Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.
When is enough... enough? I mean, it's only the integrity one finds on an anonymous internet forum, but still, it's you who has to look at the girl in the mirror.

I don't get why you guys seem to think you owe this jerk something. :eusa_eh:

And all that said, it still doesn't work when people find out they've been overtly LIED to. Most people get pissed off at the notion of being manipulated like that.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.
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This is proof that super pacs are bad for our nation. No accountability

Disgusting ad. I hope Obama Has enough class to denounce it.

He won't repudiate this. Look at his lackeys here applauding it even knowing it's a lie. It's good theater to these hacks. They obviously don't give a damn about truth, honesty or decent moral character. They have joined in the thug politics that Chicago is famous for.
CNN just blasted that ad COMPLETELY out of the water!!

Yet the Obots here will defend it with their dying breath.

Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

If the guy isn't giving Tommy some free booze and/or agreeing with everything he says...that's what Tommy thinks...."Fuck him". It's the Compassionate Conservative" in Tommy.....or else the hangover.

Yeah....fuck the truth.

Romney lies in just about every ad. Do you go after his lies? Nope. So yeah, even if this isn't true or is an exaggeration, fuck it, as long as it hurts Romney's chances of bringing us back to the Bush policies. He's not even mentioning his Bain experience as a plus anymore.
Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!

Would you prefer they made something up about Obama killing a bunch of school children?

That's probably coming in the week before the election.
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.
When is enough... enough? I mean, it's only the integrity one finds on an anonymous internet forum, but still, it's you who has to look at the girl in the mirror.

I don't get why you guys seem to think you owe this jerk something. :eusa_eh:

And all that said, it still doesn't work when people find out they've been overtly LIED to. Most people get pissed off at the notion of being manipulated like that.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

Total Pubcrappe, dupes. That's NOT CNN- that's a BS RW blog ON CNN. You're idiots.
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CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube

Pretty gross. Even by Democrat standards (assuming they have any standards at all).

Bain Capital OFFERS to buy Joe Soptic's job and he refuses. I don't know how many people lose their jobs in this country and don't get offered diddly SQWAT from their employers?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGIpEKrd1ws]Joe Soptic, the man blaming Romney for wife's death refused buyout - YouTube[/ame]

"When you don't have a record to run on, you have to DIG UP retards like this"---
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

Total Pubcrappe, dupes. That's NOT CNN- that's a BS RW blog ON CNN. You're idiots.

Mirror handy?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMkmxJ3P9Tw&feature=player_embedded]CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube[/ame]
CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube

Pretty gross. Even by Democrat standards (assuming they have any standards at all).

Bain Capital OFFERS to buy Joe Soptic's job and he refuses. I don't know how many people lose their jobs in this country and don't get offered diddly SQWAT from their employers?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGIpEKrd1ws]Joe Soptic, the man blaming Romney for wife's death refused buyout - YouTube[/ame]

"When you don't have a record to run on, you have to DIG UP retards like this"---

How much did they offer?
The left will cheer the ad and the right will boo and hiss...the deciders of the election, those in the middle, will cringe at the last line of the ad. Huge turn off to ordinary folks who despise the bitterness of campaigns...and they will ultimately tie Obama to it, whether or not he specifically gave the green light.
So who wants to reform our horrible Pub scam of a health system, and who doesn't (NOW!)? Who wants to go back to Booosh policies? JFC!!

What is the LIE? gd it...
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.
When is enough... enough? I mean, it's only the integrity one finds on an anonymous internet forum, but still, it's you who has to look at the girl in the mirror.

I don't get why you guys seem to think you owe this jerk something. :eusa_eh:

And all that said, it still doesn't work when people find out they've been overtly LIED to. Most people get pissed off at the notion of being manipulated like that.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.

Like I said, I know it's just an anonymous message board... but TRY to have some semblance of integrity. You stand with LIARS. And not the kind who simply don't know the truth, but the kind who deliberately pervert it.
Oh good lord. There is a thread on here that has something like 5,000 hits taking a gaffe by Obama and swearing it was the truth. Which is fine; thats what meatheads on the Internet do. The Governor tried to capitalize on it too.

Politicians lie. I have said that Obama lied in the past about financing his campaign. Gee, you act as if you just had this epiphany.

Now if these were lies, thats par for the course. It's a time honored tradition. Bush, the previous President did it all the time; manipulating the terror color code right around election time. Are you going to tell me that this is news to you too?

I mean, c'mon; you're going to try to talk about integrity when you're pretending this is something new?

You know what they say, right?... Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas. :eusa_whistle:
Even CNN has busted this one:
Ad linking Romney to death of the wife of a laid off steelworker not accurate – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs
A fat lie from beginning to end.

And Romney hasn't flip flopped on anything--in other words--lie about his own positions? Or do you call that pandering?

It's comical that the right wing is now shocked at political hardball is being played. They invented it and currently, Obama and his confederates are perfecting it.

It WAS a powerful ad. You don't want that on the air if you're Governor Romney.
The left will cheer the ad and the right will boo and hiss...the deciders of the election, those in the middle, will cringe at the last line of the ad. Huge turn off to ordinary folks who despise the bitterness of campaigns...and they will ultimately tie Obama to it, whether or not he specifically gave the green light.

You're correct about that.

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