Obama to ban Christmas Cards on Military Bases

This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable. Our troops go out of their way to not offend Muslims in the countries they are operating in.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I wore the uniform for 21 years...and I knew from the very first post that it was a bogus story. How long did you fall for it?

again idiot

when was that????

be honest
So you call a vet an idiot....very telling. I served, proudly, from 1977 to 1999. And you?

then you dont know what is being done to accomodate Muslims in the presence of our troops NOW do you/??

be honest you clown
I most certainly do...I live in a military town, have many military friends...My neighbor is a Marine officer who has done 4 tours over there....another neighbor an Air Force officer (MP) who's done 3 tours....and my wife still works on both Camp Pendleton and MCAS Miramar..after also retiring from the Navy. Our local news is full of military news because we are a military town.

Now....asking again. When did YOU serve? And what branch?
what's up with this LOSER called Playtime going around and putting smiley faces all over everyone postings? if it's not this idiot it's Guano.

this is in the Politics forum.

really? is this a serious board or what?
It's a very interesting study to watch those who get hoodwinked get mad NOT at those who lied to them with this story....but those who exposed the lie. Psychologically interesting.
I suggest that if you are going to blame all the good Muslims in this country for the conduct of a few extremists that you read about the Christian Crusades and Inquisitions. It doesn't get any bloodier than that!

I suggest whoever you are directing these comments to not give you even an ounce of credit for understanding the truth or disseminating it.

You sound just like that clown in the White House who at the national prayer breakfast after the ISIS stories were running wild with their demonic executions told all those Christians present to get off their high horses because we (ha! he used the word 'we') are guilty of the Crusades and slavery.

By the way -- the Crusades were in response to a few centuries of militant Islam taking over many Middle East and North African nations by force, forcing their religion upon them, desecrating Christian and Jewish sites, and causing fear and havoc amongst Christian pilgrims. So sorry church leaders in Europe had the courage to stop this menace. So sorry the soldiers did not behave well. So sorry you are so duped as to tell your lies constantly.
IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable. Our troops go out of their way to not offend Muslims in the countries they are operating in.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I wore the uniform for 21 years...and I knew from the very first post that it was a bogus story. How long did you fall for it?

again idiot

when was that????

be honest
So you call a vet an idiot....very telling. I served, proudly, from 1977 to 1999. And you?

then you dont know what is being done to accomodate Muslims in the presence of our troops NOW do you/??

be honest you clown
I most certainly do...I live in a military town, have many military friends...My neighbor is a Marine officer who has done 4 tours over there....another neighbor an Air Force officer (MP) who's done 3 tours....and my wife still works on both Camp Pendleton and MCAS Miramar..after also retiring from the Navy. Our local news is full of military news because we are a military town.

Now....asking again. When did YOU serve? And what branch?

great!!!! have him come on here and say we allow open displays of Christian symbols on OVERSEAS FOBS in Muslim countries

you cant and you wont

cuz ur a coward on the wrong side of the issue

as usual
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
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So you call a vet an idiot....very telling. I served, proudly, from 1977 to 1999. And you?
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then you dont know what is being done to accomodate Muslims in the presence of our troops NOW do you/??

be honest you clown
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I most certainly do...I live in a military town, have many military friends...My neighbor is a Marine officer who has done 4 tours over there....another neighbor an Air Force officer (MP) who's done 3 tours....and my wife still works on both Camp Pendleton and MCAS Miramar..after also retiring from the Navy. Our local news is full of military news because we are a military town.

i'm waiting jackass./....................................................
I wore the uniform for 21 years...and I knew from the very first post that it was a bogus story. How long did you fall for it?

again idiot

when was that????

be honest
So you call a vet an idiot....very telling. I served, proudly, from 1977 to 1999. And you?

then you dont know what is being done to accomodate Muslims in the presence of our troops NOW do you/??

be honest you clown
I most certainly do...I live in a military town, have many military friends...My neighbor is a Marine officer who has done 4 tours over there....another neighbor an Air Force officer (MP) who's done 3 tours....and my wife still works on both Camp Pendleton and MCAS Miramar..after also retiring from the Navy. Our local news is full of military news because we are a military town.

