Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska. By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."
White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip What say you? Good or bad!
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.

Me neither; however, the federal government would not recognize the name change b/c of members of Congress from Ohio wouldn't allow the Department of the Interior to accept the change. This a battle that has been going on for decades.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska. By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."
White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip What say you? Good or bad!
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.

Me neither; however, the federal government would not recognize the name change b/c of members of Congress from Ohio wouldn't allow the Department of the Interior to accept the change. This a battle that has been going on for decades.

Yet another reason to get rid of Federal ownership of lands inside the boundaries of states.
Well that's the thing, there is no ruckus in Alaska, it's all you lower 48 dipshits throwing around praise and cut-down's as typical.

Alaskan's are too busy doing shit to dick around with stupid political shit - we throw out the petition to change the name every decade or so, the idiot in Ohio says "but McKinley was a great man!" and our petition dies. We shrug, continue to call it Denali, and go back to our shit because seriously, what ya'll call it down there is irrelevant to pretty much everyone, the Natives know we have wanted and have been trying to get it changed, it's the stupid system that borks it up. There is no 'racial divide' to bridge on the issue, we did that 40 years ago - there's literally nothing but stupid political red tape and one idiot in Ohio. lol
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.

Me neither; however, the federal government would not recognize the name change b/c of members of Congress from Ohio wouldn't allow the Department of the Interior to accept the change. This a battle that has been going on for decades.

Yet another reason to get rid of Federal ownership of lands inside the boundaries of states.

Boy isn't that the truth.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

I've referred to Mt McKinley as Denali all my life so it's no big deal to me. I spent 9 years in Alaska working for Exxon. Obama is going to Alaska to be part of a TV show. What a looser! A reality TV show. I'm not sure the Office of the president will ever recover after this joke of a man is finished with it.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

Obama is just spreading his power around to piss off the majority of white Americans until he leaves his job. Power-tripping and spending taxpayer's dollars is what he needs to do to feel relevant.

So - To hell with States & Local Rights, let the Federal Government impose it's will across the country.


I might suggest you do a little more research before you embarrass yourself furthur.
Then, if you believe that, F*ck the southerners.
They got their Asses kicked.
Take their land now!

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

Nothing needs to be named after or in the language of the so-called "Native" language of the losers who lost territorial wars to those who were superior to them.
TV shows?
Can you say sarah palin!

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

I've referred to Mt McKinley as Denali all my life so it's no big deal to me. I spent 9 years in Alaska working for Exxon. Obama is going to Alaska to be part of a TV show. What a looser! A reality TV show. I'm not sure the Office of the president will ever recover after this joke of a man is finished with it.
I've referred to Mt McKinley as Denali all my life so it's no big deal to me. I spent 9 years in Alaska working for Exxon. Obama is going to Alaska to be part of a TV show. What a looser! A reality TV show.
Yeah! What kind of loser would do a reality show?


Ohio delegation blasts Mount McKinley name change

The Alaska government first petitioned the Interior Department to change the name to Denali in 1975. But because the Board on Geographic Names deferred to Congress if a name was under consideration by lawmakers, the Ohio delegation was able to prevent a name change for four decades simply by introducing bills to keep the McKinley name — even if those bills never passed.
Friday, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said that impasse had gone on long enough. In her order issued Friday, she noted that McKinley never stepped
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.

Me neither; however, the federal government would not recognize the name change b/c of members of Congress from Ohio wouldn't allow the Department of the Interior to accept the change. This a battle that has been going on for decades.

Yet another reason to get rid of Federal ownership of lands inside the boundaries of states.

I agree, we should sell the land back to the states at fair market value
B'loney. Mt. McKinley was named 98 years ago. According to the Leftwing worldview, we should all stop speaking English and adopt the grunts used by prehistoric humans.

I can see why this lack of evolution and development would appeal to Obamanites (so EQUALIZING), but to modern humans, it's nonsense.

It was named Mt. McKinley in 1896 before he even became President of the United States. Alaska had changed the name back in 1975 but it wasn't recognized by the federal government b/c of the efforts Rep. Regula of Ohio. This really isn't that big of a deal.

So the state already changed the name? Then it is Denali, not sure why the Feds need to bless this. Clearly a states issues.

Me neither; however, the federal government would not recognize the name change b/c of members of Congress from Ohio wouldn't allow the Department of the Interior to accept the change. This a battle that has been going on for decades.

Yet another reason to get rid of Federal ownership of lands inside the boundaries of states.

I agree, we should sell the land back to the states at fair market value
Lol with what money?
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!

Obama is just spreading his power around to piss off the majority of white Americans until he leaves his job. Power-tripping and spending taxpayer's dollars is what he needs to do to feel relevant.
Who knew you were so enamored with the name "Mt. McKinley" or that the name "Mt. McKinley" was such a source of White Power and White Pride.

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