Obama to ban Christmas Cards on Military Bases


Obama’s military command will prevent delivery of Christmas cards being sent from families to their servicemen loved ones overseas spokesmen for The Pentagon said today. The White House claims that traditional Christmas greetings wish will upset Muslims in host countries and will have to convicted and returned to the sender.

Per executive order,all overseas military mail will be monitored for references to Christmas, Jesus Christ, or pork products which are known to offend Muslims.

An Army Veteran who reached out to Fox News said Pentagon leadership is “hypersensitive to anyone who says they feel like their rights are being violated.”

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the soldier said. “The U.S. Military is living in fear of radical Muslims.”
The soldier, who asked not to be identified because he feared being disciplined or assaulted my Muslims, said many people are furious over the censorship
“If soldiers cannot speak the name of God, let alone Christ, what are we fighting for?” he asked. “I’ve towed the company line for years but this has pushed me too far to sit quietly while personal liberties are trampled upon.”

The soldier said in recent months they have been reminded that they cannot proselytize and they cannot share their faith say anything nice about Jesus or Christianity.
“We are strongly discouraged from having any kind of Christian items on our desks or in our offices,” he said
Texas-based Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to the White House, insisting they immediately drop this policy which allows a generic greeting but disallows references to Christmas, which is officially recognized as a national holiday under federal law.

Liberty Institute’s Director of Litigation, Hyman Stratcher, responded in a statement, “Obama is once again engaging in unlawful religious discrimination. It is shameful that the military continues to censor religious speech in Christmas cards while allowing atheists,gays, and satanists to send porn,drugs,electronic cigarettes,or any other ungodly thing they want.”
Imam Al-Suq Akweer of the Islamic Friendship Coalition applauded the move as a step in the right direction in the quest for improved Islamic relations.

"Disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".he said,"Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the ''falsehoods'' for a Muslim to avoid.A Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.Americans on Muslim soil must learn to abide by our customs to ensure peaceful relations.

The ban will go into effect December 1st.Military personnel will be given handbooks to explain what can and cannot be sent from home


I don't know.....stories of similar policies are all over the place.

According to this article, the VA banned children from giving Christmas gifts to wounded veterans. EXCLUSIVE-Liberty Institute: Veterans Affairs Bans Christmas Cards to Troops over Religious Content - Breitbart
its breitbart give me a break... why don't you use whirly nut daily... or even worse newsmax
How but Media matters?
if you like, how about trying fact check
It gets much worse

Obama has revoked Santa's security clearance and he will not be allowed on military bases

ironically i'd almost bet a santa display is banned on military bases

hilarious when you goofballs try to make jokes and there's more truth to them than think!!
well its obvious now you've never been in the service

you're a crybaby and a loser; and every body knows it. you proved that the last time i kicked your ass on these boards; serial-posting "responses' long after i was gone

try to keep up with the times; what was possible and allowed even not that long ago is different now under this politically-correct douchebag Administration
i'm speaking to a female SFC right now who recently returned from Afghanistan; she was virtually all over the country. There are some FOBs that do what they please, and others where the commanders, either US or European, are more politically-correct and it is YES ORDERED not to make religious displays of Christianity.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

THE same whackjobs trying to ban any mention or display of Christianity in the public square HERE dont believe Muslims in countries where Christians are being BUTCHERED might not want to see public displays of Christianity!!!!!

(no you jackass losers i didnt say every Muslim in those countries wants to murder Christians)

seriously what a bunch of morons!!
i'm speaking to a female SFC right now who recently returned from Afghanistan; she was virtually all over the country. There are some FOBs that do what they please, and others where the commanders, either US or European, are more politically-correct and it is YES ORDERED not to make religious displays of Christianity.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Now, can you tell us why they wouldn't want Christian displays in Muslim Afghanistan?
If this is true....this will put a fork in the left's claims that Obama isn't a closet Muslim.

Obama may not be a good Muslim......but he thinks like one.

but nothing you've ever said is true. i guess that's what happens when you're an obamas-deranged loon.

great new rightwingnut conspiracy theory, though.
STFU troll.

Oh my, the foreigner has a meltdown.
Jillian drive him to the meltdown mode ... its priceless!!!
i'm speaking to a female SFC right now who recently returned from Afghanistan; she was virtually all over the country. There are some FOBs that do what they please, and others where the commanders, either US or European, are more politically-correct and it is YES ORDERED not to make religious displays of Christianity.
FYI: The would be on the local Military Commanders (which is within their authority to do) not the Administration and it doesn't have anything to do with the bogus story posted by the OP.
i'm speaking to a female SFC right now who recently returned from Afghanistan; she was virtually all over the country. There are some FOBs that do what they please, and others where the commanders, either US or European, are more politically-correct and it is YES ORDERED not to make religious displays of Christianity.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If that is true, I'm sure there was absolutely zero tactical reasoning. Like, for example, not wanting to make an inflaming target out of the base. Those crazy military commanders. They're always thinking about the safety of the troops under their command.
The best part of this thread is how the RW'ers chiming in are thoroughly incapable of grasping how preposterous this story is.

The truth is, the only problem the administration had with Christmas card was the insistence by conservatives that they be delivered to the military bases by Jesus riding a dinosaur.
I have not seen any more on this??

By the way getting along is waaaay over rated...
i'm speaking to a female SFC right now who recently returned from Afghanistan; she was virtually all over the country. There are some FOBs that do what they please, and others where the commanders, either US or European, are more politically-correct and it is YES ORDERED not to make religious displays of Christianity.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

If that is true, I'm sure there was absolutely zero tactical reasoning. Like, for example, not wanting to make an inflaming target out of the base. Those crazy military commanders. They're always thinking about the safety of the troops under their command.

who called the commanders crazy??

did i address the wisdom of it at all??? i said it's being done; and it is.

it's the Left that cant handle the truth here einstein
I don't know.....stories of similar policies are all over the place.

According to this article, the VA banned children from giving Christmas gifts to wounded veterans. EXCLUSIVE-Liberty Institute: Veterans Affairs Bans Christmas Cards to Troops over Religious Content - Breitbart

that is from another well-known hoax site.
Yeah....they're all hoaxes.....as are all of the scandals. Not a smidgen of truth to it.
Well, you are a Birther.....that says a lot. And aren't you one of those who believes Sandy Hook was a False Flag?

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