Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day

Because no company anywhere gives its employess sick days.
Yet another measure to make America less competitive, to saddle business with onerous regulations, to make people poorer and government more powerful.
And the left wing rubes eat that shit up.
38% of american workers get no paid sick leave.
And this changes that, how?
So what? Lots of American workers dont get pension plans or health insurance either. WHo says you are entitled to any of that shit?
The rest of the civilized world guarantees healthcare to all, paid sick leave, maternity leave.. I believe that they should get these things. Something called decency.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
Because no company anywhere gives its employess sick days.
Yet another measure to make America less competitive, to saddle business with onerous regulations, to make people poorer and government more powerful.
And the left wing rubes eat that shit up.
38% of american workers get no paid sick leave.
And this changes that, how?
So what? Lots of American workers dont get pension plans or health insurance either. WHo says you are entitled to any of that shit?
The rest of the civilized world guarantees healthcare to all, paid sick leave, maternity leave.. I believe that they should get these things. Something called decency.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?

Did you just learn the word "socio-economic" today or something?
38% of american workers get no paid sick leave.
And this changes that, how?
So what? Lots of American workers dont get pension plans or health insurance either. WHo says you are entitled to any of that shit?
The rest of the civilized world guarantees healthcare to all, paid sick leave, maternity leave.. I believe that they should get these things. Something called decency.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
So you don't want to bother providing any data.
And this changes that, how?
So what? Lots of American workers dont get pension plans or health insurance either. WHo says you are entitled to any of that shit?
The rest of the civilized world guarantees healthcare to all, paid sick leave, maternity leave.. I believe that they should get these things. Something called decency.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
So you don't want to bother providing any data.
Check my sig line.
The data is all over and I must post something like about once a week. But lunkheads like you just go "nuh-uh" and thats the extent of your argument.
So tell me, what would persuade you I am right? If the answer is nothing or some obviously impossible thing then you've lost the debate.
I have had paid sick days at every job I have had as usual the government is playing catch up.
they are?.....i had 13 days a year....what private places have that much?...
Depends on if they let you carry sick days over into the next year some do some don't.
i was able to bank any i did not use,no limit...
Same here.

I'm still hanging out waiting for a valid reason why this is an issue

I have had paid sick days at every job I have had as usual the government is playing catch up.
they are?.....i had 13 days a year....what private places have that much?...
Depends on if they let you carry sick days over into the next year some do some don't.
i was able to bank any i did not use,no limit...
Same here.

I'm still hanging out waiting for a valid reason why this is an issue

Because Dems want to give away free shit and win elections.
The rest of the civilized world guarantees healthcare to all, paid sick leave, maternity leave.. I believe that they should get these things. Something called decency.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
So you don't want to bother providing any data.
Check my sig line.
The data is all over and I must post something like about once a week. But lunkheads like you just go "nuh-uh" and thats the extent of your argument.
So tell me, what would persuade you I am right? If the answer is nothing or some obviously impossible thing then you've lost the debate.
Yes, and data is all over that american workers were/are worse off compared to other countries workers who are unionized.
It's nice being decent on someone else's dime. Makes you a real philanthropist.
The rest of the civilized world is stuck in slow growth and hgh unemployment with educated people fleeing in droves. If you want another Euro-shithole just move to Belgium, 'kay?
Stuck in slow growth and high unemployment? Which countries? Do you have an understanding of socio-economic conditions present in each country?
Yawn. Take my word for it. Or not. Or just STFU. Euro-socialism has produced minimal job growth and stagnant economies. Name two that havent.
So you don't want to bother providing any data.
Check my sig line.
The data is all over and I must post something like about once a week. But lunkheads like you just go "nuh-uh" and thats the extent of your argument.
So tell me, what would persuade you I am right? If the answer is nothing or some obviously impossible thing then you've lost the debate.
Yes, and data is all over that american workers were/are worse off compared to other countries workers who are unionized.

These other countries again.

Why does that matter here in America?

I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
Yeah, greed is wonderful, nothing better then hoarding water and letting people dehydrate so you can profit on bottled water to buy a new yacht.
I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
Yeah, greed is wonderful, nothing better then hoarding water and letting people dehydrate so you can profit on bottled water to buy a new yacht.


Thank you president Obama! We need to catch up to the rest of the civilized world.
Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day
President Barack Obama will announce an executive order on Monday that will require all federal contractors to grant at least seven days of paid sick leave. He will also urge Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT). The bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in March 2013, but hasn’t moved since being referred to the Subcommittee on Workplace Protections in April 2013. It would require all companies with more than 15 employees to allow at least seven days of paid sick leave.

Besides providing time for employees to recover from illness, those sick days could also be used to access preventative care, take care of a sick family member, seek assistance related to a domestic violence incident, or to go to school meetings when their child has health problems or special needs. The announcement will be made at a rally in Boston.

As many as 40 percent of private sector workers and 70 percent of low-income workers don’t have any paid sick days. Sick leave is an important labor issue for women in particular, since female family members are often the ones who spend more time taking care of children, parents, and other family members. Women who took on many of these caretaking responsibilities were also less likely to be employed, while men’s employment status remained the same, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Working women, especially Latino women, low-wage workers, and employees with less formal education are the least likely to have access to paid sick leave and family leave, according to 2014 research published in the medical journal The Gerontologist. Hispanic workers have less access to paid sick leave than other any other racial group, at 43 percent, compared with 62 percent of Asian workers, 61 percent of African American workers, and 59 percent of white workers, They also rarely have access to unpaid leave, according to The Center for American Progress.

