Obama The birth certificate ?

you guys are in denial mode that he is a citizen.lol. His allaged certificate says he is an african american.

No it doesn't. The phrase 'african american' appear no where on Obama's long form or COLB.

You genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
Hello Everyone,

I have a forum in French with spécialist of many subject..one of my member past me a link that show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Or i just only giving this information, the link.


This is part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide... you decide...


FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
Hello, thank you for the link ;) but what about the vidéo ?
someone has reading comprehension problems since she ignored my previous post which was -which has all been debunked by all my previous posts which you wont read or watch.:rolleyes:

which is no surprise since I am dealing with a brainwashed sheep that still incredibly thinks oswald shot JFK despite they have never proved that to be true.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and blatantly ignores pesky facts that people who came forward and saw a second gunman died in mysterious deaths.:rofl:

NONE of that matter to the troll though because she has the warped logic because the STATE says it is true and believes our government would never lie to her,it automatically IS the truth. she should start a comedy club.:rofl:

this person is so dense that she doesnt get it that the STATE saying he is a citizen is the exact same thing as if a corrupt cop was on the police force and he has friend rob a bank,and covers for him while he was doing it,then goes and tells his captain he saw nobody rob the bank or because our corrupt school system and our government say oswald shot JFK,that it is automatically the truth because what THEY say is all the matters to them,not what witnesses saw or what the experts say.

this troll kills me.

LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif

yeah these Obama zombies are a hopeless and lost cause,they are too stupid and dense to understand or comprehend that because the state of hawaii is funded by the GOVERNMENT,the state is only going to tell you what they want you to hear.Logic like that doesnt register with them.:cuckoo: they dont get it that the state of hawaii issuing a ceritifcate saying he is a citizen,that that is the exact same thing as asking the fox to guard the henhouse they so much believe everything their government tells them.:haha:

they wont read any of the stuff you post or watch any of the videos you show they are so closed minded so its time to not waste anymore time with them.

It really is no surprise they wont read any of our posts,one of them even said that they believe oswald shot JFK even incredibly.that right there tells you who are dealing with here.:biggrin:

the fact they STILL believe that fairy tale of the governments after all these years even though witnesses who were there who said they saw a second gunman behind the fence with a rifle shooting,that they ended up dying mysteriously later on weeks later after that.NONE of that stuff means anything to them.:rolleyes-41:

Now that I know that we are dealing with trolls who believe in the magic bullet theory of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK,I now know not to waste anymore time with these trolls. If they believe stll believe in THAT fairy tale even after all this time several years later,there sure is no hope to reason with them on obama for sure.:rofl:

they are so brainwashed,they think that the government here in the states is looking out for them,that they never lie to them,and there are no criminals in washington running the country,and the government has our best interest at heart and that this is a free country obviously by all their ignorant childish posts.

So let me see if I have your 'logic' right. Since Obama's birth certificate was issued by the Hawaiian 'government', and 'government' can't be trusted, his birth certificate can't be trusted.


Prove Trump is a US citizen without the use of any government issued documents.
Hello Everyone,

I have a forum in French with spécialist of many subject..one of my member past me a link that show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Or i just only giving this information, the link.


This is part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide... you decide...


FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
Hello, thank you for the link ;) but about the vidéo ?

Make your argument for the video. As the 'birth certificate' you offered is an acknowledged fake by the very woman who 'released' it.

With the same record number, same page number, same book number, and virtually identical name for the registrar for an australian birth certificate posted online.


Even the creases are the same place.

Which you either knew, and intentionally misled us.....or didn't, and aren't informed enough to discuss the topic with.

Pick one.
someone has reading comprehension problems since she ignored my previous post which was -which has all been debunked by all my previous posts which you wont read or watch.:rolleyes:

which is no surprise since I am dealing with a brainwashed sheep that still incredibly thinks oswald shot JFK despite they have never proved that to be true.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and blatantly ignores pesky facts that people who came forward and saw a second gunman died in mysterious deaths.:rofl:

NONE of that matter to the troll though because she has the warped logic because the STATE says it is true and believes our government would never lie to her,it automatically IS the truth. she should start a comedy club.:rofl:

this person is so dense that she doesnt get it that the STATE saying he is a citizen is the exact same thing as if a corrupt cop was on the police force and he has friend rob a bank,and covers for him while he was doing it,then goes and tells his captain he saw nobody rob the bank or because our corrupt school system and our government say oswald shot JFK,that it is automatically the truth because what THEY say is all the matters to them,not what witnesses saw or what the experts say.

this troll kills me.

LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif

I am committed to the facts- rather than anonymous youtube videos Birthers love.

And the facts are concrete- Birthers would prefer to believe anonymous youtubers and foreign con-men than Americans.

“We’ve had three CIA agents, retired, and some of their analytical associates look at it, and all came to the same conclusion, that even the long-form was a forged document,” Vallely said.
Read more at From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate??

How could they decide that a document that they never saw the original of- was a forgery?

I'm not a forensic expert, nor are you. Why don't you ask them.

Hard to ask unnamed 'forensic experts' anything. Why would you want to take a word from a Birther when Birthers lie over and over?

Meanwhile- once again- the State of Hawaii says the birth certificate is authentic.

Why do you want to believe unnamed, anonymous 'experts'- but not the State of Hawaii?
You believe the résult of the State of Hawaii, tell me don't you think that the FBI was in the true after the analysis of Hillary mails? if don't believe it, then it's possible don't you think that the famous certificate could have been the same kind of favors like for Hillary ?

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I don't know why....


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LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif
That's funny. You post a purported birth certificate from a non-existent country but then complain the problem is with those defending Obama. :cuckoo:

Why wont you say something about that vidéo propose by LA RAM FAN ?

the chickenshit coward wont say anything about the video because she wont look at an opposing view different than her own,if it doesnt go along with her warped views,she wont watch it as why. which is no surprise,after all,we dealing with someone who actually believes in magic bullets since she has even admitted she actually believes oswald shot JFK.

that right there,shows the brainwashed sheep we are dealing with.

she only listens to what the government tells her.:cuckoo:

anything that doesnt go along with the governments explanation,she does this-:scared1: as evidenced throughout this whole thread.:rolleyes-41:


It's adorable how you call me the chickenshit when it's Dalia who's afraid to respond to my point that she posted a purported Obama birth certificate which shows he was born in a country that didn't exist in 1961.

Hey Faun, that is an excellent point. You can tell something is wrong when Words used don't match up with history. Since you are keen to that sort of thing, I am sure you will be all over this-

Obama Busted: Birth Cert Contains Words/Places That Did Not Exist In 1961! African American & Kenya | Alternative

Obama Busted: Birth Cert Contains Words/Places That Did Not Exist In 1961! African American & Kenya
Thursday, January 2, 2014 13:51

1. Back in 1961 people of color were called ‘Negroes.’ So how can the Obama ’birth certificate’ state he is “African-American” when the term wasn’t even used at that time?

2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth as August 4, 1961 & Lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. No big deal, right ? At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama’s father was born in “Kenya , East Africa”.

This wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth, and 27 years after his father’s birth. How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet Exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the “British East Africa Protectorate”. (check it below)


3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital”. This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called ”KauiKeolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity
Home”, respectively. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?



Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media ?

4. Perhaps a clue comes from Obama’s book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WW II. I’m not a math genius, so I may need some help from you. Barack Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately 1936 – if my math holds (Honest! I did That without a calculator!). Now we need a non-revised history book – one that hasn’t been altered to satisfy the author’s goals – to verify that WW II was basically
between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in Wars? Even in the latest stages of WW II his father wouldn’t have been more than 9 years old. Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his imagination or political purposes?

All one can do when reading nonsense like this is shake their head in disbelief. Disbelief that anyone can be so disfunctionly retarded to keep repeating this bullshit 8 years after it's all been thoroughly debunked. This is exactly the reason only the most committed to being stupid maintain this nonsense and why they're laughed at and ridiculed for proving they're simply not capable of learning.

1. Nowhere on Obama's birth certificate does it call him an "African-American". That's just a pants-on-fire lie.

2. While the name, "Republic of Kenya," was not in existence until 1964 (which is how we know the birth certificate posted by Dalia is fake), "Kenya" was still the name of that country prior to Obama's birth in 1961. Here is a map from 1960 which shows where Kenya is...


3. While the two medical centers merged in 1978, the maternity hospital was already known as Kapiolani from long before then. Kauikeolani was the childrens hospital.

Kapiolani - About Us - Overview

4. Obama had three men in his life he referred to as his father, according to his autobiography. His biological father, who he didn't know; his step father, who raised him while in Indonesia; and his paternal grandfather, who raised him like a son back in Hawaii. It was the latter to whom he was referring.

