Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Ad claims that Bain caused a women death due to cancer.. Because the plant closed. What about all the jobs lost under Obama who lost their jobs and insurance.. This campaign will do anything for a vote wont they

New ad ties Romney to cancer death - The Washington Post

Not one thing wrong with that ad.

Its part of the wake of Bain.

decisions have consequences in REAL life for REAL people.

the man in that ad was telling his real story.

Oh we're quite aware that decisions have consequences.


Problem with this ad is that Romney was no longer at the helm of Bain.

Obama killed Brian Terry on his watch.
that bullshit was discovered for what it really was you fool.

that LIE is going to get you fewer votes not more
Bain was a corporate raiding company.

That is what Bain does and did.

Robmoney started the damn company.
It certainly isn't Romney's responsibility to care about the employees of the companies he guts.

What you say surprises me. Mittt Romney's purpose was to take a company which was on the verge of collapse and make it profitable again. This is one of the ways Bain Capital makes money. Sometimes it is necessary to trim the work force to turn a company around. While letting workers go seems heartless, it is often necessary. The alternative is to let the company fold and put every worker in the unemployment line.

I hope you are not suggesting that companies retain people they do not need, even as the company is going broke. That is what I call industrial suicide. All it does is accelerate the demise of the firm.

But that is just my own humble opinion.
The company wasn't made profitable again. It went out of business. You are confusing venture capital firms with private equity firms.

This is probably why Romney doesn't want to release his tax returns....the profit Bain made on putting companies out of business has been very lucrative for him.
I sure hope none of the people that Obama put out of business die of cancer 7 years after he leaves office. Then again nobody is going to blame Obama for their deaths like this ad does.

This morning a Democrat spokesperson said flatly that she doesn't care what the facts are. It's the impression that matters. She says that the "Joe the Steel Worker", Joe Soptic, feels that Mitt Romney is responsible for his wife's death and that's what matters. I keep hearing this ridiculous refrain a lot these days. None of them cares what the facts are anymore, it's the impression that matters.

You can tell when a party is in panic mode when they refuse to face up to reality even when forced to see the truth. It's ether that or they never lived in the real world in the first place. Delusion seems to be a staple in the Democrat party these days. It was revealed that Soptic's wife was working when his plant closed and had her own insurance.

JOe the Steel Worker was probably thinking, "I had a pretty good life until Mitt Romney and Bain came into it."

And he was probably right.

Maybe his wife had his own insurance, but somehow, I doubt it was nearly as good as the insurance a union job provides. Which was the problem, I guess. Those damned union workers were getting good pay and good benefits, and we could be using that money for far more important things... Like Dressage Horses...

Thats the truth.
And that is why if your Governor Romney, you don't want this powerful ad on the air.
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

No. It was NOT a "powerful ad". And you insisting that it was over and over again doesn't make it one. What it was... was a BIG FAT DISGUSTING LIE from beginning to end. And your defense of it makes you likewise dishonest, as does the claim that Obama didn't say what we CLEARLY heard him say.

Mitt Romney posted it in it's ENTIRETY right on his campaign website, including the lead-up. So, no... it was not just a simple "gaffe". In fact, he continues to double-down on it:

The fact that the left's defense boils down to not just a mild acceptance of dishonest politicians but a rabid EMBRACE of outright lies is nauseating. The guy is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He should be howling at that pac right now, that is, if he had the slightest shred of decency or integrity. Clearly, he does not. And unfortunately, neither do you.
Bain actually did a good job for GST steel which was really turning around. Right up to the point where the Chinese started dumping cheap steel in the US. GST went the same was as Bethlehem Steel a company that also went under without Bain.

Companies dont buy companies with the intention of liquidating the assets for profit. For if the assets would offer such a profit, the original owners would not sell out to Bain...they would sell the assets.

Bain would buy companies with sound business models, sound poroduct base, but poor implementation....and thus why the companies were on the bloicks and likely ready to go under.

