Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

It's in Alaska, let them name it.
This is all just a plot cooked up by Obama and General Motors to sell more SUVs.
What did they pay for the naming rights?
Not a dime. Obama and GM have been conspiring to save the U.S. auto industry since 2009, against Mitt Romney's wishes!

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska. By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."
White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip What say you? Good or bad!
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.
By a prospector.


"The United States formally recognized the name Mount McKinley after President Wilson signed the Mount McKinley National Park Act of February 26, 1917"
It's been Denali to us Alaskan's for a very long time, a Native culture group had pointed out the native name and meaning to us decades ago and we were like "What an awesome name!" We've been calling it Denali for like 40 years. The tour guides even correct tourists, on pretty much every tour I've been on anyway, and give a history of the name (culture that named it and so forth) so folks understand that us Alaskan's really don't give two fucks what the politician's in the lower 48 want to call it on their stupid paperwork, it is Denali up here.
Yes, bbbbb.... bbbbb...bbbbut RWNJS want to turn it into an "Obama is evil" meme, cuz Benghazi! Ebola! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

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i still remember when the likes of kgrill was having a hack meltdown over "Obola" lol. ODS is here to stay
Wait until he renames Reagan National then you're going to see people lose their shit.
I call upon all candidates for President to pledge to rename Mt McKinley back to its original name on his Inauguration Day.
The Denali name change, which native Alaskans have sought for decades

Sorry pale face , the times they are a changing
^ that

We need to remind them that there was zero ruckus when Cape Kennedy reverted back to Cape Canaveral.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska. By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."
White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip What say you? Good or bad!
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.
It's in Alaska, let them name it.
They did back in '75. They changed the name back to Denali. This is just the Feds going along with the state's wishes.

The feds should have never had a say, oh wait, you're one that believes the the feds are all powerful and should have to give their blessing to everything. Screw'em.
The federal government named the National Park "Denali" so it's not a big deal. After the JFK assassination they re-named Cape Canaveral "Cape Kennedy" and re-named it back to Cape Canaveral after a decade or so. It's a pleasure to see the president re-energized from yet another golfing vacation and taking on really important issues though.

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