Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day

Without Walmart they would have no job at all and millions would have to pay higher prices for that which they get cheaply at Walmart.
Considering who shops there, I'd say you are just anti-poor people.

Customers would have to pay whole cents on the dollar. In the meantime everyone gets to subsidize Walmart, whether they shop there or not. Can you smell the American dream in that?

You neither know that to be factual nor is it your decision to make for employers, however you have the right in America to establish your own biz, pay your people twice the going rate for their positions and give them a paid month vacation, a month of sick leave, and a 4 hour work day (with a 2 hour paid lunch).
Isn't America grand? :biggrin:

How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Then again, most likely McDonald would most likely just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

You have two choices (other than gov't intervention):
1) eschew fast food thus greasing the skids for the fast food biz, or
2) establish your own fast food giant where you can mother your employees to your heart's content.
I'm good with either but please do not demand more gov't intervention in our markets and PLEASE stop your incessant whining!
Customers would have to pay whole cents on the dollar. In the meantime everyone gets to subsidize Walmart, whether they shop there or not. Can you smell the American dream in that?

You neither know that to be factual nor is it your decision to make for employers, however you have the right in America to establish your own biz, pay your people twice the going rate for their positions and give them a paid month vacation, a month of sick leave, and a 4 hour work day (with a 2 hour paid lunch).
Isn't America grand? :biggrin:

How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Then again, most likely McDonald would most likely just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

You have two choices (other than gov't intervention):
1) eschew fast food thus greasing the skids for the fast food biz, or
2) establish your own fast food giant where you can mother your employees to your heart's content.
I'm good with either but please do not demand more gov't intervention in our markets and PLEASE stop your incessant whining!

Nah, I'll take 3. Grown ups step in like in every other industrialized nation (McDonalds is there too) and tells the company they kind of have to pay their employees when they are sick. It seems to work..like, everywhere.

Anyway, cents on the dollar, correct? I did your stupid math for you.
Now we get to watch as right wingers show their newfound hatred of paid sick leave.
I never worked for anyone that didn't have paid sick leave.
apparently obama is living in the 50's
38 Percent Of U.S. Workers Have No Paid Sick Leave
Did you read the entire story in your link?
Probably not...
Guess what? Government cannot compel paid sick days. On paper yes. In practice, no.....
Let's look at the law where the threshold is 15 employees. Guess what? If I have 15 employees, I can guarantee you I will have 14 employees the day after the law took effect.
And if you think I'm the only one? Yer nuts. Small business cannot afford to pay people to not work. It's impossible
I do worry about myself, but I also know that we can easily offer paid sick leave to workers live every other damn country. Yes, 38% of americans can suddenly up and leave, socio-economic conditions obviously don't apply here. Jesus christ..

No, Comrade, you don't know that all employers can "afford" added costs ... you just assume it.
You honestly believe businesses would collapse if they had to give workers 7 days of paid sick leave? The same end of world bullshit that cons spread every time something to benefit labor is brought up.

I believe that to every action there is a reaction (higher prices, automation). I believe gov't edicts (often with unintended consequences) distort free-markets. I believe an employee's acceptance of a job constitutes acceptance of the compensation package and the employer's right to offer or modify that package.
I believe that gov't meddling is a slippery slope that often ends in the loss of businesses, jobs and whole industries.
I understand the loony left "Worker's Paradise" agenda, Comrade ... I just don't agree with it.
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You neither know that to be factual nor is it your decision to make for employers, however you have the right in America to establish your own biz, pay your people twice the going rate for their positions and give them a paid month vacation, a month of sick leave, and a 4 hour work day (with a 2 hour paid lunch).
Isn't America grand? :biggrin:

How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Then again, most likely McDonald would most likely just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

You have two choices (other than gov't intervention):
1) eschew fast food thus greasing the skids for the fast food biz, or
2) establish your own fast food giant where you can mother your employees to your heart's content.
I'm good with either but please do not demand more gov't intervention in our markets and PLEASE stop your incessant whining!

Nah, I'll take 3. Grown ups step in like in every other industrialized nation (McDonalds is there too) and tells the company they kind of have to pay their employees when they are sick. It seems to work..like, everywhere.

Anyway, cents on the dollar, correct? I did your stupid math for you.
There is no "3".....
This is America where the civilized world rightfully does not apply.

Sad part is you say that with pride.

We don't build to resemble shit

The rest of the world wants to be like us, not the other way around

The rest of the world blows hard


Grow up. If the rest of the world wanted to be like us, they'd be like us. Instead we are the ones losing ground.

Losing ground in what way? If you're talking about the complete destruction of America values then yes.... We're losing ground


We're losing ground to other countries in the destruction in American values? Where exactly do you buy your ultra-nationalistic jingoisms from?
Every other nation's populations get to have national pride. You liberals claim we are not permitted to do that....
Fuck you. If you hate your country, move the fuck out.
How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Then again, most likely McDonald would most likely just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

You have two choices (other than gov't intervention):
1) eschew fast food thus greasing the skids for the fast food biz, or
2) establish your own fast food giant where you can mother your employees to your heart's content.
I'm good with either but please do not demand more gov't intervention in our markets and PLEASE stop your incessant whining!

