Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.
Good point....a lot of people did believe the lies told about Kerry and as far as I know Bush never decried them.

This ad, while skirting close to fabrication, actually contains no lies. And a lot of people just might take its underlying message to heart.

Sounds like payback time for Citizens United.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

No. It was NOT a "powerful ad". And you insisting that it was over and over again doesn't make it one.
It's my opinion that it is a powerful ad. Are you now telling me that opinions are wrong or right depending on other's opinions?

The veracity is an open question as with all things you hear in political discourse these days. I think you're more upset because the ad is so effective.

Mitt Romney posted it in it's ENTIRETY right on his campaign website, including the lead-up. So, no... it was not just a simple "gaffe". In fact, he continues to double-down on it:
Well, if the President's presumptive opponent says it, it must be true. LOL

The fact that the left's defense boils down to not just a mild acceptance of dishonest politicians but a rabid EMBRACE of outright lies is nauseating. The guy is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He should be howling at that pac right now, that is, if he had the slightest shred of decency or integrity. Clearly, he does not. And unfortunately, neither do you.

Republicans aren't used to having attack ads hurled at them, quite clearly. Hence the whine-fest we just witnessed.

Work hard, carry on.

The Truth is not a matter of opinion, so no... it's not an "open question". :rolleyes:
Every assertion that Soptic made in that ad was a lie. Mitt Romney left Bain in 1999. The plant closed in 2001 (oh, and one of the managing directors at THAT time was an Obama bundler!). The guy's wife didn't die until 2006. What's more, she had her own insurance for some time after the plant closed.

This was just another political attack from a parasitic union which had bled its host dry:
But there are quite a few problems with all these hoary claims of the evils of Bain Capital. First of all is the fact that every voice in this video is that of a union thug. Most especially a man noted as the lead union negotiator, David Foster. Does anyone think a unionista will tell the truth about what went on with a company they spent decades extorting?

It is never noted in the Obama ad that GST Steel had troubles long, long before Bain Capital bought the company. In fact that Bain bought them in the first place is an obvious indicator that the company was in financial trouble. After all, that is what Bain did, buy troubled companies and try to turn them around or shut them down if that proves impossible.

Along those lines, a former GST worker told the National Review, the unions were the ones bleeding GST dry, not Bain.

Cont.... FAIL: Obama Ad Attacks Romney for Bain Bought Company That Laid People Off? But Romney DIDN’T Work There Then! &laquo Publius Forum

Maybe if the unions hadn't sucked this company dry, these people wouldn't have lost their jobs. Maybe if they'd pitched in and worked hard to save it instead of asking for double-time while they slept on the job, they'd still have one. And maybe, having failed to do any of that, this guy could have gotten off his lazy ASS and supported his family, so that they had health insurance. Lung cancer isn't exactly a silent killer like heart attack or stroke. People typically get very sick before they succumb.

You stand with LIARS.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Which Kerry. The one that had self inflicted wounds? The one that threw medals back at the government?

Or the one that cut sweet heart deals with Vietnam.......

Damn you are so very weak at political knowledge.
Does anyone know how much Romney profited from the closing of this steel company?

Oh, of course not, he won't release his income tax returns.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:
One of my dogs chewed thru the fence on her pen during a thunderstorm last night. Fecking Bain!!
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:

John Kerry would make a good French citizen, he could pay his 75%.
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:

The very same.

Sen. John Kerry docks yacht in Rhode Island, saving $500,000 - NYPOST.com
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:
Exactly! And Mitten parks his money in other countries to avoid paying taxes. He and Kerry are very similar.
The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:

John Kerry would make a good French citizen, he could pay his 75%.

He would. he's familiar with Paris since he met with our enemies there without authorization during Viet Nam...:eusa_whistle:
If we are playing by Priorities USA’s rules, from here on out we can refer to Barack Obama as a murderer, considering his administration made the decisions that led to Brian Terry’s murder at a time period when Barack Obama was still on the job.

The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.
Good point....a lot of people did believe the lies told about Kerry and as far as I know Bush never decried them.

This ad, while skirting close to fabrication, actually contains no lies. And a lot of people just might take its underlying message to heart.

Sounds like payback time for Citizens United.

At what point do we stop saying "Mom, he did it too" and just say "enough is enough"? Never, I suspect... far too many morons who drink Kool Aid.
The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.
Good point....a lot of people did believe the lies told about Kerry and as far as I know Bush never decried them.

This ad, while skirting close to fabrication, actually contains no lies. And a lot of people just might take its underlying message to heart.

Sounds like payback time for Citizens United.

At what point do we stop saying "Mom, he did it too" and just say "enough is enough"? Never, I suspect... far too many morons who drink Kool Aid.

I've been saying enough for quite some time.
The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.

Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:
Exactly! And Mitten parks his money in other countries to avoid paying taxes. He and Kerry are very similar.

Romney is a global investor whose investments are done blind. Neither he, nor his money guy are idiots, so yeah.. his investments and savings are well diversified. And really, I don't CARE if John Kerry docks his boat someplace cheaper. I only note that he's a gargantuan hypocrite for doing so while he touts the Democrat platform of tax and spend.

You people whine every day that the rich aren't paying their "fair share" and then you throw out John Kerry, who evades taxation himself when he can, as some paragon smeared by conservatives. It's bullshit.
The point is that there are no rules which allows ads like this to run in the first place. Free speech--the argument that the Supreme Court made--let this genie out of the bottle moreso than before but lies and half-truths in political ads are nothing new. Ask John Kerry.
Good point....a lot of people did believe the lies told about Kerry and as far as I know Bush never decried them.

This ad, while skirting close to fabrication, actually contains no lies. And a lot of people just might take its underlying message to heart.

Sounds like payback time for Citizens United.

At what point do we stop saying "Mom, he did it too" and just say "enough is enough"? Never, I suspect... far too many morons who drink Kool Aid.
:eusa_hand: The Republicans created this mess and will now have to reap what they sow. I certainly have never approved of it.
Good point....a lot of people did believe the lies told about Kerry and as far as I know Bush never decried them.

This ad, while skirting close to fabrication, actually contains no lies. And a lot of people just might take its underlying message to heart.

Sounds like payback time for Citizens United.

At what point do we stop saying "Mom, he did it too" and just say "enough is enough"? Never, I suspect... far too many morons who drink Kool Aid.

I've been saying enough for quite some time.
Such a liar. Negged.
Are we talking about the same John Kerry who docked his yacht in Rhode Island so he wouldn't have to pay his taxes??? Damn those rich fat-cats, right? :lol:
Exactly! And Mitten parks his money in other countries to avoid paying taxes. He and Kerry are very similar.

Romney is a global investor whose investments are done blind. Neither he, nor his money guy are idiots, so yeah.. his investments and savings are well diversified. And really, I don't CARE if John Kerry docks his boat someplace cheaper. I only note that he's a gargantuan hypocrite for doing so while he touts the Democrat platform of tax and spend.

You people whine every day that the rich aren't paying their "fair share" and then you throw out John Kerry, who evades taxation himself when he can, as some paragon smeared by conservatives. It's bullshit.

You can smear Kerry all you want for legitimate idiocy. Making things up is just lame, though. And all of Mitten's money hasn't been made in a blind trust.

How much did he make off the bankruptcy of GS Steel? Oh, you don't know? Big surprise, neither does anyone else.

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