But thanks for again demonstrating why birthers cannot be relied upon for reality as they simply don't possess even the bare minimum requirements for lucid comprehension to state actual facts, and not the debunked nonsense they've been repeating for nearly a decade now.
someone has reading comprehension problems since she ignored my previous post which was -which has all been debunked by all my previous posts which you wont read or watch.:rolleyes:

which is no surprise since I am dealing with a brainwashed sheep that still incredibly thinks oswald shot JFK despite they have never proved that to be true.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and blatantly ignores pesky facts that people who came forward and saw a second gunman died in mysterious deaths.:rofl:

NONE of that matter to the troll though because she has the warped logic because the STATE says it is true and believes our government would never lie to her,it automatically IS the truth. she should start a comedy club.:rofl:

this person is so dense that she doesnt get it that the STATE saying he is a citizen is the exact same thing as if a corrupt cop was on the police force and he has friend rob a bank,and covers for him while he was doing it,then goes and tells his captain he saw nobody rob the bank or because our corrupt school system and our government say oswald shot JFK,that it is automatically the truth because what THEY say is all the matters to them,not what witnesses saw or what the experts say.

this troll kills me.

LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif
That's funny. You post a purported birth certificate from a non-existent country but then complain the problem is with those defending Obama. :cuckoo:

Why wont you say something about that vidéo propose by LA RAM FAN ?

I'm replying to what YOU posted. YOU posted a purported birth certificate from a country that didn't exist. Respond to that, don't defer to another poster.

Well, if you read the beginning of my Subject you will see that i say that it came from one my member and i did give a other link after and you know that if the birth certificat that show Obama is a fake that mean that the vidéo propose by LA RAM FAN is true ? it's possible ou just not possible ? look at vidéo and then comment on it.

LA RAM FAN is this forum's most insane conspiracy nut. That you fall for anything he posts is on you, no one else.

As far as the video he's posted, that was debunked long ago by an actual expert on PDF files and not some basement warriors hellbent on proving the birth certificate fake

The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier program for computer graphic artists — “reveals” evidence of document manipulation in the Obama birth certificate. They note Illustrator reveals nine separate layers of the document, and claim it’s “proof” the file has been altered.

But that’s not so, says Jean-Claude Tremblay, a leading software trainer and Adobe-certified expert, who has years of experience working with and teaching Adobe Illustrator.

“You should not be so suspicious about this,” Tremblay told FoxNews.com, dismissing the allegations.

He said the layers cited by doubters are evidence of the use of common, off-the-shelf scanning software — not evidence of a forgery. “I have seen a lot of illustrator documents that come from photos and contain those kind of clippings—and it looks exactly like this,” he said.

Tremblay explained that the scanner optical character recognition (OCR) software attempts to translate characters or words in a photograph into text. He said the layers cited by the doubters shows that software at work – and nothing more.

Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit

... now what ... ?
two farts in a row back to back from the troll.:9::9::haha::happy-1::banana::banana:^

Like clockwork,she just keeps posing the same old garbage that my video and other posts have debunked over and over and over again in desperation.:biggrin:
Last edited:
“We’ve had three CIA agents, retired, and some of their analytical associates look at it, and all came to the same conclusion, that even the long-form was a forged document,” Vallely said.
Read more at From A to Z: What’s wrong with Obama’s birth certificate??

How could they decide that a document that they never saw the original of- was a forgery?

I'm not a forensic expert, nor are you. Why don't you ask them.

Hard to ask unnamed 'forensic experts' anything. Why would you want to take a word from a Birther when Birthers lie over and over?

Meanwhile- once again- the State of Hawaii says the birth certificate is authentic.

Why do you want to believe unnamed, anonymous 'experts'- but not the State of Hawaii?
You believe the résult of the State of Hawaii, tell me don't you think that the FBI was in the true after the analysis of Hillary mails? if don't believe it, then it's possible don't you think that the famous certificate could have been the same kind of favors like for Hillary ?

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I don't know why....

Although it's your opinion you do not believe in the government shenanigans? the bribe? to lick asses in government? so why this question about the certificate Obama is not clear, I think the same thing for Hillary and her emails, now why can we see her emails, strange no?

Democrats are schemers
Last edited:
Hello Everyone,

I have a forum in French with spécialist of many subject..one of my member past me a link that show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Or i just only giving this information, the link.


This is part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide... you decide...


FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
Hello, thank you for the link ;) but about the vidéo ?

Make your argument for the video. As the 'birth certificate' you offered is an acknowledged fake by the very woman who 'released' it.

With the same record number, same page number, same book number, and virtually identical name for the registrar for an australian birth certificate posted online.


Even the creases are the same place.

