Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

I sure hope none of the people that Obama put out of business die of cancer 7 years after he leaves office. Then again nobody is going to blame Obama for their deaths like this ad does.

This morning a Democrat spokesperson said flatly that she doesn't care what the facts are. It's the impression that matters. She says that the "Joe the Steel Worker", Joe Soptic, feels that Mitt Romney is responsible for his wife's death and that's what matters. I keep hearing this ridiculous refrain a lot these days. None of them cares what the facts are anymore, it's the impression that matters.

You can tell when a party is in panic mode when they refuse to face up to reality even when forced to see the truth. It's ether that or they never lived in the real world in the first place. Delusion seems to be a staple in the Democrat party these days. It was revealed that Soptic's wife was working when his plant closed and had her own insurance.

JOe the Steel Worker was probably thinking, "I had a pretty good life until Mitt Romney and Bain came into it."

And he was probably right.

Maybe his wife had his own insurance, but somehow, I doubt it was nearly as good as the insurance a union job provides. Which was the problem, I guess. Those damned union workers were getting good pay and good benefits, and we could be using that money for far more important things... Like Dressage Horses...

Thats the truth.
And that is why if your Governor Romney, you don't want this powerful ad on the air.

So lying is powerful.

Do any of you low life have any decency?
This ad is how the progressive work....Like the slimeballs they are.

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
Everyone knows that an employer is FOREVER responsible for his employees. Seven years is only the beginning. Why not 20 years, or 50. How many businesses that employed teenagers are now responsible for their deaths at the age of 80?
All three evening newscasts on Tuesday and the morning shows on Wednesday skipped a new, liberal Super PAC ad (run by former Obama spokesman Bill Burton) that blames Mitt Romney for a woman's death from cancer. While ignoring that, NBC, ABC and CBS made sure to highlight negative news for Romney or White House complaints about the Republican's new campaign spots.

By contrast, CNN on Tuesday demolished the Obama super PAC ad as "not accurate." Anchor Wolf Blitzer asserted it was "full of falsehoods." The spot misleadingly claims that Ranae Soptic passed away from cancer shortly after Bain Capital closed down the steel plant her husband worked at. In reality, she died five years later.

Read more: Networks Skip Dishonest Obama Super PAC Ad Blaming Romney for Woman's Death | NewsBusters.org

Even Alan Colmes thinks it's disgraceful, but of course he claims the president knew nothing about it. :eusa_eh:
Investors shouldn't try to save these dying companies because the employees years later will blame their life's troubles on them.

Let's see how those employees like that, just watch their company never recover or just die earlier than they wouldn't without outside help. That sounds like a great plan....
your party is going to lose because your party is filled with people who have NO commitment to fairness

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

No. It was NOT a "powerful ad". And you insisting that it was over and over again doesn't make it one.
It's my opinion that it is a powerful ad. Are you now telling me that opinions are wrong or right depending on other's opinions?

What it was... was a BIG FAT DISGUSTING LIE from beginning to end. And your defense of it makes you likewise dishonest, as does the claim that Obama didn't say what we CLEARLY heard him say.
The veracity is an open question as with all things you hear in political discourse these days. I think you're more upset because the ad is so effective.

Mitt Romney posted it in it's ENTIRETY right on his campaign website, including the lead-up. So, no... it was not just a simple "gaffe". In fact, he continues to double-down on it:
Well, if the President's presumptive opponent says it, it must be true. LOL

The fact that the left's defense boils down to not just a mild acceptance of dishonest politicians but a rabid EMBRACE of outright lies is nauseating. The guy is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He should be howling at that pac right now, that is, if he had the slightest shred of decency or integrity. Clearly, he does not. And unfortunately, neither do you.

Republicans aren't used to having attack ads hurled at them, quite clearly. Hence the whine-fest we just witnessed.

Work hard, carry on.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.
here ya go, CNN, yes thats CNN and wolf blitzer eviscerate this garbage....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMkmxJ3P9Tw&feature=player_embedded]CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube[/ame]
Truth about progressives.....They think they are owed something .....

How many times have I said the Democrats shout "Roll out the cancer lady!" to get something they want through an appeal to emotion? Christ, I can't even remember how many times.

But here are a few examples:


"Roll out the cancer lady!"


Shell #3: “Roll out the cancer lady!”


"Roll out the cancer lady!"

So rolling out the obligatory cancer lady for an Obama Superpac ad is to be expected.
here ya go, CNN, yes thats CNN and wolf blitzer eviscerate this garbage....

CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube

It won't stop the libs. They're desperate.

Exactly, we will be hearing twice as much bullshit from now until November, and as long as conservatives play along with it noone will be focused on the issues, which is the lefts plan to begin with. Romney needs to ignore all of this crap and stick with the issues, it's the best thing he can do.

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