Now....asking again. When did YOU serve? And what branch?

great!!!! have him come on here and say we allow open displays of Christian symbols on OVERSEAS FOBS in Muslim countries

you cant and you wont

cuz ur a coward on the wrong side of the issue

as usual
Anyone else notice besides myself that even tho having been asked twice AND your ranting about how much you know about what goes on in the Sandbox....you STILL haven't told us when you served and/or what branch of the military...........?
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.

back it up you mindless moron. you're saying it's true out of one side of your mouth and it's not out of the other
If this is true....this will put a fork in the left's claims that Obama isn't a closet Muslim.

Obama may not be a good Muslim......but he thinks like one.
republicans are losing votes in the polling across the United states .... what a better way to raise anger towards liberals/dems among voters ... make up a lie... you guys say a lot about us dem/liberals, do you honestly think that we would be that stupid ???? do you honestly think any president would be that stupid ??? really??? like benghazi hearings, if they continue down this path to push this pack of lies from the right, this too could blow up into thepublicans faces
Guess you missed the election results Wednesday.

Democrats got creamed yet again.

In KY the Democrat running for governor was polled at leading the race but ended up losing by 9 points. The vote swung by 3000 to the Republican in one district alone. They say that locking that woman up over same-sex marriage pissed a lot of people off.

Shutting down the coal industry, voting against closing the borders, releasing convicted criminals into our streets, causing riots in our streets, encouraging the breaking of our laws,......trying to take our guns.

Nope, Democrats are setting up a massive landslide election for Republicans, regardless what the media says. And if the GOP doesn't clean up their act, anyone who runs against them will beat them, other than any Democrat. Neither has earned our trust, but especially Democrats.
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.
Don't forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen ...
The Daily Caller
Mar 31, 2011 - American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. ... “All the services have several-hundred-page regulations about what is ... worn by female service members in Afghanistan and other Muslim nations
encouraging them and forcing them are two different things ... you can push all your non-sense here on these boards all you want bedwetter but nobody is being forced the are advising them ... big difference

no they arent two different things when the order comes from the theater 4-star general

you're simply an idiot
whose the idiot now... you can't even comprehend your own post very first 2 lines
quote: "American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf

the word "urged" is telling them for their own good ... its not ordering them they have to wear a scarf ...
the word "encouraged" it asking them, not ordering them ... now whose the real idiot here ... well your response just prove you to be the fool that you are

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a loser you are bedwetter ... you can't even comprehend what you have read ...
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
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So you call a vet an idiot....very telling. I served, proudly, from 1977 to 1999. And you?
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then you dont know what is being done to accomodate Muslims in the presence of our troops NOW do you/??

be honest you clown
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I most certainly do...I live in a military town, have many military friends...My neighbor is a Marine officer who has done 4 tours over there....another neighbor an Air Force officer (MP) who's done 3 tours....and my wife still works on both Camp Pendleton and MCAS Miramar..after also retiring from the Navy. Our local news is full of military news because we are a military town.

i'm waiting jackass./....................................................
Are you so upset that you cannot even quote posts correctly anymore?
Don't forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen ...
The Daily Caller
Mar 31, 2011 - American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. ... “All the services have several-hundred-page regulations about what is ... worn by female service members in Afghanistan and other Muslim nations
encouraging them and forcing them are two different things ... you can push all your non-sense here on these boards all you want bedwetter but nobody is being forced the are advising them ... big difference

no they arent two different things when the order comes from the theater 4-star general

you're simply an idiot
whose the idiot now... you can't even comprehend your own post very first 2 lines
quote: "American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf

the word "urged" is telling them for their own good ... its not ordering them they have to wear a scarf ...
the word "encouraged" it asking them, not ordering them ... now whose the real idiot here ... well your response just prove you to be the fool that you are

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a loser you are bedwetter ... you can't even comprehend what you have read ...

This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

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