Obama to ban Christmas Cards on Military Bases

This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable. Our troops go out of their way to not offend Muslims in the countries they are operating in.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I wore the uniform for 21 years...and I knew from the very first post that it was a bogus story. How long did you fall for it?

again idiot

when was that????

be honest
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable. Our troops go out of their way to not offend Muslims in the countries they are operating in.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
I wore the uniform for 21 years...and I knew from the very first post that it was a bogus story. How long did you fall for it?

Till now....I watch news programs daily.....well, all of them except Faux! If I want a Rupert Murdoch opinion...first I'll wonder why and then if the world doesn't immediately end I will commit suicide.
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Don't forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen ...
The Daily Caller
Mar 31, 2011 - American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. ... “All the services have several-hundred-page regulations about what is ... worn by female service members in Afghanistan and other Muslim nations
encouraging them and forcing them are two different things ... you can push all your non-sense here on these boards all you want bedwetter but nobody is being forced the are advising them ... big difference
If this is true....this will put a fork in the left's claims that Obama isn't a closet Muslim.

Obama may not be a good Muslim......but he thinks like one.
republicans are losing votes in the polling across the United states .... what a better way to raise anger towards liberals/dems among voters ... make up a lie... you guys say a lot about us dem/liberals, do you honestly think that we would be that stupid ???? do you honestly think any president would be that stupid ??? really??? like benghazi hearings, if they continue down this path to push this pack of lies from the right, this too could blow up into thepublicans faces

you just completely lied to yourself and it's freakin funnty1
seriously what a damn idiot

actually republicans did well in the elections just the other day

and carson is beating hillary in head to head polls

go cry
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Don't forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen ...
The Daily Caller
Mar 31, 2011 - American military women stationed in Afghanistan urged to don Muslim ... are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. ... “All the services have several-hundred-page regulations about what is ... worn by female service members in Afghanistan and other Muslim nations
encouraging them and forcing them are two different things ... you can push all your non-sense here on these boards all you want bedwetter but nobody is being forced the are advising them ... big difference

no they arent two different things when the order comes from the theater 4-star general

you're simply an idiot
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable.
No, this story is just like you, complete bullshit.

prove it angry jackass
If this is true....this will put a fork in the left's claims that Obama isn't a closet Muslim.

Obama may not be a good Muslim......but he thinks like one.
republicans are losing votes in the polling across the United states .... what a better way to raise anger towards liberals/dems among voters ... make up a lie... you guys say a lot about us dem/liberals, do you honestly think that we would be that stupid ???? do you honestly think any president would be that stupid ??? really??? like benghazi hearings, if they continue down this path to push this pack of lies from the right, this too could blow up into thepublicans faces

you just completely lied to yourself and it's freakin funnty1
seriously what a damn idiot

actually republicans did well in the elections just the other day

and carson is beating hillary in head to head polls

go cry
Frothing at the mouth again, are we? LOL.

Doctor Demento won't even be around in a few more months.


Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We're On a Crusade ...
The Huffington Post
Nov 18, 2009 - Have top U.S. military officers, Defense Department officials, and ... 847, a resolution "recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith,'' said that ". .... military websites, show conspicuously displayed Christian symbols, such ... not only tolerated but promoted on our bases in Muslim countries
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Obama’s military command will prevent delivery of Christmas cards being sent from families to their servicemen loved ones overseas spokesmen for The Pentagon said today. The White House claims that traditional Christmas greetings wish will upset Muslims in host countries and will have to convicted and returned to the sender.

Per executive order,all overseas military mail will be monitored for references to Christmas, Jesus Christ, or pork products which are known to offend Muslims.

An Army Veteran who reached out to Fox News said Pentagon leadership is “hypersensitive to anyone who says they feel like their rights are being violated.”

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the soldier said. “The U.S. Military is living in fear of radical Muslims.”
The soldier, who asked not to be identified because he feared being disciplined or assaulted my Muslims, said many people are furious over the censorship
“If soldiers cannot speak the name of God, let alone Christ, what are we fighting for?” he asked. “I’ve towed the company line for years but this has pushed me too far to sit quietly while personal liberties are trampled upon.”

The soldier said in recent months they have been reminded that they cannot proselytize and they cannot share their faith say anything nice about Jesus or Christianity.
“We are strongly discouraged from having any kind of Christian items on our desks or in our offices,” he said
Texas-based Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to the White House, insisting they immediately drop this policy which allows a generic greeting but disallows references to Christmas, which is officially recognized as a national holiday under federal law.