Nah, I'll take 3. Grown ups step in like in every other industrialized nation (McDonalds is there too) and tells the company they kind of have to pay their employees when they are sick. It seems to work..like, everywhere.

Anyway, cents on the dollar, correct? I did your stupid math for you.
There is no "3".....

No, there is, I just stated it. You can pretend that didn't happen but it doesn't change the fact that it did.
The 38% also knew the terms of their employment as it pertains to benefits.

Kind of like moving next to an airport then start to complain about the noise

Sad part is you say that with pride.

We don't build to resemble shit

The rest of the world wants to be like us, not the other way around

The rest of the world blows hard


Grow up. If the rest of the world wanted to be like us, they'd be like us. Instead we are the ones losing ground.

Losing ground in what way? If you're talking about the complete destruction of America values then yes.... We're losing ground


We're losing ground to other countries in the destruction in American values? Where exactly do you buy your ultra-nationalistic jingoisms from?
Every other nation's populations get to have national pride. You liberals claim we are not permitted to do that....
Fuck you. If you hate your country, move the fuck out.

I love my country. I'm just not beating myself off over it.
The 38% also knew the terms of their employment as it pertains to benefits.

Kind of like moving next to an airport then start to complain about the noise


That would be true but sadly you do not have a point. Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head stating they insist on paid sick leave. As far as I know this thread is debating the idea of paid sick leave for all/most Americans because Obama has issued an (and I know you guys love this) executive order stating all government contract employers must offer paid sick leave.

See? Relax, it had nothing to do with your post.
You neither know that to be factual nor is it your decision to make for employers, however you have the right in America to establish your own biz, pay your people twice the going rate for their positions and give them a paid month vacation, a month of sick leave, and a 4 hour work day (with a 2 hour paid lunch).
Isn't America grand? :biggrin:

How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Then again, most likely McDonald would most likely just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

You have two choices (other than gov't intervention):
1) eschew fast food thus greasing the skids for the fast food biz, or
2) establish your own fast food giant where you can mother your employees to your heart's content.
I'm good with either but please do not demand more gov't intervention in our markets and PLEASE stop your incessant whining!

Nah, I'll take 3. Grown ups step in like in every other industrialized nation (McDonalds is there too) and tells the company they kind of have to pay their employees when they are sick. It seems to work..like, everywhere.

Anyway, cents on the dollar, correct? I did your stupid math for you.

What other countries do and how their gov'ts burden their businesses is not relevant here. If you wish to live in one of those societies, Comrade, you have the right to pack your bags and move. What I will not allow is for whiny, sniveling, hand-wringing loony lefties to destroy what we have built here in America.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
So you don't want to bother providing any data.
Check my sig line.
The data is all over and I must post something like about once a week. But lunkheads like you just go "nuh-uh" and thats the extent of your argument.
So tell me, what would persuade you I am right? If the answer is nothing or some obviously impossible thing then you've lost the debate.
Yes, and data is all over that american workers were/are worse off compared to other countries workers who are unionized.
You realize that is irrelevant to my question, irrelevant to the topic, and simply a cop out, right?
I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
Yeah, greed is wonderful, nothing better then hoarding water and letting people dehydrate so you can profit on bottled water to buy a new yacht.
Please post evidence of anyone doing that.
Yea, libs get their news and opinions from fiction and comic books.
Now we get to watch as right wingers show their newfound hatred of paid sick leave.

Next their hatred of their newfound hatred of weekends and laws practicing working conditions.
Oh the Apollo 13 crew would have loved your dumb ass. NO overtime No weekends! See you guys Monday! Life don't work that way moron.

NO hospitals on weekends no fire department and no cops.
Get with the REAL world okay?
same applies to media, emergency service workers and a whole host of other industries where the clock and calendar does not restrict the work that must be done....
In many industries, calling in sick is not an option.
Now we get to watch as right wingers show their newfound hatred of paid sick leave.

Sounds like a union issue. Oh, that's right. Obama and his unions got it stuffed up the kister to the hilt

No wonder Obama 'with a pen' wants to do what his unions are inept at doing

America is leaving both Obama and his unions in the history book of failures

I am absolutely convinced the union thugs are behind this.
I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
You understand that's true, right?
Do you think Steve Jobs was the greatest philanthropist on Earth when he brought out the iPhone or the iPad? Do you think drug companies innovate life saving drugs because they want to be remembered as great guys? Do you imagine that every advance that ever occurred in this country came about through altruism?
No. It came about because people wanted to better themselves, to provide a living for themselves and their families and they worked and invented and invested and gave their lives to those goals. And in the course of doing that they provided goods and services that were science fiction even when I was a child, and a standard of living inthis country that was imaginable only by princes even 100 years ago.
But turds like David think all of that ought to be free.

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