Obama: Stop bashing my jeans

You go girl... er, Mr President.

Obama wants people to quit bashing his jeans ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) - President Barack Obama hit back at critics calling him out for his "mom jeans.

"I've been unfairly maligned about my jeans," Obama said Friday in an interview with radio host Ryan Seacrest.

"The truth is, generally I look very sharp in jeans. There was one episode like four years ago in which I was wearing some loose jeans, mainly because I was out on the pitcher's mound and I didn't want to feel confined while I was pitching, and I think I've paid my penance for that. I got whacked pretty good. Since that time, my jeans fit very well."[/

This is Who Obama IS ~ He is doing an interview with Ryan Seacrest. With a well thought out paragraph about his damn jeans. Obamacare is failing. He's Liar of the year. Putin is sending troops to the Ukraine. N Korea & Iran building Nukes. Obama won't do a news conference with real questions from journalists but he's got time for Seacrest. Just like he did The Pimp with a Limp before heading to Vegas the day after Benghazi.
He finds out the latest news same time we do by watching cable news. He hasn't met with his cabinet members in years and doesn't need a morning briefing each day. He shows up at 10:30 then goes to lunch. Then golfs and vacations.....And the media continues to cover for him while he explains why he had on Mom jeans and FYI Since then They fit very well & He looks real good in his jeans these days.
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You go girl... er, Mr President.

Obama wants people to quit bashing his jeans ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) - President Barack Obama hit back at critics calling him out for his "mom jeans.

"I've been unfairly maligned about my jeans," Obama said Friday in an interview with radio host Ryan Seacrest.

"The truth is, generally I look very sharp in jeans. There was one episode like four years ago in which I was wearing some loose jeans, mainly because I was out on the pitcher's mound and I didn't want to feel confined while I was pitching, and I think I've paid my penance for that. I got whacked pretty good. Since that time, my jeans fit very well."[/

This is Who Obama IS ~ He is doing an interview with Ryan Seacrest. With a well thought out paragraph about his damn jeans. Obamacare is failing. He's Liar of the year. Putin is sending troops to the Ukraine. N Korea & Iran building Nukes. Obama won't do a news conference with real questions from journalists but he's got time for Seacrest. Just like he did The Pimp with a Limp before heading to Vegas the day after Benghazi.
He finds out the latest news same time we do by watching cable news. He hasn't met with his cabinet members in years and doesn't need a morning briefing each day. He shows up at 10:30 then goes to lunch. Then golfs and vacations.....And the media continues to cover for him while he explains why he had on Mom jeans and FYI Since then They fit very well & He looks real good in his jeans these days.

Hell, truth be told, I'm surprised that Barry wasn't selected to be a judge on American Idol. :D

If this incompetent slob spent half as much time encouraging business as he does with foolishness like this - he might actually find out what the term "success" means....
OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and Obama is concerned about the fit and cut of his mom jeans :cuckoo:

Oh my God! :eek: The world is on fire? Save yourselves... women and children first! :eek:

I guess you haven't read the news lately....
The Liar of the Year
A missing 777
No Jobs
the open border
the IRS, EPA, NSA, DOJ out of control
the debt
obamacare failure
the middle east
These are just a few..

But I guess you right...Obamas Mom jeans are of much greater concern:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Okay... I'm no huge fan of our President, but...

What the fuck does he have to do with the Malaysia 777?
Oh my God! :eek: The world is on fire? Save yourselves... women and children first! :eek:

I guess you haven't read the news lately....
The Liar of the Year
A missing 777
No Jobs
the open border
the IRS, EPA, NSA, DOJ out of control
the debt
obamacare failure
the middle east
These are just a few..

But I guess you right...Obamas Mom jeans are of much greater concern:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Okay... I'm no huge fan of our President, but...

What the fuck does he have to do with the Malaysia 777?

I said MISSING 777..... Plain old plane no problem!! MISSING 777 without a clue more important than his fucking mom jeans!!!
I guess the point I'm trying to make is there are a Whole lot of questions We the People would like our president to answer. Questions about his Mom Jeans are right under what's Mooooch growing in her vegetable garden this season....
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While he's at it? He can ditch that sissy Bicycle helmet.

I know, what is up with that? its actually embarrassing

And what of those 'Girly' baseball pitches?


Shame he couldn't follow Bushs' policy on pitching a baseball...


I can't help but wonder if anyone on his staff has ever alerted him to the fact that he "throws like a girl"? :D
I guess you haven't read the news lately....
The Liar of the Year
A missing 777
No Jobs
the open border
the IRS, EPA, NSA, DOJ out of control
the debt
obamacare failure
the middle east
These are just a few..

