Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

You should probably go bathe. Crawling around in the gutter has you a little rank. :eusa_whistle:
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

Wait, so the right are assholes for a tactic that they apparently invented, and now Obama and crew are becoming perfect assholes?? Are you sure you want to run with that one??:lol:

So what is the dispicable last line, and where does this guy say Romney KILLED his wife. I like actual quotes not taken out of context.

Hey Mr. Ilikeactualquotes, why are you quoting me since I didn't use the term "despicable", or claim the guy said Romney KILLED his wife?? The left can bury their heads and pretend this is a fantastic ad and won't offend others outside their own circle, but they do so at their own peril...and I'm alright with that.:D
Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

Wait, so the right are assholes for a tactic that they apparently invented, and now Obama and crew are becoming perfect assholes?? Are you sure you want to run with that one??:lol:

Well, Obama had to produce a birth certificate and there are still members of the GOP--Donald Trump--and vocal Romney supporters who claim the birth certificate is a fake. Several on this board do as well. Obviously if Romney is accepting money from a birther, he has no problem dabbling in unfair attacks and lending his name to them.

I don't fault the Obama Administration for going negative. This was a Super PAC ad. It wasn't the Obama Administration but they are pretty much one in the same.

I wouldn't call them Perfect Assholes..giggle. But you have to hit hard otherwise, you're John Kerry. It's an object lesson for how not to respond to unfair personal attacks. Obama isn't making that mistake.

Are you surprised?
Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

You should probably go bathe. Crawling around in the gutter has you a little rank. :eusa_whistle:

It was a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.

Wait, so the right are assholes for a tactic that they apparently invented, and now Obama and crew are becoming perfect assholes?? Are you sure you want to run with that one??:lol:

Well, Obama had to produce a birth certificate and there are still members of the GOP--Donald Trump--and vocal Romney supporters who claim the birth certificate is a fake. Several on this board do as well. Obviously if Romney is accepting money from a birther, he has no problem dabbling in unfair attacks and lending his name to them.

I don't fault the Obama Administration for going negative. This was a Super PAC ad. It wasn't the Obama Administration but they are pretty much one in the same.

I wouldn't call them Perfect Assholes..giggle. But you have to hit hard otherwise, you're John Kerry. It's an object lesson for how not to respond to unfair personal attacks. Obama isn't making that mistake.

Are you surprised?

I wouldn't blame Obama...but he has shown himself to be a typical politician talking out of both sides of his mouth. He is the one who wanted to raise the standard and claimed that he would be a different sort of politician...he only lets the people down who believed in him.
Wait, so the right are assholes for a tactic that they apparently invented, and now Obama and crew are becoming perfect assholes?? Are you sure you want to run with that one??:lol:

Well, Obama had to produce a birth certificate and there are still members of the GOP--Donald Trump--and vocal Romney supporters who claim the birth certificate is a fake. Several on this board do as well. Obviously if Romney is accepting money from a birther, he has no problem dabbling in unfair attacks and lending his name to them.

I don't fault the Obama Administration for going negative. This was a Super PAC ad. It wasn't the Obama Administration but they are pretty much one in the same.

I wouldn't call them Perfect Assholes..giggle. But you have to hit hard otherwise, you're John Kerry. It's an object lesson for how not to respond to unfair personal attacks. Obama isn't making that mistake.

Are you surprised?

I wouldn't blame Obama...but he has shown himself to be a typical politician talking out of both sides of his mouth. He is the one who wanted to raise the standard and claimed that he would be a different sort of politician...he only lets the people down who believed in him.

And you'll note that none of the items we're talking about have come from the Administration although they will be attributed. So the President is enjoying an air of deniability in the matters.

I'm happy with him being a typical politician. He is a good president; not great. And he's going to win big this November.

As for raising the standard, he probably didn't count on birthers hounding him for 6 years and the GOP nominee taking money from the most prominent birther on the planet. It's hard to extend an olive branch to guys who don't think you're legitimate, question your religion (or at least their constituencies do), yell out "you lie" at the State of the Union address, etc..
Obama is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this ad......

Harsanyi: Civility watch: The Romney-killed-my-wife edition - Conservative News

The ad did not say Romney killed his wife at all. it said that his life was drastically changed when he lost his job due to Mittens, and it shows that Mittens has no real clue how people who are not super wealthy live. of course, most of us already knew that when he gaffed about cheesy grits, talked about his wife and her cadillaks, told us all that he was spending time with his rich race car team owners, bought his wife a dancing horse to help with her MS and sent it to the olympics, Insulted a popular bakery in PA, and installed an elevator in his house for his cars. Of course he got there by destroying lives and businesses, yet claims he is going to make jobs and help businesses. Well, china is much better off for his presence, but he is one of the people who has killed american business, and destroyed american lives.

Unlike him Obama has saved important american businesses like GM. he has tried to help the poor and middle class to keep their homes and survive through these tough times. He has given people health insurance and allowed them to seek medical attention so that things like what went on in that commercial might be prevented. He has ended the Iraq war and eliminated the man responsible for 9/11. He has brought transparency to the presidency that according to mitt and his wfe are irrelevant and they will never show us what they are about.

