Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

MurKowski is in on this BS

she should just go become a freaking Democrat

he's a freaking KING now according to the write up by RooterRueters

434 days and the reign of error will end

I'll have heaved my guts out by then. I'm so sick of hearing about every little thing the skinny man does. It's a form of torture and I think they're doing on purpose.
MurKowski is in on this BS. she should just go become a freaking Democrat. he's a freaking KING now according to the write up by RooterRueters
434 days and the reign of error will end
Long Live the Queen! :biggrin:


if it weren't for Chelsea, I might believe she IS a queen
If McKinley's name is going to disappear from maps, how are we going to continue to immortalize him for initiating a war with Spain? Do you think that the Puerto Ricans would object if we changed the name of their island to McKinley?
According to your worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.
According to some, we're the ones employing grunts. It's all in your perspective. Unfortunately it's yours that's decidedly Neanderthal.
It's been Denali to us Alaskan's for a very long time, a Native culture group had pointed out the native name and meaning to us decades ago and we were like "What an awesome name!" We've been calling it Denali for like 40 years. The tour guides even correct tourists, on pretty much every tour I've been on anyway, and give a history of the name (culture that named it and so forth) so folks understand that us Alaskan's really don't give two fucks what the politician's in the lower 48 want to call it on their stupid paperwork, it is Denali up here.
Obama has his priorities......economy/nope......illegals/nope....China,Russia/nope......rename mountain/.....:thup:

Sarah Palin can see Russia from the top of Mt Denali

Tina Fey said that but you're too stupid to realize it

Tina Fey never said that....you are too stupid to realize it

Neither did Sarah Palin, dumb ass. This is why you're sort of the board joke

Actually, I'm the only person in the history of mankind to have said that

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I'll have heaved my guts out by then. I'm so sick of hearing about every little thing the skinny man does. It's a form of torture and I think they're doing on purpose.
Finally found us out, eh? Well I hear Hillary's going to name him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. That should be fun for all you clowns. :laugh2:
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It's been Denali to us Alaskan's for a very long time, a Native culture group had pointed out the native name and meaning to us decades ago and we were like "What an awesome name!" We've been calling it Denali for like 40 years. The tour guides even correct tourists, on pretty much every tour I've been on anyway, and give a history of the name (culture that named it and so forth) so folks understand that us Alaskan's really don't give two fucks what the politician's in the lower 48 want to call it on their stupid paperwork, it is Denali up here.
Yes, bbbbb.... bbbbb...bbbbut RWNJS want to turn it into an "Obama is evil" meme, cuz Benghazi! Ebola! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

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"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

Obama is just spreading his power around to piss off the majority of white Americans until he leaves his job. Power-tripping and spending taxpayer's dollars is what he needs to do to feel relevant.

So - To hell with States & Local Rights, let the Federal Government impose it's will across the country.
I hear they're also going to have the name of Dulles International Airport changed to Dullest,

so DC will have 2 airports named after Reagan.

Nope, one after Reagan, one after the dullest president to date,


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