Obama to ban Christmas Cards on Military Bases

Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct

the story in the OP is of course correct. Just ask Hyman Stratcher, Imam Al-Suq Akweer, Haywood Jablome, Mike Hunt, Ima Dumphuk, Oliver Clothesoff, and Amanda Huggenkiss.

Now we only need further corroboration from 4 Star General I. M. Supremely Stupid and Should Shut Up Immediately, Esq.

Not so fast, Postmaster General Dixie Wreck confirmed this story.
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.

I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?
we all know he's a liar ... he'll make it up you can' count on that ... he always does
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct

the story in the OP is of course correct. Just ask Hyman Stratcher, Imam Al-Suq Akweer, Haywood Jablome, Mike Hunt, Ima Dumphuk, Oliver Clothesoff, and Amanda Huggenkiss.

Now we only need further corroboration from 4 Star General I. M. Supremely Stupid and Should Shut Up Immediately, Esq.

well you gave one person a tingle with that. whatever it was. do you know for a fact the article isn't TRUE?
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct

the story in the OP is of course correct. Just ask Hyman Stratcher, Imam Al-Suq Akweer, Haywood Jablome, Mike Hunt, Ima Dumphuk, Oliver Clothesoff, and Amanda Huggenkiss.

Now we only need further corroboration from 4 Star General I. M. Supremely Stupid and Should Shut Up Immediately, Esq.

Not so fast, Postmaster General Dixie Wreck confirmed this story.

I am totally on board with this story. After all, Ayatollah Aycantsee Madick cuz Mesophat posted a +1 on myjihadspace.com.
DOES A 4-star General in theater need to say "it's an order"??

you people are morons!!

You Never served in the Military , just a loud mouth chickehawk in jesusland

i'm very close to New York City you moron

then again when are you ever right about anything

And you served in the Military when?
When did you serve?

There is a gag order on US Army troops. They are ordered not to speak in negative terms about Obama. All active duty and civilians are reminded not to engage in political discussions or speak negatively of Islam. They can be punished if they are reported.
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable.
No, this story is just like you, complete bullshit.
that's the story of bedwetter life ... he's so full of shit that you can smell him coming a mile away

that link is bullshit you idiot

have you ever worn a uniform???
the real question is have you???
well you gave one person a tingle with that. whatever it was. do you know for a fact the article isn't TRUE?

It is from a hoax website. You got duped. Quit sniveling and take your lumps like a big girl.
Don't forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen ...
The Daily Caller
Mar 31, 2011 - American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. ... “All the services have several-hundred-page regulations about what is ... worn by female service members in Afghanistan and other Muslim nations
encouraging them and forcing them are two different things ... you can push all your non-sense here on these boards all you want bedwetter but nobody is being forced the are advising them ... big difference

no they arent two different things when the order comes from the theater 4-star general

you're simply an idiot
whose the idiot now... you can't even comprehend your own post very first 2 lines
quote: "American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf

the word "urged" is telling them for their own good ... its not ordering them they have to wear a scarf ...
the word "encouraged" it asking them, not ordering them ... now whose the real idiot here ... well your response just prove you to be the fool that you are

BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a loser you are bedwetter ... you can't even comprehend what you have read ...

Did you? Still asking and you're still not answering. I wonder why.......................
The DOJ under GWB actually required a litmus test excluding all but Republicans from employment as US Attorneys; fired US Attorney's without cause and engaged in partisan practices in violation of the civil service rules.

See Monica Goodling and Alberto Gonzoles bios for a real scandal - not the usual right wing bullshit echoed by right wing morons which pollute this message board with lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, hate and fear.

