Obama Tells Dems He'll Oppose Tax Cut Deal Without Unemployment Benefits, Other Relie


If that's right then heck let's extend it for 10 years and watch job creation really soar!

Of course you cannot prove that extending or ending UI will have any effect on jobs.

Given that you're the guy who wants child labor to be legal again, I'd say the burden of proof is on you to justify anyone taking your views on economics seriously.
You gotta love the right. Nothing ever counter-intuitive penetrates their skull.

Yes, in the 1984 world of the Left everything is counterintuitive. So UE benefits boost the economy while cutting the deficit costs jobs.
Where do they teach this stuff??

If that's right then heck let's extend it for 10 years and watch job creation really soar!

Of course you cannot prove that extending or ending UI will have any effect on jobs.

Given that you're the guy who wants child labor to be legal again, I'd say the burden of proof is on you to justify anyone taking your views on economics seriously.

Since you're the guy who claims there is no provable causation I'd say the burden is on you to prove you are not a mouth-breathing moron.

If that's right then heck let's extend it for 10 years and watch job creation really soar!

Of course you cannot prove that extending or ending UI will have any effect on jobs.

They must have used the Christina Romer's New New Math which showed that the Stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%.

If that's right then heck let's extend it for 10 years and watch job creation really soar!

Of course you cannot prove that extending or ending UI will have any effect on jobs.

They must have used the Christina Romer's New New Math which showed that the Stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%.

You really have to wonder how anyone can fall for the proposition that paying people not to work will create jobs. Of course people fell for "Hope N Change" so there it is.
No one wants to disagree with this?

Why would they?

It's the truth. But then they will bitch that their mail is coming to slow...or the lines at the DMV are to long..

Two and two never equals four in the minds of conservatives.

But they also claim the conservative economic agenda is the right formula for creating jobs.

And it isn't. 8 Years of low tax rates, lax regulations and low interest rates..bought us what? A near economic collapse.

Even the stimulus package was larded with about 40% tax breaks. It's been working painfully slow. So slow no one notices.

President Obama can point out all he wants how it "saved us from a worse depression". But all he got from trying to incorporate Republican ideas into the stimulus and health care packages was a big fat knife in the back, a kick in the ass and a "shellacking".

When the fuck are the Democrats going to wake up.
That's my question.

He wants to do his own thing...republicans block him. He tries to incorporate their ideas...they block him and deride him. They plan to use brute force to stop him...then BO used brute force to pass healthcare...and they wine.

When are the Dems going to get some balls?
I realize in your little leftist world jobs are like Old Master paintings: there are only a limited number of them.
But in the real world, beyond Eurosclerosis, there are an infinite number of jobs over any given time period. I realize that concept is probably way beyond you so don't bother responding.

Time for me to move on...can't handle talking to dumb fucks....
Please explain how keeping taxes down and increasing spending is going to work.

It seems counter productive to me.
I realize in your little leftist world jobs are like Old Master paintings: there are only a limited number of them.
But in the real world, beyond Eurosclerosis, there are an infinite number of jobs over any given time period. I realize that concept is probably way beyond you so don't bother responding.

Time for me to move on...can't handle talking to dumb fucks....

Translation: I can't wrap my tiny mind around this advanced concept.
The link did just that.
Sorry you have trouble reading and responding appropriately. Maybe Ritalin would help?

Sorry, no, it was some weak opinion piece that couldn't even avoid refuting its own contentions.

Stop insulting our intelligence. This is an adult forum.

Told ya.
You can't counter the message so you attack the messenger.
The piece in fact substantiated, and made clear the issue is well known, my contention that UE insurance actually causes UE.
When you couldn't refute that, you took some unrelated piece and pretended it was the issue under discussion.
When that didnt work you tried to impugn the source.
You are truly a worthless and ugly troll. Now go back under the bridge.

As I've been saying since your worthess contributions first began, you have the memory span of a gnat. These are YOUR words, hypocrite:

Sorry you have trouble reading and responding appropriately. Maybe Ritalin would help?

Yet your begin your blather by accusing someone ELSE of attacking the messenger. :cuckoo:
Told ya.
You can't counter the message so you attack the messenger.
The piece in fact substantiated, and made clear the issue is well known, my contention that UE insurance actually causes UE.
When you couldn't refute that, you took some unrelated piece and pretended it was the issue under discussion.
When that didnt work you tried to impugn the source.
You are truly a worthless and ugly troll. Now go back under the bridge.

In order to prove that extending UE causes UE:

1. You have to show that a period of unemployment where UE extension was passed was LONGER than a comparable period of UE where UE extension was not passed,

and you then have to

2. show that the UE extension itself, and no other extraneous factors of any kind,

CAUSED the relatively longer period of unemployment, in order to prove that the comparisons were comparable.

