Obama throws Gay community under the bus...

All human beings have the exact same sexuality as you do... there is nothing genetically distinct about you; you're the same as everyone else; all males will at some fleeting moment have some sexual arousal for another male, whether they admit it or not; and such is even more the case for females...

Feel better?[/QUOTE]

Wow! Closet case.

So what Pubic Infinity is saying is that HE came to a crossroads at some point in his life. Although young Pubic felt a strong attraction to the same sex, at this crossroads he was forced to make a decision. He chose the opposite sex based solely on someone elses views. He was taught that homosexuality is WRONG by either a parent or other authority figure, and based his decision on SOMEONE ELSES feeling on the subject. Sad. Poppycock, but still sad.

Does anyone else remember being at this crossroads? I sure don't. I think we've finally uncovered what make Pubic tick.: An almost overhwelming hatred for his own sexual orientation.
All human beings have the exact same sexuality as you do...

Everyone's gay? I think PI just told on himself

Wow! Closet case.

it's okay , though. We don't hate you for it, PI- but we will make fun opf you for it
Does anyone else remember being at this crossroads?


I sure don't. I think we've finally uncovered what make Pubic tick.: An almost overhwelming hatred for his own sexual orientation.

I have a feeling he's not the only one
This thread is sooooooooo fantastic!!!!!!

Was this the bus Obama threw the homosexuals under?

Was he driving the bus at the time?

Geez Pale Rider. Here you are on another thread, posting far-right polar shit shortly after you proclaimed your neutrality and scolded me for criticizing the Bush administration. Hypocrisy, nice.

Wrong... I'm advocating, as you put it, *CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN* morality, and that hasn't got shit to do with any party. You were outright BASHING republicans right after you said you didn't affiliate yourself with any party. It was partisan hack material. Kind of two faced wouldn't you say?

Try again chief.

So you have to be a member of a party to bash Republicans? What a joke. The Bush administration trashed the constitution and I'm a Liberal for reminding folks of it? Ridiculous. And by the way, You must have me confused with someone else with the Conservative Christion thing.

Put down the pipe for awhile and let your brain clear out. NO, you don't have to be in any party to bash Bush. But don't come in here and try and tell me or anyone else that you don't vote DEM! All you stinking liberals do, period. If you say you don't vote dem, then you can add LIAR to the growing list of things that are apparent about you.

And you don't have to tell me you hate Christians... that comes with being a liberal. You all hate God and religion because it puts constraints on all your filthy, immoral, perverted and deviant behavior.
Umm, no, they aren't being told that. And hateful twirps?...so you support gay marriage?

I thought that would be obvious to such a know it all like yourself.:cuckoo:

How would I know your opinions:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

And yes they are...go talk to a couple who are pissed off because of it sometime..

They aren't being TOLD that. It has nothing to do with what they are feeling. I am well aware that homosexuals are up in arms about the brief.

Obots think everyone runs around happily swallowing the BS they dish out in the name of their king.:eusa_shhh:

Oy. Get a more creative meme already. Nobody thinks Obama is a "king" or a "messiah", and plenty of people criticize him.

Yes ,they are being told that Obama "had" to say all those things about gay marriage in the brief....along with other crap.....Oblah blah is just playing "chess" right now. Stop whining...he is too "busy" to worry about your feelings right now. Stop crying because you didn't get your pony(complete with nasty ass graphic thrown in for good measure)...blah blah blah.

All the typical lefty..shut up and get back in line crap. See Obots take it for granted that all of their so called "groups" just "have" to vote for the D's because they have nowhere else to go.. One day you folks are going to find out people don't like being treated like your personal property. I have a feeling the DNC's back lash is going to come sooner...rather than later.
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Wrong... I'm advocating, as you put it, *CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN* morality, and that hasn't got shit to do with any party. You were outright BASHING republicans right after you said you didn't affiliate yourself with any party. It was partisan hack material. Kind of two faced wouldn't you say?

Try again chief.

So you have to be a member of a party to bash Republicans? What a joke. The Bush administration trashed the constitution and I'm a Liberal for reminding folks of it? Ridiculous. And by the way, You must have me confused with someone else with the Conservative Christion thing.

Put down the pipe for awhile and let your brain clear out. NO, you don't have to be in any party to bash Bush. But don't come in here and try and tell me or anyone else that you don't vote DEM! All you stinking liberals do, period. If you say you don't vote dem, then you can add LIAR to the growing list of things that are apparent about you.

And you don't have to tell me you hate Christians... that comes with being a liberal. You all hate God and religion because it puts constraints on all your filthy, immoral, perverted and deviant behavior.

I hate on ANY politician who disregards the Constitution. Period.

And it was Ron Paul 08.

But, Nice try douchey.
No... LIBERALS ruined it when they began their Christian morality bashing campaign. The further our morals as a country go down the liberal I hate God toilet, the further the family unit and decent behavior follows. Homo's running amok is just a by product that that has facilitated.

But marriage is still alive and well in the Christian community, and for people with morals. It's just dead your Godless world.

Sexism is out of control as is violence against women. When you have teenage girls thinking it's okay for Rhianna to have been beaten because she probably brought it on herself (via polls taken after the incident)...you can see how the destroying of family values works out. And look at all the hate against women on the internet and via entertainment shows etc. Our young kids are learning violence and sexism is a-ok.

Lmfao. You think this is a result of the "destruction of family values"? Family values voters often think that women should stay home and cook, don't have a right to be their own person and don't think divorce should be legal? Yeah...oh for the good old days when women were so much more equal than they are now :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, that is your distortion of what values voters "think". Unlike you I have met plenty of people from both sides of the political spectrum (religious and athiest) who do not fit into the assy little boxes you on the left try to cram eveyone into.

I grew up around pleanty of strong women...who had career,family and religon in their life...and none of them were locked in the kitchen *gasp*.
No, higher divorce rate is what the liberals caused. All part of the attack on morals and Christianity.

Until you stop thinking in black and white, you will never see the truth of this matter, sorry, but I cannot offer more because of this "blame the other people" mentality. It's just not possible.

There is very little that doesn't have a black or white conclusion. People that tie their thinking process up in gray matter never get anything done or decided. Being able to think something through to a definite conclusion is a leadership quality. Others have to follow for lack of decisiveness.

Actually grey matter allows you to come to correct conclusions, as opposed to oversimplified garbage. If you are thinking of things in black and white on purpose, that might explain the incredibly stupid opinions you hold.

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