Obama spending binge never happened

The Obama the "big spender" meme is as false as Tammy Faye's eyelashes.

yeah sure it is..you Obamabots go ahead and run with that, the Majority of the people aren't buying it....must suck

So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?
The Obama the "big spender" meme is as false as Tammy Faye's eyelashes.

yeah sure it is..you Obamabots go ahead and run with that, the Majority of the people aren't buying it....must suck

So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk
Last edited:
I already posted the proof, asshat. You can't deny your denial.

You're a fucking liar. It seems that your the scumbag who loves THE BIG LIE. Show me a single post that has me denying the holocaust, you pathetic little cocksucker, or just admit that your a lying piece of shit.

Yes. It's another big right wing lie that you've succeeded to make into conventional wisdom.
there ya go. You claimed somethign was a lie... KWC asked 'like the Holocaust?'.. YOU said YES.

You called the holocaust a lie, Butt-plug.

That's not a denial of the event, you pathetic little slug. Yes, the right wing lies are like the Nazis using little lies or small truths to create the Big Lie, that led to the enabling of Holocaust. THAT IS AN ACCEPTANCE OF HISTORICAL TRUTH THAT THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED AND APPROXIMATELY SIX MILLION JEWS WERE SLAUGHTERED by those right wingers.

You really are a pathetic little liar, with zero reading comprehension. To the contrary of your cowardly lie, I said exactly the opposite of your claim. If anyone has failed to understand history, it's little brownshirts like yourself.
yeah sure it is..you Obamabots go ahead and run with that, the Majority of the people aren't buying it....must suck

So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk

Rassmussen says you're full of crap. They claim 51% approve and 48% disapprove of Obama.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™
You're a fucking liar. It seems that your the scumbag who loves THE BIG LIE. Show me a single post that has me denying the holocaust, you pathetic little cocksucker, or just admit that your a lying piece of shit.

there ya go. You claimed somethign was a lie... KWC asked 'like the Holocaust?'.. YOU said YES.

You called the holocaust a lie, Butt-plug.

That's not a denial of the event, you pathetic little slug. Yes, the right wing lies are like the Nazis using little lies or small truths to create the Big Lie, that led to the enabling of Holocaust. THAT IS AN ACCEPTANCE OF HISTORICAL TRUTH THAT THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED AND APPROXIMATELY SIX MILLION JEWS WERE SLAUGHTERED by those right wingers.

You really are a pathetic little liar, with zero reading comprehension. To the contrary of your cowardly lie, I said exactly the opposite of your claim. If anyone has failed to understand history, it's little brownshirts like yourself.

dance, Baryshnikov, dance! You've been found out. No amount of spin can save you. :rofl:
So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk

Rassmussen says you're full of crap. They claim 51% approve and 48% disapprove of Obama.

Obama Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

So NOW that they agree with your position, Rasmussen is accurate, huh :rofl:
yeah sure it is..you Obamabots go ahead and run with that, the Majority of the people aren't buying it....must suck

So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk
Dick Tuck and friends must think we're too stupid to spot a scam when we see it.

The Stimulus has been reassigned to Bush in this graph.

Problem with that is Bush had nothing to do with the Stimulus Bill. It was passed after he left office. Not one Republican voted for it ether. The Stimulus was Discressionary spending so it had to be assigned to whomever signed it into law (Obama). Entitlements are manditory, but even those grew alarmingly under Obama. Plus, half of the TARP funds were handed over to Obama to spend. About $300 billion dollars that was assigned to Bush which he never actually spent.

Your whole premise falls apart when you consider the fact that Congress hasn't passed a Budget and signed it into law since before Bush left office, so we really don't know what has been spent nor exactly where. This is merely another attempt to lie about an issue and cast blame on someone else.
Is Dick Tuck an act or is this nutjob legit? I can't tell.

Seems a little over the top.
there ya go. You claimed somethign was a lie... KWC asked 'like the Holocaust?'.. YOU said YES.

You called the holocaust a lie, Butt-plug.

That's not a denial of the event, you pathetic little slug. Yes, the right wing lies are like the Nazis using little lies or small truths to create the Big Lie, that led to the enabling of Holocaust. THAT IS AN ACCEPTANCE OF HISTORICAL TRUTH THAT THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED AND APPROXIMATELY SIX MILLION JEWS WERE SLAUGHTERED by those right wingers.