Bainm would infuse cash and a better management team...and sometimes they were able to turn things around and make a profit...and sometimes the bleeding was too severe and they were forced to sell off the assets.

But there is no logic behind the premise that Bain would buy a company with the sole intention to sell off the assets. I mean...why would a company owner sell for X so the buyer can sell off the assets for X+Y? Wouldnt the original owner prefer selling the assets for X+Y?

Exactly. :clap2:

I'm starting to think that some of these people just simply aren't in possession of higher brain function. Because this doesn't seem a difficult concept to understand, particularly given your concise explanation of it above.

These train-wrecks that Bain picked up were terminally ill, in debt, without capital and unable to get anyone to invest any further. Bain was able to turn 80% of them around and return them to profitability, all the while making a tidy sum for their investors. That's a GOOD THING.

Businesses are NOT social services. Their purpose is not to provide jobs and benefits to a bunch of people who figure they're OWED something just because they're breathing. They're there to make a profit for themselves and for their investors. And if that profit-motive was not there neither would the one chance to save a failing business be there.

This Soptic idiot can't seem to wrap his mind around the fact that his job was on life support. That plant had ALREADY failed. It was dead. Bain put it on the table and gave it CPR, gave it one more chance at life. And that was one more chance than they were owed. But that's what we get from the left... a bunch of prima donnas who believe that they've got a free lunch coming to them and can't comprehend that they're eating off somebody else's fucking plate. Disgusting.
This is from a political party that said Bush43 was responsible for the murder of James Byrd. So they are the Laurentian Abyss of bad taste and outright lies....there is no bottom to them
Well, probably because Obama never was in a position to wreck anyone's life like Romney did.

Again, I'm not surprised, I've known for months that this really nasty stuff about Bain was out there... but you guys all pretended it wasn't going to be a big deal.

Now they are bringing it up, and guess what, it is a big deal.

how does it make you feel knowing that a party that you have so much faith in sees you as such a fool that they know they can outright lie to you and you will not only believe it, but you will jerk off thinking about it as well.

People like you are fucking pathetic....and the democratic party knows it and plays on it.

I'm a registered Republican.

I just hate Mitt Romney with a passion. I think the party totally screwed up by nominating him, and frankly, it was because stuff like this was out there.

People have been pointing out his Bain record for years... how Bain destroyed people's lives to make a few rich people richer. Now in Republican land, that isn't a big deal, but in middle America, where we've all had at least one encounter with an asshole in a suit who decided that there was a profit to be made running roughshod over your life was a good idea, it resonates.

"I look like the guy you work with. (Romney) Looks like the guy who lays you off." - Mike Huckabee- 2008.

The tools Mitt Romney has at his disposal are perfect for our bloated, ineffectual federal government. If he can streamline THAT mess the way he did disorganized and unprofitable companies at Bain... why wouldn't we turn him loose on it? :eusa_eh:
If he can do for us what he did for Bain, how would that be a bad thing?
It certainly isn't Romney's responsibility to care about the employees of the companies he guts.

What you say surprises me. Mittt Romney's purpose was to take a company which was on the verge of collapse and make it profitable again. This is one of the ways Bain Capital makes money. Sometimes it is necessary to trim the work force to turn a company around. While letting workers go seems heartless, it is often necessary. The alternative is to let the company fold and put every worker in the unemployment line.

I hope you are not suggesting that companies retain people they do not need, even as the company is going broke. That is what I call industrial suicide. All it does is accelerate the demise of the firm.

But that is just my own humble opinion.
The company wasn't made profitable again. It went out of business. You are confusing venture capital firms with private equity firms.

This is probably why Romney doesn't want to release his tax returns....the profit Bain made on putting companies out of business has been very lucrative for him.

I FINALLY figured it out!!!

You're TM's twin sister aren't you!?! You're TM2!
your party is going to lose because your party is filled with people who have NO commitment to fairness
Headlines....."Romney and Bain Capital kill people with cancer."

That pretty sums up how stupid liberals are and how scummy they are too.

Cancer doesn't kill people, Romney and Bain do.

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