Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
Anyone who engages in torture thinks they have a good reason. Vietnam tortured our prisoners to save lives. How is their justification different than yours?
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
Anyone who engages in torture thinks they have a good reason. Vietnam tortured our prisoners to save lives. How is their justification different than yours?

Reductio ad absurdum

So Big Guy, Nazis think they were in the right too. How is their justification different than yours?

The Vietcong and the Nazis had to lie to the people. Even they knew they were in the wrong. That's why they knew they had to lie. You know, like Democrats lie that they were lied to and that there's no difference between us and the Vietcong, like you did. You know you are in the wrong too. So you lie. That's why you don't know the difference between yourself, the Vietcong and the Nazis, there isn't really any difference, you are all in the wrong and you know it, so you lie.

Here's the thing, to understand morality, you have to be moral. Which is why you don't understand it. You plunder, torture logic and justify it all with lies. Again, the same as the Vietcong. You are the same as they are, I am not. That's why I know the difference and you do not.
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Obama assassinates a U.S. citizen with a drone attack...nothing to see move along. Launch a strike to kill Osama good, enhanced interrogation of an Osama operative bad, libs are from Mars or something.
So your justification is that since war is bad that torture should somehow be allowed

Trolling seems to be your only interest here, therefore you are wasting my time, end transmission.
Obama assassinates a U.S. citizen with a drone attack...nothing to see move along. Launch a strike to kill Osama good, enhanced interrogation of an Osama operative bad, libs are from Mars or something.
So your justification is that since war is bad that torture should somehow be allowed

Trolling seems to be your only interest here, therefore you are wasting my time, end transmission.
Please explain what point you are trying to make then

That because people are killed in war that it somehow justifies torture.
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
Anyone who engages in torture thinks they have a good reason. Vietnam tortured our prisoners to save lives. How is their justification different than yours?

Reductio ad absurdum

So Big Guy, Nazis think they were in the right too. How is their justification different than yours?

The Vietcong and the Nazis had to lie to the people. Even they knew they were in the wrong. That's why they knew they had to lie. You know, like Democrats lie that they were lied to and that there's no difference between us and the Vietcong, like you did. You know you are in the wrong too. So you lie. That's why you don't know the difference between yourself, the Vietcong and the Nazis, there isn't really any difference, you are all in the wrong and you know it, so you lie.

Here's the thing, to understand morality, you have to be moral. Which is why you don't understand it. You plunder, torture logic and justify it all with lies. Again, the same as the Vietcong. You are the same as they are, I am not. That's why I know the difference and you do not.
The nazis and Vietnamese tortured for information. Information that would save lives. The same reason you justify torture

Why do you want to turn us into something no better than nazis?
Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. .

I said it before and I'll say it again...When defending something Republicans find themselves having to say the silliest shit ever as a defense such as living in a tent is just like drowning :lol:

Would you rather be waterboarded or killed? Which is worse.

People that join the military are choosing to be killed or at least the possibility. Nobody has ever chosen to be tortured.
There's your problem. You have a screw loose. Choosing to fight for your country is not the same as choosing to be killed.

Knowing that there is a good chance you will die for your country is always foremost in your mind. It doesn't get any more real than that.
Yet you'd rather let every American die than have some CIA agent hidden away in a bunker commit the sin or torturing one terrorist?

How is information gained from torture going to save everyone's life? :cuckoo:
The CIA couldn't have been very good at it. :laugh:

According to your post which is based only on partisan Democrat points? LOL, I thought you said I misinterpreted what you are claiming? Obviously I didn't.

How did you get all that from a nine-word post? :laugh:

You have no critical thinking skills

Your post had absolutely nothing to do with mine.

You tried to pass off Senate Democrats as the CIA and got called on it. Give it up, you lost this one.

No. But I see you have very little to add, maybe because deep down inside you know torture is is wrong and that it really is obvious that we were officially doing it.

Remember and maybe your conscience can shine through. The Statue of Liberty does not stand for those values.

First of all, that you have to use a word game on "torture" shows your argument is tortured.

Thankfully, not a big deal or comparable to real torture.

Beyond that, I think we should do no permanent damage to someone who is guilty of being or supporting terrorism to save lives, and you want innocent people to die to show how evolved you are. I'm not the one who needs to worry about a guilty conscience.

