Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

OMG, I'm not convincing terrorists to like me? I can't go on. I'm going to slash my wrists now. This will be my final post.

The enemy is an amorphous body that can be terrorists, avowed enemies and also would-be enemies. The more people that like us the better off our nation will be. No nation can exist without enough goodwill. Too much aggression will ultimately backfire.

You're delusional. You think people who cut the heads off reporters are actually influenced by whether we waterboard? Wow.

Why wouldn't they be? You tell me.

I'll let you play shrink. Why would they be?
the following are torture:

burning eyes with a hot poker
electric leads to genitals
acid in face
cattle prod up the rectum
being lowered into a wood chipper feet first
pulling off fingernails with pliers
being thrown off a 4 story building
cutting off fingers and toes
being whipped with a cat-o-9-tails

waterboarding is NOT torture.

Damn....you are fucking funny

You bring being an American to a new low
the following are torture:

burning eyes with a hot poker
electric leads to genitals
acid in face
cattle prod up the rectum
being lowered into a wood chipper feet first
pulling off fingernails with pliers
being thrown off a 4 story building
cutting off fingers and toes
being whipped with a cat-o-9-tails

waterboarding is NOT torture.

Damn....you are fucking funny

The UN would be appalled at you

The international left is in your corner? Damn, I was afraid that would happen. OK, I cave, what else can I do with the international left against me?
QuickHitCurepon said:
Our enemies do not care if marks are left and only care that it is done

Name one. Name someone who has changed sides because we valued innocent lives over guilty ones.

Your whole post is a logical fallacy called "begging the question." You can't even address my actual point because yours is stupid.

Try to convince the enemy that waterboarding is not torture. :lol:

Why would I possibly want to do that?

Pretend you were an American soldier captured by the enemy.

Let's say I pretend I'm a reporter. Oops, my head was cut off. Seems they didn't give a shit Obama doesn't waterboard...

You asked me a specific question, and I gave you a good answer, and then you go off into left field.

And I don't need to believe you. It's the rage among liberals. I'm actually a Republican, I'm just not happy with them now. As if anyone who is a Republican gives a shit. OMG, QuickHit is dissatisfied with the Republicans, maybe I should vote for Hillary. LOL, yeah. You're wasting your time. Just admit what you are.

OMG, I'm not convincing terrorists to like me? I can't go on. I'm going to slash my wrists now. This will be my final post.

The enemy is an amorphous body that can be terrorists, avowed enemies and also would-be enemies. The more people that like us the better off our nation will be. No nation can exist without enough goodwill. Too much aggression will ultimately backfire.

You're delusional. You think people who cut the heads off reporters are actually influenced by whether we waterboard? Wow.

Why wouldn't they be? You tell me.

I'll let you play shrink. Why would they be?

Should we pray they aren't?

"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

I understand it but I neither accept it nor take responsibility for it as an individual citizen of this Country.

Barack Obama is full of shit, as usual. He's had plenty of time to do something about the many egregious crimes of the Bush Administration. If he harbored any real concern about the issue of Bush's crimes, or those of the bankers who have robbed us, he would not have appointed a wooden indian Attorney General whose main concerns are racial issues.

"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

I understand it but I neither accept it nor take responsibility for it as an individual citizen of this Country.

Barack Obama is full of shit, as usual. He's had plenty of time to do something about the many egregious crimes of the Bush Administration. If he harbored any real concern about the issue of Bush's crimes, or those of the bankers who have robbed us, he would not have appointed a wooden indian Attorney General whose main concerns are racial issues.
Obama is a coward and Bush got a presidential pass

Republicans would not have offered him the same courtesy
I just heard this on NPR.

White House Says Senate CIA Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday - BuzzFeed News

The Senate Intelligence Committee will release their long-awaited declassified report on CIA detention and interrogation policies during the Bush Administration on Tuesday, according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

“We have heard from the committee that they do intend to release the report tomorrow,” Earnest said at Monday’s White House press briefing. “The timing of the release of the report is something that has always been up to the committee, and it’s a decision that they have made.”
I just heard this on NPR.

White House Says Senate CIA Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday - BuzzFeed News

The Senate Intelligence Committee will release their long-awaited declassified report on CIA detention and interrogation policies during the Bush Administration on Tuesday, according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

“We have heard from the committee that they do intend to release the report tomorrow,” Earnest said at Monday’s White House press briefing. “The timing of the release of the report is something that has always been up to the committee, and it’s a decision that they have made.”