But I guess you right...Obamas Mom jeans are of much greater concern:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Okay... I'm no huge fan of our President, but...

What the fuck does he have to do with the Malaysia 777?

I said MISSING 777..... Plain old plane no problem!! MISSING 777 without a clue more important than his fucking mom jeans!!!
I guess the point I'm trying to make is there are a Whole lot of questions We the People would like our president to answer. Questions about his Mom Jeans are right under what's Mooooch growing in her vegetable garden this season....

I know what you said, you did mean that 777, right? Or is there another one missing? What answers do you think he has pertaining to the missing 777?

That being said...

Yeah, there are plenty of questions lots of people want him to answer, but consider who was doing the interview and consider who makes that person's audience. Now, do you really think they are interested in answers to hard questions? Do you listen to Ryan Seacrest? I'm guessing you don't, so what does it matter what they talked about? I don't think I would even know who the guy was if I stood next to him.

My point is, save your for people like Bill O'Reilly or Anderson Cooper or some other entertainer who should be asking the tough questions but doesn't.

Ryan Seacrest? Puhlease...

Still not real clear on that 777 thing...
Okay... I'm no huge fan of our President, but...

What the fuck does he have to do with the Malaysia 777?

I said MISSING 777..... Plain old plane no problem!! MISSING 777 without a clue more important than his fucking mom jeans!!!
I guess the point I'm trying to make is there are a Whole lot of questions We the People would like our president to answer. Questions about his Mom Jeans are right under what's Mooooch growing in her vegetable garden this season....

I know what you said, you did mean that 777, right? Or is there another one missing? What answers do you think he has pertaining to the missing 777?

That being said...

Yeah, there are plenty of questions lots of people want him to answer, but consider who was doing the interview and consider who makes that person's audience. Now, do you really think they are interested in answers to hard questions? Do you listen to Ryan Seacrest? I'm guessing you don't, so what does it matter what they talked about? I don't think I would even know who the guy was if I stood next to him.

My point is, save your for people like Bill O'Reilly or Anderson Cooper or some other entertainer who should be asking the tough questions but doesn't.

Ryan Seacrest? Puhlease...

Still not real clear on that 777 thing...

The 777 Is the lead story Everywhere so it would be considered a currant event. My point is exactly who his audience is and the interviewer. I think his time would be much better spent on worrying about other things than what people think about his Fucking Mom Jeans.....Sheeeesh....sorry for putting the missing 777 in that list to screw up your day. I could have easily added many others but didn't think I really needed to!!! :D:D:D And really why be such an ass for no real reason?
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OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and Obama is concerned about the fit and cut of his mom jeans :cuckoo:

OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and the teabaggers are concerned about the President's jeans :cuckoo:
The world is on fire. The night before a crucial vote in Crimea that might push the world into war. The National security team meets, John Kerry returns to Washington for this world crisis meeting and decision making. obama skips it. Just give him the Cliff Notes later. Do you honestly think that we're going to take him seriously? May as well question his choice in jeans he sure as fuck isn't doing anything.

Impeach this cretin.
It's a wonder Kerry doesn't decide he's wasting his time and quit. Even Jay Carney is tired of lying for obama. He's going to bail.
OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and Obama is concerned about the fit and cut of his mom jeans :cuckoo:

OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and the teabaggers are concerned about the President's jeans :cuckoo:
The world is on fire. The night before a crucial vote in Crimea that might push the world into war. The National security team meets, John Kerry returns to Washington for this world crisis meeting and decision making. obama skips it. Just give him the Cliff Notes later. Do you honestly think that we're going to take him seriously? May as well question his choice in jeans he sure as fuck isn't doing anything.

Impeach this cretin.

I doubt that this will push the world into war. What I DO expect however, is that Putin - seeing what a pussy Obama is - will most likely venture further East in an attempt to "repatriate" the rest of the Ukraine. He knows the EU is powerless to do anything for fear of the oil being cut off and he is CERTAIN that Barry is too chickenshit to do anything other than draw "red lines" in the sand...

Putin, thanks to the clown we are saddled with, can pretty much do whatever he wishes while Barry (Neville Chamberlin) Obama continues to issue idle threats that Putin knows will never be acted on.

This is what America has become. A bystander on the world stage; the laughing stock of the free world.
OMG ~ The fucking world is on fire and Obama is concerned about the fit and cut of his mom jeans :cuckoo:

Untwist yor panties. It was obviously a playful interview in which he was having a little fun at his own expense. In other words, not meant to be taken seriously.

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