Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Well, probably because Obama never was in a position to wreck anyone's life like Romney did.

Again, I'm not surprised, I've known for months that this really nasty stuff about Bain was out there... but you guys all pretended it wasn't going to be a big deal.

Now they are bringing it up, and guess what, it is a big deal.

you are easily led around by your nose. the whole damn ad was a fucking lie.

Guy, I've been watching Romney for 6 years now.... before anyone on the Democratic Side knew he was going to be a threat.

There's a reason why McCain didn't take him as a running mate 4 years ago.

He knew this stuff was out there.
Well, probably because Obama never was in a position to wreck anyone's life like Romney did.

Again, I'm not surprised, I've known for months that this really nasty stuff about Bain was out there... but you guys all pretended it wasn't going to be a big deal.

Now they are bringing it up, and guess what, it is a big deal.

you are easily led around by your nose. the whole damn ad was a fucking lie.

Guy, I've been watching Romney for 6 years now.... before anyone on the Democratic Side knew he was going to be a threat.

There's a reason why McCain didn't take him as a running mate 4 years ago.

He knew this stuff was out there.

Really? He knew?
And he didnt let anyone in the GOP know it before they propeed him up as their candidate?

You truly are a pathetic individual.
Well, probably because Obama never was in a position to wreck anyone's life like Romney did.

Again, I'm not surprised, I've known for months that this really nasty stuff about Bain was out there... but you guys all pretended it wasn't going to be a big deal.

Now they are bringing it up, and guess what, it is a big deal.

how does it make you feel knowing that a party that you have so much faith in sees you as such a fool that they know they can outright lie to you and you will not only believe it, but you will jerk off thinking about it as well.

People like you are fucking pathetic....and the democratic party knows it and plays on it.

I'm a registered Republican.

I just hate Mitt Romney with a passion. I think the party totally screwed up by nominating him, and frankly, it was because stuff like this was out there.

People have been pointing out his Bain record for years... how Bain destroyed people's lives to make a few rich people richer. Now in Republican land, that isn't a big deal, but in middle America, where we've all had at least one encounter with an asshole in a suit who decided that there was a profit to be made running roughshod over your life was a good idea, it resonates.

"I look like the guy you work with. (Romney) Looks like the guy who lays you off." - Mike Huckabee- 2008.
you are easily led around by your nose. the whole damn ad was a fucking lie.

Guy, I've been watching Romney for 6 years now.... before anyone on the Democratic Side knew he was going to be a threat.

There's a reason why McCain didn't take him as a running mate 4 years ago.

He knew this stuff was out there.

Really? He knew?
And he didnt let anyone in the GOP know it before they propeed him up as their candidate?

You truly are a pathetic individual.

People in the GOP knew.

Newt made a this very case in South Carolina... and won. Then the GOP establishment unloaded on him like a ton of bricks, mostly because Newt pissed them all off at one time or another.

The GOP Establishment knew exactly what they were going to get with Romney. What amazes me is that their counter-arguments have been so weak. They really don't appeal to anyone outside the Wall Street crowd.
I sure hope none of the people that Obama put out of business die of cancer 7 years after he leaves office. Then again nobody is going to blame Obama for their deaths like this ad does.

This morning a Democrat spokesperson said flatly that she doesn't care what the facts are. It's the impression that matters. She says that the "Joe the Steel Worker", Joe Soptic, feels that Mitt Romney is responsible for his wife's death and that's what matters. I keep hearing this ridiculous refrain a lot these days. None of them cares what the facts are anymore, it's the impression that matters.

You can tell when a party is in panic mode when they refuse to face up to reality even when forced to see the truth. It's ether that or they never lived in the real world in the first place. Delusion seems to be a staple in the Democrat party these days. It was revealed that Soptic's wife was working when his plant closed and had her own insurance.

JOe the Steel Worker was probably thinking, "I had a pretty good life until Mitt Romney and Bain came into it."

And he was probably right.