All torture creates permanent damage to the mind in one degree or another, if not death.

The innocence of America is what is going to permanently die sooner or later. That does not bother your conscience?

And furthermore, I want to not be in places like Iraq because I don't believe in limited war. I believe in trying to not be in them, then going all out when we have no choice and are forced to. I would have avoided the situation entirely. You are for it, or against it, depending on whether our President is Democrat or Republican and what sort of mileage you can get out of talking points and what the UN says and how we are perceived by the international left.

I never supported any of the wars.

And you are willing to call giving someone a bad day without harming them "torture" as if it's the same as dismembering him just because to get there.

And you talk about my conscience. LOL. Mine is clear, you're is very dark.

Our enemies do not care if marks are left and only care that it is done.

Having a clear conscience about torture is simply foolish.
How is information gained from torture going to save everyone's life? :cuckoo:
Are you actually trying to say information can't be used to save lives? :cuckoo: Or that you just can't imagine a situation where it could? For example information about flight numbers on 9/10.
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

If the detainee's head is suspended off the board and dipped into a tank, or they are taken off the board, dunked in water, and put back on the board then somehow that is no longer waterboarding. :lol:

If MSN believes the report is credible enough then we should pay attention to it.
How is information gained from torture going to save everyone's life? :cuckoo:
Are you actually trying to say information can't be used to save lives? :cuckoo: Or that you just can't imagine a situation where it could? For example information about flight numbers on 9/10.

I cannot imagine hopefully a situation where everyone is going to die as you said.

Individual attacks are another story.
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.

Don't you think it arrogant to believe nobody in the whole wide world cares America officially tortures and could continue to torture in the future due to its track record?
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
Anyone who engages in torture thinks they have a good reason. Vietnam tortured our prisoners to save lives. How is their justification different than yours?

Reductio ad absurdum

So Big Guy, Nazis think they were in the right too. How is their justification different than yours?

The Vietcong and the Nazis had to lie to the people. Even they knew they were in the wrong. That's why they knew they had to lie. You know, like Democrats lie that they were lied to and that there's no difference between us and the Vietcong, like you did. You know you are in the wrong too. So you lie. That's why you don't know the difference between yourself, the Vietcong and the Nazis, there isn't really any difference, you are all in the wrong and you know it, so you lie.

Here's the thing, to understand morality, you have to be moral. Which is why you don't understand it. You plunder, torture logic and justify it all with lies. Again, the same as the Vietcong. You are the same as they are, I am not. That's why I know the difference and you do not.

Doesn't it put us in the same league as the Nazis and Vietnamese? You can't get away with just a little murder.
A new low

Torture is giving someone a bad day

So let's recap, you Communists have called waterboarding "torture," but can't get any traction with it. So a nefarious British Tabloid with a long reputation of outright lying posts a claim that actual torture was used, such as submersing people until they passed out and were near death. The tabloid appears intent on attacking the Bush administration and showing torture, even using words like "this wasn't just pouring water on a towel," which is the definition of waterboarding, thus verifying that even the left can't support the claim that waterboarding is torture.

Basically "Far left tabloid lies about torture by CIA, but confirms waterboarding is not torure!" :thup;

Of course not a single American news source, not even the Party run MSNBC has gone with this pile of rubbish.

So we can chalk it up to the hate-filled left again shooting themselves squarely in the foot.

Waterboarding has always been torture. We have criminally prosecuted for it. I guess it doesn't count as torture when bush does it

That is exactly the point. You think "who" does it is the most important thing. Not "why." That's how you justify, well, it's OK when Obama does it, W, not so much. And BTW, I'm not just talking about waterboarding Skippy.
Anyone who engages in torture thinks they have a good reason. Vietnam tortured our prisoners to save lives. How is their justification different than yours?

Reductio ad absurdum

So Big Guy, Nazis think they were in the right too. How is their justification different than yours?

The Vietcong and the Nazis had to lie to the people. Even they knew they were in the wrong. That's why they knew they had to lie. You know, like Democrats lie that they were lied to and that there's no difference between us and the Vietcong, like you did. You know you are in the wrong too. So you lie. That's why you don't know the difference between yourself, the Vietcong and the Nazis, there isn't really any difference, you are all in the wrong and you know it, so you lie.