Which you either knew, and intentionally misled us.....or didn't, and aren't informed enough to discuss the topic with.

Pick one.


You are talking about the link that you pass but not about the vidéo, and why Obama did not release the long version of his birth certificat ?
someone has reading comprehension problems since she ignored my previous post which was -which has all been debunked by all my previous posts which you wont read or watch.:rolleyes:

which is no surprise since I am dealing with a brainwashed sheep that still incredibly thinks oswald shot JFK despite they have never proved that to be true.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and blatantly ignores pesky facts that people who came forward and saw a second gunman died in mysterious deaths.:rofl:

NONE of that matter to the troll though because she has the warped logic because the STATE says it is true and believes our government would never lie to her,it automatically IS the truth. she should start a comedy club.:rofl:

this person is so dense that she doesnt get it that the STATE saying he is a citizen is the exact same thing as if a corrupt cop was on the police force and he has friend rob a bank,and covers for him while he was doing it,then goes and tells his captain he saw nobody rob the bank or because our corrupt school system and our government say oswald shot JFK,that it is automatically the truth because what THEY say is all the matters to them,not what witnesses saw or what the experts say.

this troll kills me.

LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif
That's funny. You post a purported birth certificate from a non-existent country but then complain the problem is with those defending Obama. :cuckoo:

Why wont you say something about that vidéo propose by LA RAM FAN ?

the chickenshit coward wont say anything about the video because she wont look at an opposing view different than her own,if it doesnt go along with her warped views,she wont watch it as why. which is no surprise,after all,we dealing with someone who actually believes in magic bullets since she has even admitted she actually believes oswald shot JFK.

that right there,shows the brainwashed sheep we are dealing with.

she only listens to what the government tells her.:cuckoo:

anything that doesnt go along with the governments explanation,she does this-:scared1: as evidenced throughout this whole thread.:rolleyes-41:


It's adorable how you call me the chickenshit when it's Dalia who's afraid to respond to my point that she posted a purported Obama birth certificate which shows he was born in a country that didn't exist in 1961.

someone has reading comprehension problems since she ignored my previous post which was -which has all been debunked by all my previous posts which you wont read or watch.:rolleyes:

which is no surprise since I am dealing with a brainwashed sheep that still incredibly thinks oswald shot JFK despite they have never proved that to be true.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and blatantly ignores pesky facts that people who came forward and saw a second gunman died in mysterious deaths.:rofl:

NONE of that matter to the troll though because she has the warped logic because the STATE says it is true and believes our government would never lie to her,it automatically IS the truth. she should start a comedy club.:rofl:

this person is so dense that she doesnt get it that the STATE saying he is a citizen is the exact same thing as if a corrupt cop was on the police force and he has friend rob a bank,and covers for him while he was doing it,then goes and tells his captain he saw nobody rob the bank or because our corrupt school system and our government say oswald shot JFK,that it is automatically the truth because what THEY say is all the matters to them,not what witnesses saw or what the experts say.

this troll kills me.

LA RAM FAN, This is hardly lost, they are committed to President Obama and his rotten administration even if you show indisputable evidence they dedication and blindness is deep and difinitif

yeah these Obama zombies are a hopeless and lost cause,they are too stupid and dense to understand or comprehend that because the state of hawaii is funded by the GOVERNMENT,the state is only going to tell you what they want you to hear.Logic like that doesnt register with them.:cuckoo: they dont get it that the state of hawaii issuing a ceritifcate saying he is a citizen,that that is the exact same thing as asking the fox to guard the henhouse they so much believe everything their government tells them.:haha:

they wont read any of the stuff you post or watch any of the videos you show they are so closed minded so its time to not waste anymore time with them.

It really is no surprise they wont read any of our posts,one of them even said that they believe oswald shot JFK even incredibly.that right there tells you who are dealing with here.:biggrin:

the fact they STILL believe that fairy tale of the governments after all these years even though witnesses who were there who said they saw a second gunman behind the fence with a rifle shooting,that they ended up dying mysteriously later on weeks later after that.NONE of that stuff means anything to them.:rolleyes-41:

Now that I know that we are dealing with trolls who believe in the magic bullet theory of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK,I now know not to waste anymore time with these trolls. If they believe stll believe in THAT fairy tale even after all this time several years later,there sure is no hope to reason with them on obama for sure.:rofl:

they are so brainwashed,they think that the government here in the states is looking out for them,that they never lie to them,and there are no criminals in washington running the country,and the government has our best interest at heart and that this is a free country obviously by all their ignorant childish posts.