Maybe his wife had his own insurance, but somehow, I doubt it was nearly as good as the insurance a union job provides. Which was the problem, I guess. Those damned union workers were getting good pay and good benefits, and we could be using that money for far more important things... Like Dressage Horses...

Seems to be a constant refrain. Union jobs going overseas because they have it so good nobody can afford em anymore, not in this country.
I think you on the left need to bail on defendinging this deceptive ad. The more we talk about it the more facts come to light and the worse it looks for who resorted to using it.
Well, probably because Obama never was in a position to wreck anyone's life like Romney did.

Again, I'm not surprised, I've known for months that this really nasty stuff about Bain was out there... but you guys all pretended it wasn't going to be a big deal.

Now they are bringing it up, and guess what, it is a big deal.

how does it make you feel knowing that a party that you have so much faith in sees you as such a fool that they know they can outright lie to you and you will not only believe it, but you will jerk off thinking about it as well.

People like you are fucking pathetic....and the democratic party knows it and plays on it.

I'm a registered Republican.

I just hate Mitt Romney with a passion. I think the party totally screwed up by nominating him, and frankly, it was because stuff like this was out there.

People have been pointing out his Bain record for years... how Bain destroyed people's lives to make a few rich people richer. Now in Republican land, that isn't a big deal, but in middle America, where we've all had at least one encounter with an asshole in a suit who decided that there was a profit to be made running roughshod over your life was a good idea, it resonates.

"I look like the guy you work with. (Romney) Looks like the guy who lays you off." - Mike Huckabee- 2008.

Give me a break.
There is nothing out there. Just lies and spin.....and for a guy who "weatched him" for 6 years, you would certainly know it.
So you are full of shit and still the pathetic individsual who will believe anything that coincides with your thinking.

A company saves a company from closing its doors...and then a year later it ends up closing it doors anyway....and it is the company that tried to save it who is to blame for the doors closing.

Quite a pathetic way of thinking.
I sure hope none of the people that Obama put out of business die of cancer 7 years after he leaves office. Then again nobody is going to blame Obama for their deaths like this ad does.

This morning a Democrat spokesperson said flatly that she doesn't care what the facts are. It's the impression that matters. She says that the "Joe the Steel Worker", Joe Soptic, feels that Mitt Romney is responsible for his wife's death and that's what matters. I keep hearing this ridiculous refrain a lot these days. None of them cares what the facts are anymore, it's the impression that matters.

You can tell when a party is in panic mode when they refuse to face up to reality even when forced to see the truth. It's ether that or they never lived in the real world in the first place. Delusion seems to be a staple in the Democrat party these days. It was revealed that Soptic's wife was working when his plant closed and had her own insurance.

JOe the Steel Worker was probably thinking, "I had a pretty good life until Mitt Romney and Bain came into it."

And he was probably right.

Maybe his wife had his own insurance, but somehow, I doubt it was nearly as good as the insurance a union job provides. Which was the problem, I guess. Those damned union workers were getting good pay and good benefits, and we could be using that money for far more important things... Like Dressage Horses...

the fact that you tossed that in (in bold)....

Speaks volumes of how full of shit you are. You are one of those pathetic "hide behind the monitor" liars.
Bain actually did a good job for GST steel which was really turning around. Right up to the point where the Chinese started dumping cheap steel in the US. GST went the same was as Bethlehem Steel a company that also went under without Bain.
Bain actually did a good job for GST steel which was really turning around. Right up to the point where the Chinese started dumping cheap steel in the US. GST went the same was as Bethlehem Steel a company that also went under without Bain.

Companies dont buy companies with the intention of liquidating the assets for profit. For if the assets would offer such a profit, the original owners would not sell out to Bain...they would sell the assets.

Bain would buy companies with sound business models, sound poroduct base, but poor implementation....and thus why the companies were on the bloicks and likely ready to go under.

Bainm would infuse cash and a better management team...and sometimes they were able to turn things around and make a profit...and sometimes the bleeding was too severe and they were forced to sell off the assets.