Only a fool finds the action of the DOJ during the GW Bush administration funny, it was and remains tragic no matter how many times the Ministry of Truth tried to rewrite history.
I believe it is 'regurgitated hoax' too. A few years back I got an Email declaring that our combat troops in Iraq were not allowed to pray before a mission, along with the one about how there was a movement to remove crosses on graves at military cemeteries. I had an electrician friend working for KBR in Iraq at the time. He said it was utter bull. But there IS a kernel of truth I think. I recall during the first Gulf War when GHWB was prez that our bases in Saudi Arabia had strict rules for off-base conduct. No women driving, no cross necklaces, etc. And the original post today does not say if these rulings are on-base or off-base conduct. So...pass the salt. This is a typical FOX attempt at an adrenaline rush to keep the ratings up.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct
You've asked others if they've served...including me, and I answered. Now it's your turn. When did you serve/what branch?
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct

the story in the OP is of course correct. Just ask Hyman Stratcher, Imam Al-Suq Akweer, Haywood Jablome, Mike Hunt, Ima Dumphuk, Oliver Clothesoff, and Amanda Huggenkiss.

Now we only need further corroboration from 4 Star General I. M. Supremely Stupid and Should Shut Up Immediately, Esq.

well you gave one person a tingle with that. whatever it was. do you know for a fact the article isn't TRUE?

i totally believe this one from the same source.

Fox News The FB Page: October 2015

it could be about you.

"We decided to pull a random redneck tea partier off FaceBook and see what he says about the Obama administration. And boy did he say a LOT ....
Random Redneck: ..."Shoot you wanna talk about Obummer? Where does I start? The breeakin of the constitootion? Maybe? All dem illegals he's bringin here ta take mah foodstamps an mah opptoonites. His black panthers scarin hard workin white folks. Dis here's Murkia an I done hand nuff a his muslim BS I tell ya. Now I know all dem "facts" libtards keep tryin ta check me on but I got nothing but laughin at that. Like I'll even read it? I mean, who reads "facts" when ya got a GUT ta think wit?
Jesus gave ya a GUT fer a RESON Libtards!!!!!
Obummercare: FAILURE. I seen the "facts" an I KNOW they made em up. How? I FEEL it in mah gut. They givin all that medicl care ta the ilegal muslims comin up from Mexico digused as Mexicans.
The Mid east FAILURE: We should just nuke the fuckin A-rabs an be done wit it. That's what Trumps gonna do. You see if he dont.
The wall on the boarder: FAILURE. Obummer ain't even STARTED the wall. Another one a his "campagin prominsses wasn't nothin but a lie ta make people think he didn't want the illgals here.
Fast an Furyus. Chem trails Benghazi!!
We had to cut out most of this morons 3 thousand word rant considering the fact that polling shows most of our "readers" don't read much past a few sentences. More reading tends to make them nod off in stupefied, drooling nappytime.
In fact. I'm certain 98% of you idiot sheep haven't read past "Obummercare" FAILURE" before deciding this man was your new hero, buying his tee shirt, and moving on to the next piece of sordid clickbait that catches your wondering eye and limited imagination.
What do YOU think?"
Gosh, is it already time for this old lie again?

Gullible RW traitors will fall for every dumb ass story that comes along.
Reminders and request to respect a host countries culture when off base have been going on forever. Nothing new about that. The big lie being told is what the OP claims about Christmas cards being forbidden and banned by Obama and the conservative right wing media promoting the lie. Posters here are just desperately trying to muddy the waters and change the subject after being caught in the lame lie. The sad part is that many of the brainwashed dumbass's on the right will believe the lie. That is the goal of the disinformation propagandist that promote this garbage.
And....get very mad at those who expose the lie.

once again; prove it's a lie or STFU
Still not seeing when you served and/or what branch. Are you one of those non-serving "know-it-alls"?

nice deflection loser

again prove the story isnt correct

the story in the OP is of course correct. Just ask Hyman Stratcher, Imam Al-Suq Akweer, Haywood Jablome, Mike Hunt, Ima Dumphuk, Oliver Clothesoff, and Amanda Huggenkiss.

Now we only need further corroboration from 4 Star General I. M. Supremely Stupid and Should Shut Up Immediately, Esq.

And everyone's favorite Republican Tea Party Congressman, Ben Dover.


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