But feel free to make shit up and believe the lies of a biased opinion site.
I think Romney is a spoiled brat with little personality who is not concerned about the "little people". If he was, he wouldn't have been a vulture capitalist.

Now where is the LIE, dupes?
Well, Obama had to produce a birth certificate and there are still members of the GOP--Donald Trump--and vocal Romney supporters who claim the birth certificate is a fake. Several on this board do as well. Obviously if Romney is accepting money from a birther, he has no problem dabbling in unfair attacks and lending his name to them.

I don't fault the Obama Administration for going negative. This was a Super PAC ad. It wasn't the Obama Administration but they are pretty much one in the same.

I wouldn't call them Perfect Assholes..giggle. But you have to hit hard otherwise, you're John Kerry. It's an object lesson for how not to respond to unfair personal attacks. Obama isn't making that mistake.

Are you surprised?

I wouldn't blame Obama...but he has shown himself to be a typical politician talking out of both sides of his mouth. He is the one who wanted to raise the standard and claimed that he would be a different sort of politician...he only lets the people down who believed in him.

And you'll note that none of the items we're talking about have come from the Administration although they will be attributed. So the President is enjoying an air of deniability in the matters.

I'm happy with him being a typical politician. He is a good president; not great. And he's going to win big this November.

As for raising the standard, he probably didn't count on birthers hounding him for 6 years and the GOP nominee taking money from the most prominent birther on the planet. It's hard to extend an olive branch to guys who don't think you're legitimate, question your religion (or at least their constituencies do), yell out "you lie" at the State of the Union address, etc..

And you'll note that in my first post I said that it would still be tied to him, even if he didn't specifically give the green light.

Your happiness is not the issue...you're on the left. I was referring to the Independents who voted for "change", and have been very disappointed.
I wouldn't blame Obama...but he has shown himself to be a typical politician talking out of both sides of his mouth. He is the one who wanted to raise the standard and claimed that he would be a different sort of politician...he only lets the people down who believed in him.

And you'll note that none of the items we're talking about have come from the Administration although they will be attributed. So the President is enjoying an air of deniability in the matters.

I'm happy with him being a typical politician. He is a good president; not great. And he's going to win big this November.

As for raising the standard, he probably didn't count on birthers hounding him for 6 years and the GOP nominee taking money from the most prominent birther on the planet. It's hard to extend an olive branch to guys who don't think you're legitimate, question your religion (or at least their constituencies do), yell out "you lie" at the State of the Union address, etc..

And you'll note that in my first post I said that it would still be tied to him, even if he didn't specifically give the green light.

Your happiness is not the issue...you're on the left. I was referring to the Independents who voted for "change", and have been very disappointed.

Well, the President is leading in CO, NV, NM, WI, MI, PA, OH, FL, and VA. Apparently they're down with the President's behavior. Time will tell.

I think that everyone understands that the Governor represents Bush's 3rd term. Reduce all regulations and let Wall street get "creative" again, privatize social security, more tax cuts for the rich, higher taxes for the middle income voters, less protections for labor, overturn of Roe v. Wade. He's basically a carbon copy of the disaster of the Bush Administration that left us with a $700B TARP bailout and a recession.

Which is why Obama will win easily in November.
Wait, so the right are assholes for a tactic that they apparently invented, and now Obama and crew are becoming perfect assholes?? Are you sure you want to run with that one??:lol:

Well, Obama had to produce a birth certificate and there are still members of the GOP--Donald Trump--and vocal Romney supporters who claim the birth certificate is a fake. Several on this board do as well. Obviously if Romney is accepting money from a birther, he has no problem dabbling in unfair attacks and lending his name to them.

I don't fault the Obama Administration for going negative. This was a Super PAC ad. It wasn't the Obama Administration but they are pretty much one in the same.

I wouldn't call them Perfect Assholes..giggle. But you have to hit hard otherwise, you're John Kerry. It's an object lesson for how not to respond to unfair personal attacks. Obama isn't making that mistake.

Are you surprised?

I wouldn't blame Obama...but he has shown himself to be a typical politician talking out of both sides of his mouth. He is the one who wanted to raise the standard and claimed that he would be a different sort of politician...he only lets the people down who believed in him.

Horse patoot. Pubs have obstructed EVERYTHING, even their own ideas LOL- Obama offered Pub Health Reform and they call him a communist.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)
And you'll note that none of the items we're talking about have come from the Administration although they will be attributed. So the President is enjoying an air of deniability in the matters.

I'm happy with him being a typical politician. He is a good president; not great. And he's going to win big this November.

As for raising the standard, he probably didn't count on birthers hounding him for 6 years and the GOP nominee taking money from the most prominent birther on the planet. It's hard to extend an olive branch to guys who don't think you're legitimate, question your religion (or at least their constituencies do), yell out "you lie" at the State of the Union address, etc..

And you'll note that in my first post I said that it would still be tied to him, even if he didn't specifically give the green light.

Your happiness is not the issue...you're on the left. I was referring to the Independents who voted for "change", and have been very disappointed.