But there is no logic behind the premise that Bain would buy a company with the sole intention to sell off the assets. I mean...why would a company owner sell for X so the buyer can sell off the assets for X+Y? Wouldnt the original owner prefer selling the assets for X+Y?
Guy, I've been watching Romney for 6 years now.... before anyone on the Democratic Side knew he was going to be a threat.

There's a reason why McCain didn't take him as a running mate 4 years ago.

He knew this stuff was out there.

Really? He knew?
And he didnt let anyone in the GOP know it before they propeed him up as their candidate?

You truly are a pathetic individual.

People in the GOP knew.

Newt made a this very case in South Carolina... and won. Then the GOP establishment unloaded on him like a ton of bricks, mostly because Newt pissed them all off at one time or another.

The GOP Establishment knew exactly what they were going to get with Romney. What amazes me is that their counter-arguments have been so weak. They really don't appeal to anyone outside the Wall Street crowd.

Newt was never gonna lose South Carolina.

The reason Newt Bombed is because he decided to go negative. He was getting props for taking on the media and being a straight-shooter during the debates then all of the sudden started making shit up about Romney. It doomed his campaign.

GOP voters expect honesty from their candidates you see. Seems Democrats don't care as much. Just winning is good enough for most of them.
Bain actually did a good job for GST steel which was really turning around. Right up to the point where the Chinese started dumping cheap steel in the US. GST went the same was as Bethlehem Steel a company that also went under without Bain.

Companies dont buy companies with the intention of liquidating the assets for profit. For if the assets would offer such a profit, the original owners would not sell out to Bain...they would sell the assets.

Bain would buy companies with sound business models, sound poroduct base, but poor implementation....and thus why the companies were on the bloicks and likely ready to go under.

Bainm would infuse cash and a better management team...and sometimes they were able to turn things around and make a profit...and sometimes the bleeding was too severe and they were forced to sell off the assets.

But there is no logic behind the premise that Bain would buy a company with the sole intention to sell off the assets. I mean...why would a company owner sell for X so the buyer can sell off the assets for X+Y? Wouldnt the original owner prefer selling the assets for X+Y?

Because there are no Hollywood movies about a Venture Capitalist helping companies stay in business, unless you want to count "Pretty Woman". He started out by being greedy but Julie Roberts changed his whole outlook on life. It was Cinderrella and Bain Capital all rolled into one. Nevermind that Bain Capital helped save weak companies.
I'm 61 years old and have been voting in every election since I turned 18. I've never in my life seen such garbage labeled as a political ad. I think it's disgusting.
The desperation is amazing, but this is Chicago style politics. Anyone who gets sealed divorce records leaked to the public will do just about anything to get elected.
I'm 61 years old and have been voting in every election since I turned 18. I've never in my life seen such garbage labeled as a political ad. I think it's disgusting.

Wow, you're old.....i'm only 59! :) Lol!

And you're right! I never have either....
I suppose the libs are going to come here and say how true it is. It won't matter that MANY more people lost their jobs & insurance under Obama. I wonder what we would come up with if we get get the total number of people that have lost their jobs the past 4 yrs and how many died because THEY had no insurance?
I'm 61 years old and have been voting in every election since I turned 18. I've never in my life seen such garbage labeled as a political ad. I think it's disgusting.

Believe it or not...it all started with Pelosi.

She outright lied for political expediency and the media let her get away with it.

If you recall...she claimed that the CIA lied to congress...and to her. She offered no proof and she had no one back her up on it. She simply claimed that the CIA lied to her.....something that should have been a BIG FUCKING DEAL.....seeing as she was speaker of the house.

But she got away with it.

Then Holder outright ied about Fast and Furious...and all the media did was talk about the GOP wiotch hunt....ntohing about the AG lying to congress.

And he got away with it.

SO Reid came out and lied about the Romeny tax thing. Again, no proof and no one to back him up. And no outrage by the media

So he got away with it.

So now they are doing it with ads...knowing dam well that the media will let them get away with it.

What I dont get is why die hard democrats are OK with their elected officials lying to them.

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