Although there isn’t a federal law requiring paid sick leave, there has been progress on the state and local level. New York City, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Portland, Oregon passed laws allowing for paid sick leave in 2013. More recently, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania passed a law requiring businesses with 15 or more employees to provide five paid sick days. Seattle, San Francisco, and Connecticut also provide paid sick leave, and there is evidence that job growth has actuallyimproved after the laws took effect.

This is America where the civilized world rightfully does not apply.

We have the tools we need here thank you.

Go ahead and take off sick, you'll just not get paid, Take enough of them and you will be released due to Medical unavailability.

Obama has many stupid ideas that never see the light of day.

This should be part of that list


If someone kneecaps you ,you will be the first one to crying about not have paid sick days

You assume that because that's how you operate, Princess.
I, like many, was knee-capped in 2007 when the real estate market tanked. I lost 70% of my personal (retirement) wealth.
I asked for no help nor was any forthcoming.
Our labor market naturally balances? To what? Many of Walmart's employees are on some sort of public assistance.

Without Walmart they would have no job at all and millions would have to pay higher prices for that which they get cheaply at Walmart.
Considering who shops there, I'd say you are just anti-poor people.

Customers would have to pay whole cents on the dollar. In the meantime everyone gets to subsidize Walmart, whether they shop there or not. Can you smell the American dream in that?

You neither know that to be factual nor is it your decision to make for employers, however you have the right in America to establish your own biz, pay your people twice the going rate for their positions and give them a paid month vacation, a month of sick leave, and a 4 hour work day (with a 2 hour paid lunch).
Isn't America grand? :biggrin:

How much does it cost to cover a sick day? Do you know? You're the one who was making the point.

No Comrade, it is you who claimed the added cost to be mere "cents on the dollar" and as already stated, the decision belongs to those who own the company. Get off your computer, start your own company, and create a new employee/employer paradigm.

OK, that's fine, leave it up to me. A McDonalds employee is out sick. He costs $15.00 per hour he is involved in the production of 50 items per hour. fries, milkshakes, whatever. That would be a cost of 3 cents per item. Cents on the dollar.

Most likely McDonalds would just struggle through and go without the employee because that's how fast food rolls.

So, that's an estimate with an expensive McDonalds employee and low production.
I do worry about myself

Good! Problem solved. If everyone would worry about themselves, problems would get fixed a hell of alot faster.

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much." - Gordon Gekko (Wall Street)
Yeah, greed is wonderful, nothing better then hoarding water and letting people dehydrate so you can profit on bottled water to buy a new yacht.

Would you like some music with that whine, Comrade?
Speaking of mcdonalds, why would fast food workers who are sick bother to not come to work when they're sick since they get no paid sick leave.. They barely have enough to live as it is and can't afford to miss work.
Thank you president Obama! We need to catch up to the rest of the civilized world. Even if this only applies to federal contractors, it's a great first step.
Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day
President Barack Obama will announce an executive order on Monday that will require all federal contractors to grant at least seven days of paid sick leave. He will also urge Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT). The bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in March 2013, but hasn’t moved since being referred to the Subcommittee on Workplace Protections in April 2013. It would require all companies with more than 15 employees to allow at least seven days of paid sick leave.

Besides providing time for employees to recover from illness, those sick days could also be used to access preventative care, take care of a sick family member, seek assistance related to a domestic violence incident, or to go to school meetings when their child has health problems or special needs. The announcement will be made at a rally in Boston.

As many as 40 percent of private sector workers and 70 percent of low-income workers don’t have any paid sick days. Sick leave is an important labor issue for women in particular, since female family members are often the ones who spend more time taking care of children, parents, and other family members. Women who took on many of these caretaking responsibilities were also less likely to be employed, while men’s employment status remained the same, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Working women, especially Latino women, low-wage workers, and employees with less formal education are the least likely to have access to paid sick leave and family leave, according to 2014 research published in the medical journal The Gerontologist. Hispanic workers have less access to paid sick leave than other any other racial group, at 43 percent, compared with 62 percent of Asian workers, 61 percent of African American workers, and 59 percent of white workers, They also rarely have access to unpaid leave, according to The Center for American Progress.

Although there isn’t a federal law requiring paid sick leave, there has been progress on the state and local level. New York City, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Portland, Oregon passed laws allowing for paid sick leave in 2013. More recently, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania passed a law requiring businesses with 15 or more employees to provide five paid sick days. Seattle, San Francisco, and Connecticut also provide paid sick leave, and there is evidence that job growth has actuallyimproved after the laws took effect.
When he starts paying the bills incurred by business, he then may have a say....
BTW, genius most businesses offer sick days, paid or unpaid....Nothing to see here.
Once again, Obama sticks his nose in things that are none of his business.
The major problem with paid sick time is the abuse of said time. Because of this, many businesses that do provide this fringe benefit put tight restrictions on the practice. Such as proof the employee sought medical attention. Others prohibit sick time on Monday's and Friday's unless of course the employee can provide documentation they sought medical attention..
These places that have mandated paid sick time while noble, actually cause businesses to make adjustments to get around the law.
Lastly, it is important to remember that sick time is NOT an entitlement. It is also NOT earned and it is not part of the wages of the employee. Unused sick time goes away at the end of the year. It cannot be banked. In fact, only unionized public employees in a very few states may bank sick time. Many other states have stricken this provision from collective agreements.
If people want to be paid to not work, they need to police themselves. otherwise they will find the practice gone.
Obama thinks people have the right to take a sick day?

Sick day for whom?nobody is working!

Everybody is on welfare! :dunno:
Speaking of mcdonalds, why would fast food workers who are sick bother to not come to work when they're sick since they get no paid sick leave.. They barely have enough to live as it is and can't afford to miss work.
Then they shoudl DO SOMETHING to improve themselves so they can move beyond unskilled fast food work....How about the management training program?

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