Here's the thing, to understand morality, you have to be moral. Which is why you don't understand it. You plunder, torture logic and justify it all with lies. Again, the same as the Vietcong. You are the same as they are, I am not. That's why I know the difference and you do not.

Doesn't it put us in the same league as the Nazis and Vietnamese? You can't get away with just a little murder.

Crossing the moral line is still crossing the line
The Bush torture policy is certainly a low point in American history. But I question why POTUS elects to focus on that right now. I do not believe that now is the time to dredge up sins of the past and start apologizing for them. Ukraine, Gaza, the Mexican Border, Russia making overtures in Cuba, Venezuela, and Argentina, ... I'm not sure that an apologetic tone is the kind of positioning we need right now on the world stage.

Waterboarding is NOT torture. It was done to 3 muslim terrorist pieces of shit. It may have saved thousands of american lives.

I cannot believe the partisan stupidity of you libtards.

They wouldn't do it if it wasn't torture.

That's all they will admit to, three. I bet when the report comes out the number will be much higher. Let's see. And it doesn't matter how many we find out about, the fact that we officially did it creates the appearance that many or hundreds were tortured. Trying to change that idea in the enemy's mind is impossible.

If America becomes morally inferior, it could mean open season on us, costing tens of thousands of lives just for starters.
The Bush torture policy is certainly a low point in American history. But I question why POTUS elects to focus on that right now. I do not believe that now is the time to dredge up sins of the past and start apologizing for them. Ukraine, Gaza, the Mexican Border, Russia making overtures in Cuba, Venezuela, and Argentina, ... I'm not sure that an apologetic tone is the kind of positioning we need right now on the world stage.

Waterboarding is NOT torture. It was done to 3 muslim terrorist pieces of shit. It may have saved thousands of american lives.

I cannot believe the partisan stupidity of you libtards.

They wouldn't do it if it wasn't torture.

That's all they will admit to, three. I bet when the report comes out the number will be much higher. Let's see. And it doesn't matter how many we find out about, the fact that we officially did it creates the appearance that many or hundreds were tortured. Trying to change that idea in the enemy's mind is impossible.

If America becomes morally inferior, it could mean open season on us, costing tens of thousands of lives just for starters.
We have lost the right to complain about the treatment of our own soldiers. Now, any nation we accuse of war crimes can bring up the "having a bad day" defense

With torture, what goes around, comes around
The nazis and Vietnamese tortured for information. Information that would save lives. The same reason you justify torture

Why do you want to turn us into something no better than nazis?

Gotcha, the Nazis and the Vietcong were humanitarians, they were trying to save lives.

Thank you, thank you, you're here until Thursday...
QuickHitCurepon said:
Our enemies do not care if marks are left and only care that it is done

Name one. Name someone who has changed sides because we valued innocent lives over guilty ones.

Your whole post is a logical fallacy called "begging the question." You can't even address my actual point because yours is stupid. You want the cheap political points of labeling Republicans with "torture" to make them sound like Saddam Hussein who did the real thing. That innocent lives, the truth and your country are thrown under the bus to do that is just the cost of doing business of staying behind the steering wheel while you drive down the same road as the Republicans. You are just two peas in a pod. You are identical houses with only difference being the laundry room is painted a different shade of white, which you cast and the difference between good and evil.
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The nazis and Vietnamese tortured for information. Information that would save lives. The same reason you justify torture

Why do you want to turn us into something no better than nazis?

Gotcha, the Nazis and the Vietcong were humanitarians, they were trying to save lives.

Thank you, thank you, you're here until Thursday...


They weren't humanitarians....and if we stoop to torture, neither are we
The nazis and Vietnamese tortured for information. Information that would save lives. The same reason you justify torture

Why do you want to turn us into something no better than nazis?

Gotcha, the Nazis and the Vietcong were humanitarians, they were trying to save lives.

Thank you, thank you, you're here until Thursday...


They weren't humanitarians....and if we stoop to torture, neither are we

LOL, once again a point just sails past your head.

By what right did we stop the Nazis at all? How do we know we were better than they were? That was the point you made, so answer it. What right did we have to stop the Nazis? According to you, they were trying to save lives.

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