Obama Superpac Runs "Romney Killed My Wife" Ad

Solyndra was brought down by china dumping solar panels, and of course Pub dupes refusing to buy DEM alternative energy.... They HAD jobs and now have UE FOR 99 WEEKS, THANKS TO dEMS, IF THEY HAVEN'T FOUND NEW JOBS IN THE MANY SUCCESSFUL ALTENERGY INDUSTRies- WHICH WOULDN'T EXIST IF A-HOLE FUQ oBAMa CROWD HAD THEIR WAY...OOPS gd it lol.
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Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!

Yup.......hell of a lot of honesty in it too.

Strange how you think it's funny when you're getting your ass handed to you. When the liars you support sink lower and lower into the gutter.

You laughing, Mud?
If the guy isn't giving Tommy some free booze and/or agreeing with everything he says...that's what Tommy thinks...."Fuck him". It's the Compassionate Conservative" in Tommy.....or else the hangover.

Yeah....fuck the truth.

The truth is this guy's wife died...the truth is Tommy says "Fuck Him"....that is the Republican truth.

My mom lost her insurance when she had brain surgery. My Dad let our policies lapse.

She still found a way to get medicaid and get a second surgery done and has always had medical care when she needs it. She's had a stroke and paralysis. She always could get medicine when needed.

We're supposed to believe this guy couldn't do the same??????
The AD is a LIE.

DEAL with the truth. YOU have bought into the FRAUD.

You know where that puts you?

DEAL with it.:eusa_hand:

Duuuuuude! :clap2: She had her own insurance through her own job. And worst of all, CNN is the one busting their asses on it. Which means... Obama can no longer count on them to carry the water. Burn. :lol:

Indeed. The Jig is UP.

How many more will continue to follow Obama and vote for him 'Just because'?

Unthinking Americans are enemies...because they VOTE.

Obama eggs them on through FRAUD and deceit.
And there we have the true feelings of the America-hating CON$ervoFascists!!!! In Fascism there are only two sides, their side and the enemy. Any American who does not conform to their way of thinking is an enemy. In CON$ervoFascism there is no such thing as an individual!!! You either are a conformist or an enemy.
Romney wasn't responsible for that man's FAMILY...that MAN was. He failed.
Stow it. The AD was a lie. The woman had Insurance...The man in the AD deserves NO QUARTER because HE allowed himself to be USED.

Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!
Now that is a good ad; above board and to the point. If I were the GOP, that would be on continuous loop in Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina.
Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!
Now that is a good ad; above board and to the point. If I were the GOP, that would be on continuous loop in Florida, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina.

It's like the local school counselor.....It's okay...It's okay....you tried...don't feel bad...it's okay...he tried....it's okay.....

:lmao: I saw that play while watching the Olympics and I almost rolled out of my chair, laughing so much.
The ad was very powerful. Any one of us could be in that chair in the same situation.
It's good we have the ACA now.

Wow. I'm getting a mental picture of somebody with her fingers in her ears, shaking her head, and chanting a homemade litany of comfort words.

Well, the Governor is a "he" but I'm sure he didn't mean for that woman to die because of something he did.

Have you really become such a dishonest hack that you'll continue to try to blame Romney for that woman's death? What the hell is wrong with you?
Further more, without Bain Capitol, that steel plant would have closed in 1993.
Romney wasn't responsible for that man's FAMILY...that MAN was. He failed.
Stow it. The AD was a lie. The woman had Insurance...The man in the AD deserves NO QUARTER because HE allowed himself to be USED.

Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!

Would you prefer they made something up about Obama killing a bunch of school children?
Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!

Would you prefer they made something up about Obama killing a bunch of school children?

No, but judging from the slime they've been slinging that may be in the works from the Obama Campaign.
Yeah....fuck the truth.

The truth is this guy's wife died...the truth is Tommy says "Fuck Him"....that is the Republican truth.

My mom lost her insurance when she had brain surgery. My Dad let our policies lapse.

She still found a way to get medicaid and get a second surgery done and has always had medical care when she needs it. She's had a stroke and paralysis. She always could get medicine when needed.

We're supposed to believe this guy couldn't do the same??????

To get medicaid, you have to have no assets and basically no income. Great Pub system. or you defraud.
Geez.... I almost hate bursting your bubble... almost. You've built such a comforting little cocoon there. :lol:

Pretty damning evidence. I hope you're able to post that at the end of each showing of the commercial. Otherwise it's a powerful ad.

So... you don't mind if it's a BIG FAT LIE from beginning to end, just so long as Obama can fool some people? Is that it? :eusa_eh:
Whoa, I don't know that it is a lie at all. Some guy name Mark Levine says so and you have a link from Beirbart? Hardly a slam dunk. Bush and the Swift Boaters trashed John Kerry to no end in 2004. Birthers lied--and continue to do so--about Obama's birth certificate. Does it make any other lie/half truth better or worse? No.

It is what it is. Stop pretending to be so abhorrent to lies in politics and pretend that the GOP has anything but a casual relationship with the truth. Not that the DNC's relationship is that much stronger mind you. Just stop the hypocrisy.
When is enough... enough? I mean, it's only the integrity one finds on an anonymous internet forum, but still, it's you who has to look at the girl in the mirror.

I don't get why you guys seem to think you owe this jerk something. :eusa_eh:

And all that said, it still doesn't work when people find out they've been overtly LIED to. Most people get pissed off at the notion of being manipulated like that.

Were you pissed off about the yarns the Bush Pentagon told about Pat Tillman?
The ad was effective and it will continue to be a powerful ad every time it runs. Politics are rife with whoppers; so much so Fact Check made it's name documenting them.
Under Obamacare, anyone earning less than 140% of poverty level, 15k single. 29k family of 4, can get medicaid. Up to 88k family of four- subsidies to make insurance affordable. There- Pub dupes now know more than Fox etc ever told them! LOL Pub dupes!!
In a decade or so, folks will look back with disbelief on the mere idea that such things could ever have so easily happened in the American health care system.

And they'll know who they have to thank for finally changing it.

Romney wasn't responsible for that man's FAMILY...that MAN was. He failed.
Stow it. The AD was a lie. The woman had Insurance...The man in the AD deserves NO QUARTER because HE allowed himself to be USED.

Way to treat the widower..."fuck him". And you wonder why you guys are thought of as you are.

That was a powerful ad. It makes you wonder what the Governor is doing with all of the money he's raising. Where are his ads that are anywhere near as powerful?

I just saw this ad today:

New RNC TV Ad: “It’s OK” | Race 4 2012

"He tried. You tried. It's okay to make a change."

:lmao: :lmao:

Hardhitting stuff there!

Not enough sensationalism for you, drama queen?
I see no lie. His company went belly up, Romney and al made money, Romney was in charge when the decisions were made. The Pub health care system did the rest...

Romneycare for all!! LOL
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMkmxJ3P9Tw&feature=player_embedded]CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - YouTube[/ame]

Pretty gross. Even by Democrat standards (assuming they have any standards at all).

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