Obama State Department Implicated in ‘RussiaGate’

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Judicial Watch uncovers emails indicating much further involvement by State Department officials than previously known.

On Tuesday, I brought news of some emails from the Obama State Department obtained by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch that showed a connection between British spy Christopher Steele and Clinton allies working there. By Tuesday night, there was a lot more to this story.

Fitton appeared on Sean Hannity’s FOX News show to break brand-new details. He had just obtained even more State Department documents. These showed that the very anti-Trump Steele and Glenn Simpson of oppo-research firm Fusion GPS had SPECIAL ACCESS to an official at the State Department named Jonathan Winer, who worked under then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

In case you haven’t yet seen the Mark Tapscott article in The Epoch Times I linked to on Tuesday — or if it’s just hard to keep track of all the players — I’ll try to simplify what we know at this point. Winer was “the Libya guy” at the State Department. These newly obtained documents show that after the 2016 election, Winer worked with Victoria Nuland at State and also a top aide for Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) to target President-elect Trump.

So, judging from these documents, it certainly wasn’t just the FBI going after Trump. The Obama State Department was, as Fitton put it, “all hands on deck,” with Steele joining forces with longtime Clinton cronies Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer to create the “Russia” material. There was more than one “dossier” (see link. Remember the speculation that Cody Shearer had actually authored one?), and some of this material was apparently created by Winer within the State Department itself.

Documents show that Winer was in contact with Simpson in September of 2016 and then immediately contacted Nuland at the State Department. Later, after the election, they worked closely with Steny Hoyer’s aide on the “Russia” stuff, which Steele, of course, was helping on. According to Fitton, Steele was “extremely close” to Jonathan Winer, who had been his contact at the State Department for years

Read much more at Originally published at MikeHuckabee.com

...reporter Sara Carter has been speaking to numerous sources, including a State Department official who was there during the Obama administration. She was told Tuesday that “the genesis of this investigation will begin and end with members of the State Department.”

Start with Samantha Power and her husband Cass Sunstein.

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