Cue up the excuses from the right

It is not torture when we do it
They deserved it
We did it to save lives
I just heard this on NPR.

White House Says Senate CIA Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday - BuzzFeed News

The Senate Intelligence Committee will release their long-awaited declassified report on CIA detention and interrogation policies during the Bush Administration on Tuesday, according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

“We have heard from the committee that they do intend to release the report tomorrow,” Earnest said at Monday’s White House press briefing. “The timing of the release of the report is something that has always been up to the committee, and it’s a decision that they have made.”

Cue up the excuses from the right

It is not torture when we do it
They deserved it
We did it to save lives
I read this story a couple of days ago.
The report is said to be red hot, and very likely to cause great danger to Americans.
Whilst attacking civilians is clearly wrong, the CIA and others responsible are good at hiding, so they leave the rest of you to cope.
I just heard this on NPR.

White House Says Senate CIA Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday - BuzzFeed News

The Senate Intelligence Committee will release their long-awaited declassified report on CIA detention and interrogation policies during the Bush Administration on Tuesday, according to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

“We have heard from the committee that they do intend to release the report tomorrow,” Earnest said at Monday’s White House press briefing. “The timing of the release of the report is something that has always been up to the committee, and it’s a decision that they have made.”

Cue up the excuses from the right

It is not torture when we do it
They deserved it
We did it to save lives
I read this story a couple of days ago.
The report is said to be red hot, and very likely to cause great danger to Americans.
Whilst attacking civilians is clearly wrong, the CIA and others responsible are good at hiding, so they leave the rest of you to cope.

Have to see the report today

US needs to be accountable for our actions. That is what great nations do
Kinda funny how all these "innocent" Muslims got tortured.

I keep hearing reading and hearing about innocent Muslims yet every act of terrorism and worldwide violence can be traced to Islamists acting out on the world stage. . Perhaps it would be good to put pressure on these so called "innocent Muslim" to do something about their bretheren.

I also wonder if these innocents were dancing in the street congratulating themselves on 9-11.

Personally I could care if they "torture" them all. Those dirtbags would think nothing of killing thousands.

Comes a time when you have to get down and dirty just like they are and never mind us being "better" than our enemies.
Kinda funny how all these "innocent" Muslims got tortured.

I keep hearing reading and hearing about innocent Muslims yet every act of terrorism and worldwide violence can be traced to Islamists acting out on the world stage. . Perhaps it would be good to put pressure on these so called "innocent Muslim" to do something about their bretheren.

I also wonder if these innocents were dancing in the street congratulating themselves on 9-11.

Personally I could care if they "torture" them all. Those dirtbags would think nothing of killing thousands.

Comes a time when you have to get down and dirty just like they are and never mind us being "better" than our enemies.

What difference does it make if they are "innocent"?

Torture is still a despicable act that is beneath the dignity of a great nation
Bullshit. LMAO at your comments there RW.

Nothing dispicable about your so called torture. If its gets you the info you need to protect the country I say torture them all.

As for the dignity of this great nation?

Thats some idiots take on what we should or shouldn't do in defense of ourselves. They like to hide behind that dignity bullshit.

You can bet our enemies don't have "great dignity." They just want to kill us. Catch a clue idiot.
Bullshit. LMAO at your comments there RW.

Nothing dispicable about your so called torture. If its gets you the info you need to protect the country I say torture them all.

As for the dignity of this great nation?

Thats some idiots take on what we should or shouldn't do in defense of ourselves. They like to hide behind that dignity bullshit.

You can bet our enemies don't have "great dignity." They just want to kill us. Catch a clue idiot.

Same applies to our soldiers and civilians then. If they have any information that may benefit other countries then those countries are justified in torturing them

No, our enemies don't torture us. They are aware of the consequences of crossing the torture line and don't go there. Terrorists will always be terrorists. The US openly engaging in torture opens the door to other countries to do the same and the US does not have the moral high ground to complain

You reap what you sow
Tell that bullshit to those who have had their head removed by Muslims.

Doubt they would agree with your sorry ass since they don't follow the Geneva convention like normal countries do.

You do indeed reap what you sow.

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