Liberty Institute’s Director of Litigation, Hyman Stratcher, responded in a statement, “Obama is once again engaging in unlawful religious discrimination. It is shameful that the military continues to censor religious speech in Christmas cards while allowing atheists,gays, and satanists to send porn,drugs,electronic cigarettes,or any other ungodly thing they want.”
Imam Al-Suq Akweer of the Islamic Friendship Coalition applauded the move as a step in the right direction in the quest for improved Islamic relations.

"Disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".he said,"Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the ''falsehoods'' for a Muslim to avoid.A Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.Americans on Muslim soil must learn to abide by our customs to ensure peaceful relations.

The ban will go into effect December 1st.Military personnel will be given handbooks to explain what can and cannot be sent from home

I've seen a lot of stupid shit on the web every christmas with Fox Noise trying to demonize liberals each and every year ... this one takes the cake ... are you republicans this stupid to believe this bull shit ??? really, are you???

being the complete mindless moron you are you WOULD be taken aback by the notion that people who are ACTUALLY SLAUGHTERING CHRISTIANS AS WE SPEAK wouldnt want to see Christmas cards on display in their Muslim countries
this show what a total idiot you are ... nobody is pushing your stupidity on people sending christmas cards or presents
taken Aback ??? don't believe I seen that terminology before ... another tiny bit of proof that bedwetter needs to go and get his GED
The DOJ under GWB actually required a litmus test excluding all but Republicans from employment as US Attorneys; fired US Attorney's without cause and engaged in partisan practices in violation of the civil service rules.

See Monica Goodling and Alberto Gonzoles bios for a real scandal - not the usual right wing bullshit echoed by right wing morons which pollute this message board with lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, hate and fear.
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable. Our troops go out of their way to not offend Muslims in the countries they are operating in.

libs are losers who lie to themselves

Vietnam vet here you moron

and complete idiot who cant read obviously
if anyone here is a complete idiot that would be you... you believe everything that these right wing nut jobs tell you... would we expect anything else from you??? you being a right wing nut job ... love that koolaid don't ya

Obama’s military command will prevent delivery of Christmas cards being sent from families to their servicemen loved ones overseas spokesmen for The Pentagon said today. The White House claims that traditional Christmas greetings wish will upset Muslims in host countries and will have to convicted and returned to the sender.

Per executive order,all overseas military mail will be monitored for references to Christmas, Jesus Christ, or pork products which are known to offend Muslims.

An Army Veteran who reached out to Fox News said Pentagon leadership is “hypersensitive to anyone who says they feel like their rights are being violated.”

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the soldier said. “The U.S. Military is living in fear of radical Muslims.”
The soldier, who asked not to be identified because he feared being disciplined or assaulted my Muslims, said many people are furious over the censorship
“If soldiers cannot speak the name of God, let alone Christ, what are we fighting for?” he asked. “I’ve towed the company line for years but this has pushed me too far to sit quietly while personal liberties are trampled upon.”

The soldier said in recent months they have been reminded that they cannot proselytize and they cannot share their faith say anything nice about Jesus or Christianity.
“We are strongly discouraged from having any kind of Christian items on our desks or in our offices,” he said
Texas-based Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to the White House, insisting they immediately drop this policy which allows a generic greeting but disallows references to Christmas, which is officially recognized as a national holiday under federal law.

Liberty Institute’s Director of Litigation, Hyman Stratcher, responded in a statement, “Obama is once again engaging in unlawful religious discrimination. It is shameful that the military continues to censor religious speech in Christmas cards while allowing atheists,gays, and satanists to send porn,drugs,electronic cigarettes,or any other ungodly thing they want.”
Imam Al-Suq Akweer of the Islamic Friendship Coalition applauded the move as a step in the right direction in the quest for improved Islamic relations.

"Disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".he said,"Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the ''falsehoods'' for a Muslim to avoid.A Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.Americans on Muslim soil must learn to abide by our customs to ensure peaceful relations.

The ban will go into effect December 1st.Military personnel will be given handbooks to explain what can and cannot be sent from home

I've seen a lot of stupid shit on the web every christmas with Fox Noise trying to demonize liberals each and every year ... this one takes the cake ... are you republicans this stupid to believe this bull shit ??? really, are you???
Some......apparently are.

Obama’s military command will prevent delivery of Christmas cards being sent from families to their servicemen loved ones overseas spokesmen for The Pentagon said today. The White House claims that traditional Christmas greetings wish will upset Muslims in host countries and will have to convicted and returned to the sender.

Per executive order,all overseas military mail will be monitored for references to Christmas, Jesus Christ, or pork products which are known to offend Muslims.

An Army Veteran who reached out to Fox News said Pentagon leadership is “hypersensitive to anyone who says they feel like their rights are being violated.”

