget or compromised with the GOP on bills the left and Obama could not claim that there is a do nothing congress. Obama and the left would be forced to actually take responsibility for there actions. But instead they purposely do not do their jobs and then claim the GOP wont compromise and work with them. It's politics, and we the people are not stupid. November will be another shellacking for the left, and they deserve every bit of it.
logic and common sense are lost on the Dickless Holocaust Denier.

Hey pissant. You're a complete liar and a loser. I never denied the Holocaust. Perhaps that's why I hate little brownshirsts like yourself. Now be a good little girl, and go fuck yourself with a broken bottle.

I already posted the proof, asshat. You can't deny your denial.

You're a fucking liar. It seems that your the scumbag who loves THE BIG LIE. Show me a single post that has me denying the holocaust, you pathetic little cocksucker, or just admit that your a lying piece of shit.
Hey pissant. You're a complete liar and a loser. I never denied the Holocaust. Perhaps that's why I hate little brownshirsts like yourself. Now be a good little girl, and go fuck yourself with a broken bottle.

I already posted the proof, asshat. You can't deny your denial.

You're a fucking liar. It seems that your the scumbag who loves THE BIG LIE. Show me a single post that has me denying the holocaust, you pathetic little cocksucker, or just admit that your a lying piece of shit.
Sorry, Mr Tuck. You really have no dick.
Hey pissant. You're a complete liar and a loser. I never denied the Holocaust. Perhaps that's why I hate little brownshirsts like yourself. Now be a good little girl, and go fuck yourself with a broken bottle.

I already posted the proof, asshat. You can't deny your denial.

You're a fucking liar. It seems that your the scumbag who loves THE BIG LIE. Show me a single post that has me denying the holocaust, you pathetic little cocksucker, or just admit that your a lying piece of shit.

Yes. It's another big right wing lie that you've succeeded to make into conventional wisdom.
there ya go. You claimed somethign was a lie... KWC asked 'like the Holocaust?'.. YOU said YES.

You called the holocaust a lie, Butt-plug.
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The Obama the "big spender" meme is as false as Tammy Faye's eyelashes.

yeah sure it is..you Obamabots go ahead and run with that, the Majority of the people aren't buying it....must suck
How have they managed to spend so much money "almost 6 trillion" if congress has failed to pass a budget in over 3 years?

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