So let me see if I have your 'logic' right. Since Obama's birth certificate was issued by the Hawaiian 'government', and 'government' can't be trusted, his birth certificate can't be trusted.


Prove Trump is a US citizen without the use of any government issued documents.

Trump release the two version of is birth certificat.

Donald Trump Birth Certificate

coincidentally it is only Obama that given the smaller version
Hello Everyone,

I have a forum in French with spécialist of many subject..one of my member past me a link that show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Or i just only giving this information, the link.


This is part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide... you decide...


FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
Hello, thank you for the link ;) but about the vidéo ?

Make your argument for the video. As the 'birth certificate' you offered is an acknowledged fake by the very woman who 'released' it.

With the same record number, same page number, same book number, and virtually identical name for the registrar for an australian birth certificate posted online.


Even the creases are the same place.

Which you either knew, and intentionally misled us.....or didn't, and aren't informed enough to discuss the topic with.

Pick one.


You are talking about the link that you pass but not about the vidéo, and why Obama did not release the long version of his birth certificat ?
He did release his long form birth certificate. It was all over the news. Perhaps you need to go back and do some more research before chiming in on this subject again? You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
How could they decide that a document that they never saw the original of- was a forgery?

I'm not a forensic expert, nor are you. Why don't you ask them.

Hard to ask unnamed 'forensic experts' anything. Why would you want to take a word from a Birther when Birthers lie over and over?

Meanwhile- once again- the State of Hawaii says the birth certificate is authentic.

Why do you want to believe unnamed, anonymous 'experts'- but not the State of Hawaii?
You believe the résult of the State of Hawaii, tell me don't you think that the FBI was in the true after the analysis of Hillary mails? if don't believe it, then it's possible don't you think that the famous certificate could have been the same kind of favors like for Hillary ?

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I don't know why....

Although it's your opinion you do not believe in the government shenanigans? the bribe? to lick asses in government? so why this question about the certificate Obama is not clear, I think the same thing for Hillary and her emails, now why can we see her emails, strange no?

Democrats are schemers

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I wonder why........

Hello Everyone,

I have a forum in French with spécialist of many subject..one of my member past me a link that show that Obama was born in Kenya.

Or i just only giving this information, the link.


This is part of what Obama has spent almost $2M to hide... you decide...


FALSE: Obama's Kenyan Certified Registration of Birth
Hello, thank you for the link ;) but about the vidéo ?

Make your argument for the video. As the 'birth certificate' you offered is an acknowledged fake by the very woman who 'released' it.

With the same record number, same page number, same book number, and virtually identical name for the registrar for an australian birth certificate posted online.


Even the creases are the same place.

Which you either knew, and intentionally misled us.....or didn't, and aren't informed enough to discuss the topic with.

Pick one.


You are talking about the link that you pass but not about the vidéo, and why Obama did not release the long version of his birth certificat ?

President Obama released his certified copy of his birth certificate in 2011- years before Donald Trump did.

True Fact- President Obama was the first Presidential candidate to show voters his birth certificate.

Donald Trump is now the second.

Of course Birthers believe Trump's BC......because well it isn't Obama's.
I'm not a forensic expert, nor are you. Why don't you ask them.

Hard to ask unnamed 'forensic experts' anything. Why would you want to take a word from a Birther when Birthers lie over and over?

Meanwhile- once again- the State of Hawaii says the birth certificate is authentic.

Why do you want to believe unnamed, anonymous 'experts'- but not the State of Hawaii?
You believe the résult of the State of Hawaii, tell me don't you think that the FBI was in the true after the analysis of Hillary mails? if don't believe it, then it's possible don't you think that the famous certificate could have been the same kind of favors like for Hillary ?

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I don't know why....

Although it's your opinion you do not believe in the government shenanigans? the bribe? to lick asses in government? so why this question about the certificate Obama is not clear, I think the same thing for Hillary and her emails, now why can we see her emails, strange no?

Democrats are schemers

No- I don't believe in any of the stupid Conspiracy theories.

Why Birthers think that the Republican Governor of Hawaii would order her Republican Director of Health to lie- to help elect a Democratic Party Senator- when the Republican Governor was running Republican John McCain's presidential campaign is just.....hilarious.

Why they think that any Director of Health would risk prison for committing fraud- but blindly believe all of the Birther goobers who RISK NOTHING to make their wild ass lies- is again hilarious.

Why do Birthers have to believe that President Obama could not possibly be President?

I wonder why........

View attachment 92539

You wonder why ? well may be because he was not suit to be Président ?

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