Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

I'll continue to call it Mt McKinley.

that's what I called it and lived 25 miles from it.

So, you hate Sarah Palin?

She called it Mt. Denali.

Sarah Palin's Farewell Address -- Full Transcript

"What an absolutely beautiful day it is, and it is my honor to speak to all Alaskans, to our Alaskan family this last time as your governor. And it is always great to be in Fairbanks. The rugged rugged hardy people that live up here and some of the most patriotic people whom you will ever know live here, and one thing that you are known for is your steadfast support of our military community up here and I thank you for that and thank you United States military for protecting the greatest nation on Earth. Together we stand.

And getting up here I say it is the best road trip in America soaring through nature's finest show. Denali, the great one, soaring under the midnight sun. And then the extremes. "

A comment from another article. it's not so petty like some want to say. HE'S going around YOUR Representation in Congress AGAIN

Alaskans had been blocked in Congress by Ohio politicians, who wanted
to stick with McKinley as a lasting tribute to the 25th U.S. president,
who served from 1897 until his assassination in 1901.

Under Obama’s action, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will use her
legal authority to end the long debate and rename the mountain.

But Ohio Senator Rob Portman said he was disappointed in what he called “yet another example of the president going around Congress.” He urged the White House to find another way to honor McKinley in Denali National Park.

Going around Congress once again, what else is Obama going to do because he thinks he can. And my question is, he cannot do this without Congress yet he keeps on doing things without Congress, why isn't he being IMPEACHED.

ALL of it here:
Obama Renames Mt. McKinley (Named After Some White Guy) to Denali - The Gateway Pundit

Isn't this the moment where you are supposed to rip into Portman and tell him "OMG OMG Protman acting like a lib LOL.stick his nose where it dosnt belong. Ohio is not Alaksa. GAWD!"
Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah

to make it more significant, the :asshole: should go to the peak to rename it.., then fall to bottom covered by several hundred feet of snow. :up:

you have to love how router rooters writes this puff piece on it as if it's something major and important. so freaking sick of the man. everything he touches turns to shit
Well, looks like it's time for the GOP to excommunicate that Lisa Murkowski, she just sided with "the enemy"!!

2015-08-031 Murkowski Obama praise over DENALI.png

Oh, wait, they tried that once, with Joe Miller. She still won, as a write-in candidate in the 2010 mid-terms.....
I'll continue to call it Mt McKinley.

that's what I called it and lived 25 miles from it.

So, you hate Sarah Palin?

She called it Mt. Denali.

Sarah Palin's Farewell Address -- Full Transcript

"What an absolutely beautiful day it is, and it is my honor to speak to all Alaskans, to our Alaskan family this last time as your governor. And it is always great to be in Fairbanks. The rugged rugged hardy people that live up here and some of the most patriotic people whom you will ever know live here, and one thing that you are known for is your steadfast support of our military community up here and I thank you for that and thank you United States military for protecting the greatest nation on Earth. Together we stand.

And getting up here I say it is the best road trip in America soaring through nature's finest show. Denali, the great one, soaring under the midnight sun. And then the extremes. "

Poor Stephanie, she knows nothing.
Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah

to make it more significant, the :asshole: should go to the peak to rename it.., then fall to bottom covered by several hundred feet of snow. :up:

you have to love how router rooters writes this puff piece on it as if it's something major and important. so freaking sick of the man. everything he touches turns to shit
touches turns to shit

Look in the mirror
Rut-roh! Republican turned Independent Alaska Gov. Bill Walker also praised the WH and the Dept. of the Interior for the renaming of the former Mt. McKinley:

2015-08-031 Bill Walker Obama praise over DENALI.png

Sacriledge!!! How dare Pres. Obama do something that Alaskans have been asking for for a long, long time?!?! How dare he?!?!?!?

"Time to impeach Gov. Bill Walker. He practically kissed Obama's ass. Fuck em."

Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah

to make it more significant, the :asshole: should go to the peak to rename it.., then fall to bottom covered by several hundred feet of snow. :up:

you have to love how router rooters writes this puff piece on it as if it's something major and important. so freaking sick of the man. everything he touches turns to shit
Poor Stephanie....ODS usually isn't fatal, but it may be in her case.
Whacked-out Rightie response no.13:
I'm against anything Obama does.

The things people lose their shit over. :rolleyes:

I still refer to Reagan Washington National as just National Airport.

Wait until he renames Reagan National then you're going to see people lose their shit.

toilet-humor alert!!!
The things people lose their shit over. :rolleyes:

Generally a commode.

I now need brain-bleach!
If Obama actually was a dictator he would have named it Mt. Obama.
I can just see Stephanie shitting her underwear now let alone Mt. Obama.

Guess respect for tradition doesn't matter to you...
McKinley was assassinated.

Show some dignity. :slap:
The mountain was named long before he was born. Follow your own advice.

He was indeed an interesting guy.
Actually I think McKinley was one of our best presidents and doesn't get near the credit he deserves. He's one of my favorites.

Do tell?

Whacked-out Rightie response no.14:
Why did the moron name a mountain after an SUV??

Whacked-out Rightie response no.15:
All mountains in the USA shall be renamed one of the following:

Den-ali, Den-mohammad, Den-hussein, Den-abdul, Den-achmed, or Den-habbib.

Take your pick.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.16:
Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah
I suspect his face will be the next added to Mount Rushmore.

My, oh, my....

No sense of humor today I guess.
Do people even realize that Mt. McKinley was named for him before he even became President of the United States? The mountain was named for him by a prospector in 1896 when he was just the GOP nominee for President. This is a change the people of Alaska have wanted for decades as the state itself changed the name back Denali 40 years ago. The jazz some of you people choose to get all pissy about is truly wondrous to behold.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska.

By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."

White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip

What say you? Good or bad!
Do people even realize that Mt. McKinley was named for him before he even became President of the United States? The mountain was named for him by a prospector in 1896 when he was just the GOP nominee for President. This is a change the people of Alaska have wanted for decades as the state itself changed the name back Denali 40 years ago. The jazz some of you people choose to get all pissy about is truly wondrous to behold.
I'll wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in.
Do people even realize that Mt. McKinley was named for him before he even became President of the United States? The mountain was named for him by a prospector in 1896 when he was just the GOP nominee for President. This is a change the people of Alaska have wanted for decades as the state itself changed the name back Denali 40 years ago. The jazz some of you people choose to get all pissy about is truly wondrous to behold.
I'll wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in.

She has refereed to the mountain as Denali in the past as well, like most people from Alaska do. This really isn't that big of deal but some folks are having fit b/c...well...Obama.
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration will change the name of North America's tallest mountain peak from Mount McKinley to Denali, the White House said Sunday, a major symbolic gesture to Alaska Natives on the eve of President Barack Obama's historic visit to Alaska. By renaming the peak Denali, an Athabascan word meaning "the high one," Obama waded into a sensitive and decades-old conflict between residents of Alaska and Ohio. Alaskans have informally called the mountain Denali for years, but the federal government recognizes its name invoking the 25th president, William McKinley, who was born in Ohio and assassinated early in his second term."
White House renames Mount McKinley as Denali on eve of trip What say you? Good or bad!
Not changing the name. Correcting a misnomer. It was called Denali long before McKinley was even born. Besides, it's what Alaskans want.

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