You really are a pathetic little liar, with zero reading comprehension. To the contrary of your cowardly lie, I said exactly the opposite of your claim. If anyone has failed to understand history, it's little brownshirts like yourself.

dance, Baryshnikov, dance! You've been found out. No amount of spin can save you. :rofl:

You're a pathetic little coward. I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST. You took words out the logical context to tell your Nazi lie, not me.
So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk
Dick Tuck and friends must think we're too stupid to spot a scam when we see it.

The Stimulus has been reassigned to Bush in this graph.

Problem with that is Bush had nothing to do with the Stimulus Bill. It was passed after he left office. Not one Republican voted for it ether. The Stimulus was Discressionary spending so it had to be assigned to whomever signed it into law (Obama). Entitlements are manditory, but even those grew alarmingly under Obama. Plus, half of the TARP funds were handed over to Obama to spend. About $300 billion dollars that was assigned to Bush which he never actually spent.

Your whole premise falls apart when you consider the fact that Congress hasn't passed a Budget and signed it into law since before Bush left office, so we really don't know what has been spent nor exactly where. This is merely another attempt to lie about an issue and cast blame on someone else.

yep, very good post..
the chart has been Debunked all over the place, all they would have to do is search it out..but they won't...Like you said, the majority of the people aren't stupid and are probably laughing their asses off over it..
Is Dick Tuck an act or is this nutjob legit? I can't tell.

Seems a little over the top.

When some pathetic little pissant lies, and calls me a Holocaust denier, I tend to get a little pissed off.
That's not a denial of the event, you pathetic little slug. Yes, the right wing lies are like the Nazis using little lies or small truths to create the Big Lie, that led to the enabling of Holocaust. THAT IS AN ACCEPTANCE OF HISTORICAL TRUTH THAT THE HOLOCAUST HAPPENED AND APPROXIMATELY SIX MILLION JEWS WERE SLAUGHTERED by those right wingers.

You really are a pathetic little liar, with zero reading comprehension. To the contrary of your cowardly lie, I said exactly the opposite of your claim. If anyone has failed to understand history, it's little brownshirts like yourself.

dance, Baryshnikov, dance! You've been found out. No amount of spin can save you. :rofl:

You're a pathetic little coward. I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST. You took words out the logical context to tell your Nazi lie, not me.

:rofl: So, now, because I outed you as a Holocaust Denier, Somehow 'I' am a Nazi? :rofl:

Did you forget to take your Thorazine this morning, Dickless?
So you've spoken with a majority of people have you?

What must suck for you is the truth...here it is again for you to see...


How terribly inconvenient for you, eh?

you hang onto that chart...the majority of the people aren't buying it (over 50% disapprove of Obama)..so it doesn't really matter...tsk tsk
Dick Tuck and friends must think we're too stupid to spot a scam when we see it.

The Stimulus has been reassigned to Bush in this graph.

Problem with that is Bush had nothing to do with the Stimulus Bill. It was passed after he left office. Not one Republican voted for it ether. The Stimulus was Discressionary spending so it had to be assigned to whomever signed it into law (Obama). Entitlements are manditory, but even those grew alarmingly under Obama. Plus, half of the TARP funds were handed over to Obama to spend. About $300 billion dollars that was assigned to Bush which he never actually spent.

Your whole premise falls apart when you consider the fact that Congress hasn't passed a Budget and signed it into law since before Bush left office, so we really don't know what has been spent nor exactly where. This is merely another attempt to lie about an issue and cast blame on someone else.

The cost of the 2009 Stimulus was included in the analysis. Had you bothered to actually read it, you'd know that to be the case.

I think the problem with the right is they've never accepted that the drop of revenue, do to Bush's economic failure, vanishes in your minds. I guess it hurts your talking points to be honest.
dance, Baryshnikov, dance! You've been found out. No amount of spin can save you. :rofl:

You're a pathetic little coward. I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST. You took words out the logical context to tell your Nazi lie, not me.

:rofl: So, now, because I outed you as a Holocaust Denier, Somehow 'I' am a Nazi? :rofl:

Did you forget to take your Thorazine this morning, Dickless?

You really love being a liar, don't you. You outed nothing but your own pea brain and dishonesty. You're a little coward.
another view on it..links in article at site.

Correcting the media on Obama’s spending record… again

posted at 10:03 pm on May 23, 2012 by Dustin Siggins
In a recent analysis on Market Watch, Rex Nutting says Americans who think there has been a large increase of federal spending under President Obama’s watch are wrong. From the analysis:
Over Obama’s four budget years, federal spending is on track to rise from $3.52 trillion to $3.58 trillion, an annualized increase of just 0.4%.