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the soldier said. “The U.S. Military is living in fear of radical Muslims.”
The soldier, who asked not to be identified because he feared being disciplined or assaulted my Muslims, said many people are furious over the censorship
“If soldiers cannot speak the name of God, let alone Christ, what are we fighting for?” he asked. “I’ve towed the company line for years but this has pushed me too far to sit quietly while personal liberties are trampled upon.”

The soldier said in recent months they have been reminded that they cannot proselytize and they cannot share their faith say anything nice about Jesus or Christianity.
“We are strongly discouraged from having any kind of Christian items on our desks or in our offices,” he said
Texas-based Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to the White House, insisting they immediately drop this policy which allows a generic greeting but disallows references to Christmas, which is officially recognized as a national holiday under federal law.

Liberty Institute’s Director of Litigation, Hyman Stratcher, responded in a statement, “Obama is once again engaging in unlawful religious discrimination. It is shameful that the military continues to censor religious speech in Christmas cards while allowing atheists,gays, and satanists to send porn,drugs,electronic cigarettes,or any other ungodly thing they want.”
Imam Al-Suq Akweer of the Islamic Friendship Coalition applauded the move as a step in the right direction in the quest for improved Islamic relations.

"Disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".he said,"Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the ''falsehoods'' for a Muslim to avoid.A Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.Americans on Muslim soil must learn to abide by our customs to ensure peaceful relations.

The ban will go into effect December 1st.Military personnel will be given handbooks to explain what can and cannot be sent from home


Are you just gullible or are you pulling our leg?
This story is an old regurgitated hoax being promoted by the liars and dishonest conservative right wing media.


IF any of you left-wing nutjobs had ever wore a uniform in the modern era of fighting islamo-fascism you would know this story is completely believable.
No, this story is just like you, complete bullshit.
that's the story of bedwetter life ... he's so full of shit that you can smell him coming a mile away

Obama’s military command will prevent delivery of Christmas cards being sent from families to their servicemen loved ones overseas spokesmen for The Pentagon said today. The White House claims that traditional Christmas greetings wish will upset Muslims in host countries and will have to convicted and returned to the sender.

Per executive order,all overseas military mail will be monitored for references to Christmas, Jesus Christ, or pork products which are known to offend Muslims.

An Army Veteran who reached out to Fox News said Pentagon leadership is “hypersensitive to anyone who says they feel like their rights are being violated.”

“It’s extremely frustrating,” the soldier said. “The U.S. Military is living in fear of radical Muslims.”
The soldier, who asked not to be identified because he feared being disciplined or assaulted my Muslims, said many people are furious over the censorship
“If soldiers cannot speak the name of God, let alone Christ, what are we fighting for?” he asked. “I’ve towed the company line for years but this has pushed me too far to sit quietly while personal liberties are trampled upon.”

The soldier said in recent months they have been reminded that they cannot proselytize and they cannot share their faith say anything nice about Jesus or Christianity.
“We are strongly discouraged from having any kind of Christian items on our desks or in our offices,” he said
Texas-based Liberty Institute sent a demand letter to the White House, insisting they immediately drop this policy which allows a generic greeting but disallows references to Christmas, which is officially recognized as a national holiday under federal law.

Liberty Institute’s Director of Litigation, Hyman Stratcher, responded in a statement, “Obama is once again engaging in unlawful religious discrimination. It is shameful that the military continues to censor religious speech in Christmas cards while allowing atheists,gays, and satanists to send porn,drugs,electronic cigarettes,or any other ungodly thing they want.”
Imam Al-Suq Akweer of the Islamic Friendship Coalition applauded the move as a step in the right direction in the quest for improved Islamic relations.

"Disbelievers are trying to draw Muslims away from the straight path".he said,"Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the ''falsehoods'' for a Muslim to avoid.A Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them.Americans on Muslim soil must learn to abide by our customs to ensure peaceful relations.

The ban will go into effect December 1st.Military personnel will be given handbooks to explain what can and cannot be sent from home

I've seen a lot of stupid shit on the web every christmas with Fox Noise trying to demonize liberals each and every year ... this one takes the cake ... are you republicans this stupid to believe this bull shit ??? really, are you???

being the complete mindless moron you are you WOULD be taken aback by the notion that people who are ACTUALLY SLAUGHTERING CHRISTIANS AS WE SPEAK wouldnt want to see Christmas cards on display in their Muslim countries
this show what a total idiot you are ... nobody is pushing your stupidity on people sending christmas cards or presents
taken Aback ??? don't believe I seen that terminology before ... another tiny bit of proof that bedwetter needs to go and get his GED

you cant cant back up the shit you're talking

what a surprise

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