Obama To Allow Mt. McKinley Name Change

Anything to disrupt American tradition. Don't worry, Trump will change it back in a few years.
Anything to disrupt American tradition. Don't worry, Trump will change it back in a few years.

The Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of mountain to Denali in 1975. 40 years ago. They have tried on a few occasions to get the federal government to do so as well but it was blocked by Congressman Regula. This is something the state of Alaska has wanted for many years now.
All mountains in the USA shall be renamed one of the following:

Den-ali, Den-mohammad, Den-hussein, Den-abdul, Den-achmed, or Den-habbib.

Take your pick.
Open borders and ILLEGALS killing CITIZENS and sh8t for brains renaming mountains.
Now see the nice nurse has some pretty pills for you. Then you can go back to your comfortably padded little room.

Senator Murkowski, Republican, has been requesting this for decades. Seems that you would be celebrating a Republican getting their way.
he being the KING can now go around re-naming mountains.

and did you get that title? Obama to ALLOW. all heil Obama

. You think that'll help in selling your globull warming BS. think again
Now do you think that anybody will listen to a bitter little old lady that daily demonstrates her uselessness and ignorance?
Mt. McKinley sits inside of Denali National Park and Preserve.

Obama needs a legacy ?
So, I just read the news about this when I got up this morning, and the first thing I thought to myself was, "Righties will frothe, Righties will frothe". And it was so!!!

Whacked-out Rightie response no.1:
Is it to become Mount Malcom X?

Whacked-out Rightie response no.2:
It's being named after a GMC car.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.3:
I am surprised he didn't re-name it Mt. Obama......or is that the national debt?

Finally, a sane response:
The natives call it Denali....They always have.
No worries.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.4:
Open borders and ILLEGALS killing CITIZENS and sh8t for brains renaming mountains.

Mega-Whacked-out Rightie response no.5:
Maybe you Obots can set a shrine of him at the top of it. happy hiking to your Messiah

Sane response no. 2:
16 months to go, DF, you will make it.

We called it Denali, and McKinley, when I was at Ft Wainwright almost forty years ago. The long timers and natives generally used Denali, but not always,

Excellent riposte no. 1:

The government formally recognized the name in 1917, and efforts to reverse the move began in Alaska in 1975. In an awkward compromise struck in 1980, the national park surrounding it was named Denali National Park and Preserve, but the mountain continued to be called Mount McKinley.

Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican of Alaska, introduced legislation in January to rename the peak, but Ohio lawmakers sought to block the move. In June, an Interior Department official said in testimony before Congress that the administration had “no objection” to Ms. Murkowski’s proposed name change.

In a video released on Sunday, Ms. Murkowski cheered Mr. Obama’s decision.

“For generations, Alaskans have known this majestic mountain as ‘the great one,’” she said in the video, appearing in front of the snow-topped mountain, its peak reaching above the clouds. “I’d like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska.”

Excellent riposte no. 2:
Love watching Conservatives going apeshit about this........just goes to show how there is nothing so trivial they will go apeshit about Obama for.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.6:
Obama is once again churning up trouble where there was none before. Expect Eskimos in the streets, demanding bigger igloos.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.7:
he being the KING can now go around re-naming mountains.

and did you get that title? Obama to ALLOW. all heil Obama

. You think that'll help in selling your globull warming BS. think again

Another sane response.
I've always known it as Denali anyways.

Mega-Whacked-out Rightie response no.8:
His damn carbon footprint with all this jaunting around the country is enough to choke a horse to death. He's been to three states in little over a week. man are we Taxpayers getting HOSED and polluted at the same time by this freaking hypocrite to the core of his lying ass

he being the KING can now go around re-naming mountains.

and did you get that title? Obama to ALLOW. all heil Obama

. You think that'll help in selling your globull warming BS. think again
You know nothing.

he being the KING can now go around re-naming mountains. I'm sure all the maps, school books etc will be gathered up and the name changed with thanks in a side note: to that DEAR wonderful leader

what a jerkoff. You think that'll help in selling your globull warming BS. think again

What the fuck are you babbling about now? I am pretty sure The Alaska Board of Geographic Names changed the name of the mountain back to Denali in the 70's. The Alaska State legislators had lobbied the federal government to officially change the name in the past but it was blocked by Congressman Regula of Ohio.

If Obama actually was a dictator he would have named it Mt. Obama.

Stevie promoted him from Messiah to King. I wonder if a raise comes with that?

Whacked-out Rightie response no.9:
Yet another egosticial abuse of power by The Won.

How completely unsurprising.

Whacked-out Rightie almost sane response no.1:
I don't have a problem with this.
So shall it be written.
So let it be done!

Now that I think about it, President Obama should go on a roll and rename Reagan National to its old name National Airport.

You are hurting their brains with facts! Sane response no. 4 or 5:
he being the KING can now go around re-naming mountains.

and did you get that title? Obama to ALLOW. all heil Obama

. You think that'll help in selling your globull warming BS. think again

The loony Cons think a Democratic Dictator is one who allows the requests of Alaska- and Alaska's Republican Senator- to go through.

What will they think of him the next time there is a hurricane and a Republican Governor requests disaster relief- they will be going apeshit about Dictator Obama forcing FEMA on Louisiana.....

Whacked-out Rightie response no.10:
I'll continue to call it Mt McKinley.

Neutral, neutral, neutral:
I'm sorry, this is so ridiculously nothing it doesn't really merit a thread, much less any outrage or disgust.

I just want someone to tell us how changing the name is an insult to their hero President McKinley.....

The logical choice. Thank you Mr. President. :salute:

Obama renames nation’s highest mountain

Whacked-out Rightie response no.11:
Im ok with it, since that is the original name. Im not a fan of changing history though, no matter how unpleasant it may be to some. If theres a statue of some old racist from history, leave it there. Its history.

Another Republican's history wiped from the face of the earth. :slap:

Some quotes from McKinley:

War should never be entered upon until every agency of peace has failed.

In the time of darkest defeat, victory may be nearest.

The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.

Whacked-out Rightie response no.12:
Obama renames nation’s highest mountain
Wow. There must be no problems in America apart from renaming the mountains in Alaska. Just look at that, Obama PERSONALLY renamed the mountain because Inuit people considered it as 'sacred'. Look at his generosity. The noble emperor Hussein gifted those people a right to call the mountain whatever they want.
Sadly, he doesn't do anything productive but renaming the mountains and giving the interviews.

Whew!!! Batshit crazy Righties sure were busy on this thread!!
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