There has been no huge increase in spending under the current president, despite what you hear.

Why do people think Obama has spent like a drunken sailor? It’s in part because of a fundamental misunderstanding of the federal budget.

Varied versions of this flawed argument have already been shot down by numerous commentators, including twice by Just Facts President Jim Agresti in 2010 and earlier this month, and by Morgen Richmond and me here at Hot Air. However, Nutting takes a different angle on the discussion, and there numerous misleading or inaccurate statements he makes that require correcting. Several major points are addressed below.

First, Nutting writes, “In the 2009 fiscal year — the last of George W. Bush’s presidency — federal spending rose by 17.9% from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion.” This is inaccurate for two reasons: first, as Nutting notes in a separate chart, Obama was responsible for $140 billion in stimulus spending in 2009. Therefore, insinuating that the 2009 deficit was garnered entirely under President Bush’s watch is misleading.

Second, and related, Nutting fails to place blame for a number of other spending items President Obama signed into law on the President, particularly those from the $410 billion H.R. 1105, the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009. This Act, signed into law by President Obama on March 11, 2009, included the following:

1.Five billion dollars worth of earmarks added by Members of Congress.
2.A funding increase of $8.5 billion in the Labor-HHS-Education portion of the law, excluding emergency appropriations.
3.A $31 billion increase in nine bills funding various federal agencies over FY 2008, as totaled by the U.S. Conference of Mayor.

the rest at..
Correcting the media on Obama’s spending record… again « Hot Air
Another right wing lie debunked

That's because this doesn't count unfunded liabilities for future spending and unfunded mandates on business. Obamacare alone is going to cripple us.

Another left wing lie debunked...
damn !! even Obama admitts he's spent the shit out our money !!! you libbs are stupid if you think we believe this shit !! save your lies for your own base !!

The numbers in the article were fact checked, and proven to be correct.

PolitiFact | Viral Facebook post says Barack Obama has lowest spending record of any recent president

Oh bullshit they were.......

Try this out for size:

Until Barack Obama took office in 2009, the United States had never spent more than 23.5% of GDP, with the exception of the World War II years of 1942-1946.

Here’s the Obama spending record:
– 25.2% of GDP in 2009

– 24.1% of GDP in 2010

– 24.1% of GDP in 2011

– 24.3% (estimates by the White House ) in 2012

What’s more, if Obama wins another term, spending—according to his own budget—would never drop below 22.3% of GDP. If that forecast is right, spending during Obama’s eight years in office would average 23.6% of GDP. That’s higher than any single previous non-war year.

Yet financial columnist Rex Nutting of MarketWatch tries to portray the president as being downright stingy in a piece entitled, stunningly, “Obama spending binge never happened”:

Of all the falsehoods told about President Barack Obama, the biggest whopper is the one about his reckless spending spree. As would-be president Mitt Romney tells it: “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.” Almost everyone believes that Obama has presided over a massive increase in federal spending, an “inferno” of spending that threatens our jobs, our businesses and our children’s future. Even Democrats seem to think it’s true. Government spending under Obama, including his signature stimulus bill, is rising at a 1.4% annualized pace — slower than at any time in nearly 60 years.

And here’s the chart summarizing Nutting’s argument:

As the chart indicates, Nutting arrives at that 1.4% number by assigning 2009—when spending surged nearly 20%—to George W. Bush: “The 2009 fiscal year, which Republicans count as part of Obama’s legacy, began four months before Obama moved into the White House. The major spending decisions in the 2009 fiscal year were made by George W. Bush and the previous Congress. Like a relief pitcher who comes into the game with the bases loaded, Obama came in with a budget in place that called for spending to increase by hundreds of billions of dollars in response to the worst economic and financial calamity in generations.”

Let me complete the metaphor for Nutting: “Then as those runners scored, Obama kept putting more on base.”

Obama chose not to reverse that elevated level of spending; thus he, along with congressional Democrats, are responsible for it. Only by establishing 2009 as the new baseline, something Republican budget hawks like Paul Ryan feared would happen, does Obama come off looking like a tightwad. Obama has turned a one-off surge in spending due to the Great Recession into his permanent New Normal through 2016 and beyond.

It’s as if one of my teenagers crashed our family minivan, and I had to buy a new one. And then, since I liked that new car smell so much, I decided to buy a new van every year for the rest of my life. I would indeed be a reckless spender.

Here is another way Nutting could have framed the spending issue:

The Obama spending record looks a little different now, yes?

Mark Levin

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