Well, the President is leading in CO, NV, NM, WI, MI, PA, OH, FL, and VA. Apparently they're down with the President's behavior. Time will tell.

I think that everyone understands that the Governor represents Bush's 3rd term. Reduce all regulations and let Wall street get "creative" again, privatize social security, more tax cuts for the rich, higher taxes for the middle income voters, less protections for labor, overturn of Roe v. Wade. He's basically a carbon copy of the disaster of the Bush Administration that left us with a $700B TARP bailout and a recession.

Which is why Obama will win easily in November.

Lots of people, and not just the right, have claimed Obama is not much different than Bush. To say that Obama will easily win only works against your side...the last thing that you want to convey to people is that they can sit this one out if they aren't as thrilled when the love was new and exciting.:D
And you'll note that in my first post I said that it would still be tied to him, even if he didn't specifically give the green light.

Your happiness is not the issue...you're on the left. I was referring to the Independents who voted for "change", and have been very disappointed.

Well, the President is leading in CO, NV, NM, WI, MI, PA, OH, FL, and VA. Apparently they're down with the President's behavior. Time will tell.

I think that everyone understands that the Governor represents Bush's 3rd term. Reduce all regulations and let Wall street get "creative" again, privatize social security, more tax cuts for the rich, higher taxes for the middle income voters, less protections for labor, overturn of Roe v. Wade. He's basically a carbon copy of the disaster of the Bush Administration that left us with a $700B TARP bailout and a recession.

Which is why Obama will win easily in November.

Lots of people, and not just the right, have claimed Obama is not much different than Bush. To say that Obama will easily win only works against your side...the last thing that you want to convey to people is that they can sit this one out if they aren't as thrilled when the love was new and exciting.:D

The ship has sailed on my being optimistic about the President's chances. He should clear 300 EVs easily.

As for Bush/Obama, they are alike in some ways but are much more different than they are similar.
Emirates Airlines owns the US Open (tennis) and China made our olympic uniforms ...and most of our major thruways are owned by Asian countries ... and.... foreign countries loan us the money to fight wars and keep the lights on.

The Free Market isn't patriotic. It doesn't care about American workers. If investment-capital can make a higher return using labor from freedom-hating nations, than the market will get in bed with freedom hating nations.

One of the major accomplishments of the Reagan Revolution was to unchain business from expensive American Labor. The point of the last 30 years was to allow the wealthy get their labor from sweatshop nations. We tried to save the middle class with credit cards. We broke the bank. Now the game is over.

Bain Capital is a tiny piece of the puzzle. Of course, Romney made money for investors by stabbing American workers in the back and shipping jobs to labor markets that offered higher returns. Why is this surprising? Tax breaks don't turn into American jobs - everybody knows this. China makes everything. The jobs are gone. . . (but we still need to buy stuff) which is why China loans us money in the form of Credit Cards so that we can buy it.
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They get more despicable every day...that is what the Democrat party has become

from these types of ads to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi straight out lying to you..

I have seen much worse from these SuperPACs on Democrats. Calling us Anti-Freedom because we believe that a child shouldn't be denied health insurance or Anti-Family because we believe that people should be given equal rights to do what they want towards their pursuit of happiness while the opponents parade around the Sanctity of Marriage yet there is a 50% divorce rate and celebrity marriages that are shorter than a season.

These hateful ads I see are on EVERY commercial break and our a constant attack, yet Democrats fight back and that's wrong? I am not even saying that the content is wrong or unethical but for the constant barrage of hate filled ads that Democrats have taken, I really don't feel sorry for Mitt.
They get more despicable every day...that is what the Democrat party has become

from these types of ads to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi straight out lying to you..

I have seen much worse from these SuperPACs on Democrats. Calling us Anti-Freedom because we believe that a child shouldn't be denied health insurance or Anti-Family because we believe that people should be given equal rights to do what they want towards their pursuit of happiness while the opponents parade around the Sanctity of Marriage yet there is a 50% divorce rate and celebrity marriages that are shorter than a season.

These hateful ads I see are on EVERY commercial break and our a constant attack, yet Democrats fight back and that's wrong? I am not even saying that the content is wrong or unethical but for the constant barrage of hate filled ads that Democrats have taken, I really don't feel sorry.
They get more despicable every day...that is what the Democrat party has become

from these types of ads to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi straight out lying to you..

I have seen much worse from these SuperPACs on Democrats. Calling us Anti-Freedom because we believe that a child shouldn't be denied health insurance or Anti-Family because we believe that people should be given equal rights to do what they want towards their pursuit of happiness while the opponents parade around the Sanctity of Marriage yet there is a 50% divorce rate and celebrity marriages that are shorter than a season.

These hateful ads I see are on EVERY commercial break and are a constant attack, yet Democrats fight back and that's wrong? I am not even saying that the content is wrong or unethical but for the constant barrage of hate filled ads that Democrats have taken, I really don't feel sorry.
Yea Priorities USA (the group that published the ad has put out some really sleezy, lying ads. That's why they almost always disable comments and ratings. They don't care about the truth. Even in that video, that guy only speculates that his wife could have been saved, but he's still willing to blame Romney.

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