Obama the record setter


No growth in the US GNP since 2010, is that the point you are making?
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.

No growth in the US GNP since 2010, is that the point you are making?
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sub 3% growth is a disaster. IT is the reason recent college grads are living in mom's basement unable to find more than a part time job and posting on this forum. It is the reason people are putting off getting married and having children. It is stagnation and loss of status in the world. And it is all due to Obama's policies, which have penalized success and supplemented failure. He is the POTUS: Piece of Totally Useless Shit.
Bush vs. Obama who's policy's were better for America?
Bush, hands down.
Explain... as I remember the Bush term ending with a pretty bad economic crash and a war that the majority of Americans in both sides feel was a Yuuuge mistake or flat out deception.
Too bad you werent old enough to remember the entire 8 years.

No growth in the US GNP since 2010, is that the point you are making?
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sez the guy who judges Bush's entire record on the last 3 months of his term.
Go away, Mr Low Information.
Sub 3% growth is a disaster. IT is the reason recent college grads are living in mom's basement unable to find more than a part time job and posting on this forum. It is the reason people are putting off getting married and having children. It is stagnation and loss of status in the world. And it is all due to Obama's policies, which have penalized success and supplemented failure. He is the POTUS: Piece of Totally Useless Shit.
Bush vs. Obama who's policy's were better for America?
Bush, hands down.
Explain... as I remember the Bush term ending with a pretty bad economic crash and a war that the majority of Americans in both sides feel was a Yuuuge mistake or flat out deception.
Too bad you werent old enough to remember the entire 8 years.
Good one!

No growth in the US GNP since 2010, is that the point you are making?
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sez the guy who judges Bush's entire record on the last 3 months of his term.
Go away, Mr Low Information.
Where do you get this shit from? I can make stuff up too. Maybe you should stop advocating for child labor and a US monarchy, go to England or North Korea if you're so inclined
OH my! What to do? What to do! Oh my, oh my, oh my! Nappie time. Alfred E. Neuman says, "What, me worry"?
See. A little blip and shit is on the up and up!

View attachment 65195

My first response to you posting this was incomplete. First of all your chart looks as if it is not adjusted for inflation. Second, do you realize, doubtful, that this chart you posted and the one in the OP actually indicate the same thing? Less then 3 percent doesn't mean negative or zero.
Show us what it was under you boy bushy?

Sub 3% growth is a disaster. IT is the reason recent college grads are living in mom's basement unable to find more than a part time job and posting on this forum. It is the reason people are putting off getting married and having children. It is stagnation and loss of status in the world. And it is all due to Obama's policies, which have penalized success and supplemented failure. He is the POTUS: Piece of Totally Useless Shit.
No growth in the US GNP since 2010, is that the point you are making?
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sez the guy who judges Bush's entire record on the last 3 months of his term.
Go away, Mr Low Information.
Where do you get this shit from? I can make stuff up too. Maybe you should stop advocating for child labor and a US monarchy, go to England or North Korea if you're so inclined
I got this shit out of your own asshole, asshole. This is what you wrote, in case cheap dope has ruined your memory already.
Explain... as I remember the Bush term ending with a pretty bad economic crash and a war that the majority of Americans in both sides feel was a Yuuuge mistake or flat out deception.]
The fact is that GDP growth was higher for most of Bush's terms, unemployment was considerably lower, workforce participation was higher, and business creation was higher.
Frau Klinton has a plan for that. I know that is true because I heard her say so. "I have a plan for that". Next question?
But then, Unser Frau Klinton has a plan for every thing. Simply ask her.
The point is the US is doing better than the UK and the Eurozone. The point is that there are global forces affecting our economy.

We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sez the guy who judges Bush's entire record on the last 3 months of his term.
Go away, Mr Low Information.
Where do you get this shit from? I can make stuff up too. Maybe you should stop advocating for child labor and a US monarchy, go to England or North Korea if you're so inclined
I got this shit out of your own asshole, asshole. This is what you wrote, in case cheap dope has ruined your memory already.
Explain... as I remember the Bush term ending with a pretty bad economic crash and a war that the majority of Americans in both sides feel was a Yuuuge mistake or flat out deception.]
The fact is that GDP growth was higher for most of Bush's terms, unemployment was considerably lower, workforce participation was higher, and business creation was higher.
Nothing in my statement points blame on Bush, I was making an observation to point out your hypocrisy. You note all these wonderful facts that Bush achieved and give him credit then dismiss the two largest disasters in our modern society that happened under Bush. You then turn around and attribute a slow growth, which you call a disaster, to Obama. Conclusion: Hypocracy
We're better offf than Zimbabwe! Yeah, us! But dont tell Obama or he'll want to redistribute more wealth.
Rabbi, I think this discussion is a little over your head. Maybe your not ready to sit at the grown up table quite yet. But keep trying and you may get there someday.
Sez the guy who judges Bush's entire record on the last 3 months of his term.
Go away, Mr Low Information.
Where do you get this shit from? I can make stuff up too. Maybe you should stop advocating for child labor and a US monarchy, go to England or North Korea if you're so inclined
I got this shit out of your own asshole, asshole. This is what you wrote, in case cheap dope has ruined your memory already.
Explain... as I remember the Bush term ending with a pretty bad economic crash and a war that the majority of Americans in both sides feel was a Yuuuge mistake or flat out deception.]
The fact is that GDP growth was higher for most of Bush's terms, unemployment was considerably lower, workforce participation was higher, and business creation was higher.
Nothing in my statement points blame on Bush, I was making an observation to point out your hypocrisy. You note all these wonderful facts that Bush achieved and give him credit then dismiss the two largest disasters in our modern society that happened under Bush. You then turn around and attribute a slow growth, which you call a disaster, to Obama. Conclusion: Hypocracy
You're an idiot. Bye.

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