That would be proof of cause and effect. Your link did nothing of the sort.

And of ccourse you can't prove causality so none of it is provable. In your small mind anyway.
The economics on this issue is well understood and well agreed on. Except by Leftist illiterates like you.

Ooooh, another "attack on the messenger..." :lol:
Extend the Bush era tax cuts indefinitely.
Extend unemployment benefits for 16 weeks... to be paid for from repaid stimulus funds
then... get the hell out of the way and let the private sector grow the economy.

The only two people who believe that unemployment benefits will grow the economy are Obama and Pelosi... and he believes it only because she told him so. Pelosi is drunk with power and Obama is a dunce when it comes to economics and fiscal responsibility.

To "grow" the economy is NOT the reason for extending unemployment, you idiot. If it isn't extended, then you have millions MORE looking to the OTHER social umbrellas (filed under "welfare" which is also hated until someone like you needs it, that is). Obviously, to have the unemployed working again is what will "grow the economy." THINK, would ya?
Rabbi, you DO realize that there are conservatives on unemployment...not just liberals.

So by your own logic, you're calling conservatives lazy bastards for taking the benefits.

I really wish conservatives would get angry when one of their own spews shit like this...and realized that it doesnt comport with R~E~A~L~!~T~Y

This isn't about conservatives or liberals on unemployment. It is about an unemployment insurance policy that encourages unemployment and contributes to the problem rather than solving it.

...which no one can prove happens.

Well...the right wing press and punditocrity is all the proof they need after all. It's been that way for everything since January 22, 2009.
This coming from an idiot who supports a party that has said its sole intention is to remove Obama from office in 2012 without expressing any true intention of helping the American people as well as drafting a plan to block every bill proposed by Democrats, don't even talk that bipartisanship talk.

There is absolutely no support for the idea that people receiving unemployment benefits don't want to work, thats typical Republitard political claptrap than cannot be proven, yet is frequently spewed. If unemployment was shrinking and these people still didn't have a job you might be able to make such an argument but with it rising its even more retarded to make the argument that these people are lazy.

The claim that in 99 weeks "anyone can find a job" isn't necessarily true either. The thinking that a person with an engineering degree and 20 years of experience can apply at McDonalds and get hired is ludicrous. That employer would KNOW the person would be out the door as soon as something better came along, and would hire the person who would stay awhile. Hello?

Then there are positions advertised that result in hundreds of people applying for ONE job. The Idiot Brigade is alive and well as long as there is still the irrational thinking of morons like Rabbi who thinks he sounds brilliant by lumping several million unemployed people into his neat little box.

I've never known anyone in my 50 years who was unemployed for nearly 2 fucking years that didn't want tyo be unemployed nearly 2 fucking years.

Maybe it's because you're too young to realize that finding a good job for ANYONE over 50 is difficult in the best of times. But I'm being too kind. Maybe it's because you hang around with slobs.
Ya gotta love the left... paying to people to not work creates prosperity.

The only ones saying that are the ones alleging that's what was said. Once more, no one has ever claimed that keeping people unemployed will "generate" jobs. If you think so, then find a valid, sourced link.
Aww those poor unemployed people, sitting year after year living off the dole. We ought to feel bad for them as we give them money month after month. I guess money isn't enough anymore. They need a hug too.

Hey, here's a newsflash: No one is responsible to pay your bills except you. Now get off your fat lazy ass and go get a job.

You are beyond stupid...you do realise there is something like one job for every five people at the moment (if not more)... IOW - I'll say it real slow for you - Even if EVERY person on the 'dole' wants a job there isn't one for them. Understand? Prolly not, because you're dumb as a post.

You didn't even address my point. You are so stupid you think Unemployed = Lazy...it doesn't...

I realize in your little leftist world jobs are like Old Master paintings: there are only a limited number of them.
But in the real world, beyond Eurosclerosis, there are an infinite number of jobs over any given time period. I realize that concept is probably way beyond you so don't bother responding.

What part of this, going on all across the nation, are you unable to grasp?

165 job openings, 700 applications; Huge response a reflection of area’s 15.4% unemployment rate | Bend | The Bulletin
...fill out applications while waiting in line Wednesday at the Olive Garden restaurant in Bend. They were among about 700 people who applied for some 165 full- and part-time jobs.
You gotta love the right. Nothing ever counter-intuitive penetrates their skull.

Yes, in the 1984 world of the Left everything is counterintuitive. So UE benefits boost the economy while cutting the deficit costs jobs.
Where do they teach this stuff??

Where indeed. Other than the simple fact that they must eat, buy gasoline to look for jobs, pay their utilities, or, otherwise known as CONSUMERS, no one has ever claimed that, except you.

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