Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

What did President McKinley ever have to do witha mountain in Alaska?

Alaska wasn't even a state at the time. Denali is a more proper name
Since Mt McKinley was named after a white man. Changing the name was given the PC stamp of approval.

But if the mountain had been named after a black man and there was talk of changing the name. The libertard screams of racism and hate would have been deafening. .... :cool:
Since Mt McKinley was named after a white man. Changing the name was given the PC stamp of approval.

But if the mountain had been named after a black man and there was talk of changing the name. The libertard screams of racism and hate would have been deafening. .... :cool:

New Hampshire is full of mountains named after presidents.

I'm sure they had other names previously.

When will he change those?
New Hampshire is full of mountains named after presidents.

I'm sure they had other names previously.

When will he change those?

They need to change one to honor President Obama

That one is in Virginia Beach.

Wait until he renames Reagan National then you're going to see people lose their shit.
I call upon all candidates for President to pledge to rename Mt McKinley back to its original name on his Inauguration Day.

Psst...the original name of the mountain is Denali.
Who gives a shit? Obama has no business to unilaterally rename it. I doubt he even has the authority. Congress should defund any cost to change any signage with the name of Mt. McKinley.

You do apparently b/c you are the one that claimed the next President should change the name back to it's original name. Which is...wait for it...Denali. Alaska changed the name of the mountain 40 years ago. If Congress wants to waste time trying to 'defund' any change to the signage then let attempt to do so. It would be hilarious to watch them try and justify wasting time on this when their are so many other pressing matters at hand that require their attention. Hells bells, they can't even defund the ACA but they are somehow going to stop the name changing of a mountain that the people of Alaska have wanted the federal government to recognize for decades. lol

Yeah, the stupidity of this one is, well, Benghazi.
Do people even realize that Mt. McKinley was named for him before he even became President of the United States? The mountain was named for him by a prospector in 1896 when he was just the GOP nominee for President. This is a change the people of Alaska have wanted for decades as the state itself changed the name back Denali 40 years ago. The jazz some of you people choose to get all pissy about is truly wondrous to behold.
I'll wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in.

Since Owe-bama did it, she will probably claim it as an act of Socialism
Yet another egosticial abuse of power by The Won.

How completely unsurprising.
like renaming an airport after a President when it was already named after one :eusa_eh: (a far greater one as well :cool-45: )? Washington National Airport. I live here and have always called it that.


Save it :slap: rw hack grl boedicca :talktothehand:
your tax dollars at work. my gawd defund some of these worthless government agencies. think how much we'd save

Obama Changes The Name Of Tallest Mountain In U.S., Mt. McKinley, To The Original Native Name, ‘Denali’

This is our Department of Interior, ‘the mountain has spoken’?

snippet from the article (this man has nothing Important to do I guess)
The symbolic gesture comes at the beginning of a three-day trip to Alaska where Obama hopes to build support for his efforts to address climate change during his remaining 16 months in office.

all of it here:
Weasel Zippers
Steph the people of Alaska are behind this not the President.....Alaska is a Republican State...i dont see anyone protesting this but people who are thousands of miles away....

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